ד"ר שרה פרמן

סגל אקדמי בכיר בחוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת
חוג למודי הפרעות בתקשורת סגל אקדמי בכיר

מידע כללי

מידע כללי

אני קלינאית תקשורת, חברה בסגל הבכיר בחוג להפרעות בתקשורת באוניברסיטת תל-אביב. ההוראה והמחקר שלי מתמקדים בתהליכי למידה וזיכרון המעורבים בלמידה של מרכיבי שפה ודיבור שונים, באוכלוסיות טיפוסיות וחריגות.

קורות חיים



1971-1975, B.A.: Tel Aviv University, Communication Disorders 

1975-1981, M.A.: Tel Aviv University, Communication Disorders         

Master’s thesis: Auditory potentials of the auditory nerve and the brainstem in insulin-dependent diabetics. supervisor: Prof. Moshe Rubinstein

1999-2005, PhD: The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, School of Education & Brain Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science                                                

Doctoral dissertation: Learning language as a skill: Long-term learning of an artificial morphological rule in children and in adults.

Supervisors:  Prof. Avi Karni, Weizmann Institute of Science and Prof. Elite Olshtain, Hebrew University

2006-2007, Post-doctoral affiliation. Department of Communication Disorders, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Mentor: Prof. Liat Kishon-Rabin



1975-2011- Lecturer and supervisor of M.A. projects, Levinsky College of Education, Tel Aviv.

1981-2011- Lecturer, Achva Academic College of Education, Beer Tuvya.

2009-present -Lecturer and supervisor of M.A. projects in special education and Developmental Psychology, Center for Academic Studies, Or Yehuda.

2007-2012 - Teaching Fellow B, Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University.

2012- present: Senior teacher, Department of Communication Disorders, Tel Aviv University. Supervising final projects at the undergraduate level. Supervising final projects (without theses) and M.A. theses



Seminar: Selected Topics in Language Disorders (M.A. level)

Learning Memory and Language (B.A. level)

Speech and Language seminars (B.A. level)

Guided Reading and Writing (B.A. level)


A member in international projects

2015-2019 - COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

ACTION IS1406 titled "Enhancing children's oral language skills across Europe and beyond - a collaboration focusing on interventions for children with difficulties learning their first language".

2012–2019 - An active member of Child Language Committee of the IALP (International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics.


2019-present - An active member of ASD Committee of the IALP (International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics).


Awards and Scholarships

Submitted together with Prof. Esther Adi-Japha, Bar Ilan University

The effect of socioeconomic status on skill learning: A developmental study in the motor and linguistic domain. Israel Science Foundation. NIS 270,000.

2011-2012 – Together with Prof. Liat Kishon-Rabin, Department of Communication Disorders, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. Is the underlying deficits of children with SLI specific to the language domain: The role of the procedural and declarative memory systems in learning of a linguistic and a non-linguistic auditory tasks. Research grant, Chief scientist office, Ministry of Health, NIS 300,000.

2009-2011. How do children with specific language impairment learn a new linguistic skill: Evidence from learning an artificial morphological rule. Research grant, the research committee of The MOFET Institute, and by the Department of Teacher Education at the Ministry of Education, NIS 39,000.

2006-2007 - The effect of explicit instruction on the acquisition of a linguistic skill: Evidence from learning an artificial morphological rule in children. Research grant, the research committee of The MOFET Institute, and by the Department of Teacher Education at the Ministry of Education. NIS 32,800.

2004-2005 - The effect of the nature of stimuli on the ability to acquire a linguistic skill: Evidence from the acquisition of an invented linguistic rule in children. Research grant, the research committee of The MOFET Institute, and by the Department of Teacher Education at the Ministry of Education. NIS 32,000.

2002-2003 - Learning language as a skill: Long-term learning of an artificial morphological rule in children and in adults. Research grant, the Ministry of Education’s Science grant. NIS 70,000.

2001-2002 - Research grant for doctoral studies from the Department of Special Education, School of Education, The Hebrew University, NIS 35,000.

1999-2000 - Research grant for doctoral research from the Levin Foundation for the Normal Physical and Psychological Development of Children and Adolescents, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. NIS 35,000.

תחומי מחקר

תחומי המחקר

מוקד המחקר שלי הוא הבנה של מאפיינים ומגבלות של מערכות הלמידה והזיכרון לטווח ארוך (הפרוצדוראלית והדקלרטיבית) בלמידה של מטלות שפה שונות כגון מילים וחוקים, באוכלוסיות טיפוסיות ולקויות (ליקוי שפה התפתחותי, אוטיזם, מיצב נמוך). למטרה זו אני משתמשת בשפה מלאכותית: חוק מורפולוגי מלאכותי ומילים מלאכותיות. אני מתעניינת בתנאי הלמידה שיכולים להשפיע על היכולת ללמוד מטלות שפתיות. לאחרונה אני גם מנסה לפתח תכניות התערבות בבוגרים וילדים עם גמגום או בעיות שליפה על בסיס האצת דיבור.  



Ferman, S., Kishon-Rabin, L., Ganot-Budaga, H., Karni, A. (In revision). Deficits in explicit language problem solving rather than in implicit learning in SLI: Evidence from learning an artificial morphological rule. Journal of Speech, Language & Hearing research.

Zaltz, Y., Amira Shmuel, S., & Ferman, S. (submitted). The effects of different feedback types on children’s learning of an Artificial morphological rule.  Journal of Memory and Language.

Ferman, S. & Bar-On, A. (2017). Children with ASD show difficulties when required to use phonological and morphological information in reading pseudowords. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 69 (1-2), pp. 54-66.


Gillon, G., Hyter, Y., Y., Fernandes, F. D., Ferman, S., Hus, Y., Petinou, K.,& Westerveld, M. (2017). International survey of speech-language pathologists’ practices in working with children with autism spectrum disorder. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 69(1-2), 8-19.‏

Ferman, S. & Karni, A. (2014). Explicit vs. implicit instruction: which is preferable for learning an artificial morphological rule in children? Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Brain, Cognition and Language Connection: Current Issues in Child Language, 66, 77-87.                                                                                                

Ferman, S. & Karni (2014). Children are inferior to adults in acquiring an artificial morphological rule even when afforded supporting learning conditions (Abstract). Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society. Published Online by Cambridge University Press.                                                                             

Ferman, S. & Karni, A. (2012). The effect of explicit instruction on the acquisition of a morphological rule in children: Evidence from learning an artificial morphological rule. Literacy and Language, 4, 95-118. [in Hebrew].

Ferman, S. & Karni, A. (2012). Procedural and declarative memory in the acquisition of morphological knowledge: A model for second language acquisition in adults. In M. Leikin, M. Schwartz & Y. Tobin, (Eds.). Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-Linguistic Perspectives. Springer Publication. pp. 201-216.

Adi-Japha, E., Ferman, S., Dorfberger, S., & Karni A. (2011). Skill acquisition and the formation of long term memory in children and in adults: Is the process more effective in children? In O. Korat & D. Aram (Eds.) Literacy and language: relations, bilingualism and difficulties. Jerusalem: Magnes, the Hebrew University. pp. 109-125. [in Hebrew].

Ferman, S. & Karni, A. (2010). No Childhood Advantage in the Acquisition of Skill in Using an Artificial Language Rule. PLoS ONE 5(10) e13648. Accessed October 27, 2010.                                                                                           

Ferman, S., Olshtain, E., Schechtman, E., & Karni, A. (2009). The acquisition of a linguistic skill by adults: procedural and declarative memory interact in the learning of an artificial morphological rule. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 22: 384-412.                                                                                                                                                                            



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