פרופ' רות ברמן

אמריטוס בפנסיה
פנסיה אמריטוס
פרופ' רות ברמן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405019
פקס: 03-6405109
משרד: ביה"ס לשפות, 408

מידע כללי

נולדה בקייפטאון שבדרום אפריקה ועלתה לארץ ב-1954, לאחר שסיימה לימודים לתואר בוגר באוניברסיטת קייפטאון. את לימודיה לתואר מוסמך השלימה באוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק בשנת 1964 ותואר דוקטור קיבלה מהחוג ללשון עברית באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים בשנת 1973. לאחר שעלתה לארץ נענתה לקריאתה של המחנכת ד"ר פועה מנצ'ל להצטרף למפעל החינוכי בנגב, והייתה מורה לאנגלית בבית הספר התיכון הראשון בבאר שבע. הישגיה בעבודה זיכו אותה במלגה של המועצה הבריטית ללימודים באוניברסיטת אדינבורו, ושם נחשפה ללימודי הבלשנות החדשה אצל בלשנים דגולים כמו פירת', האלידיי וליונס. עם שובה לארץ הייתה מפקחת על הוראת האנגלית ביישובים החדשים בנגב. בעת שהשלימה את לימודיה לתואר שני הקימה וניהלה את המדור להוראת האנגלית כשפה שנייה בבית הספר הבינלאומי של האו"ם.

בשובה לארץ הקימה באוניברסיטת תל-אביב את המגמה ללימודי לשון ובהמשך המחלקה לבלשנות בהשראת הבלשנות האמריקנית החדשה ועמדה בראש פרויקט להכנת סדרה ייחודית של ספרי לימוד להוראת השפה האנגלית בבתי הספר בישראל. היא פעלה להוראת האנגלית על בסיס עקרונות הבלשנות המעמתת, תוך השוואתם של מאפייני העברית  כשפת מקור למאפייני האנגלית כשפת היעד.

משנות השבעים התמקדה בחקר העברית החדשה על מגוון תחומיה, ומשנות השמונים החלה לחקור את רכישת העברית כשפת אֵם. ספרה Modern Hebrew Structure, שראה אור ב-1978, משמש עד היום מקור למחקרים בתחום. בהמשך החלה לחקור את רכישת העברית כשפת אֵם בקרב ילדים בגיל הרך בארץ.

ב-1983 התמנתה לפרופסור חבר בבלשנות באוניברסיטת תל-אביב, וב-1989 — לפרופסור מן המניין. היא הקימה את החוג לבלשנות באוניברסיטה והייתה חברה בוועדות מרכזיות בפקולטה למדעי הרוח ובוועדות כלל-אוניברסיטאיות.

עם פרישתה מהוראה באוניברסיטה בשנת 2004 עמיתיה ותלמידיה ערכו לכבודה ספר יובל, ובו הודפסו פרקים נבחרים מתוך מגוון תחומי המחקר שלה במשך חמישה עשורים.  עבודתה זיכתה אותה בפרסים מטעם מוסדות וארגונים מובילים בעולם, בין היתר פרס הומבולדט היוקרתי, נשיאות האגודה הביןלאומית לשפת ילדים (IASCL), חברות כבוד באגודה האמריקנית לבלשנות. בישראל היא חברה באקדמיה הלאומית למדעים, בעלת דוקטור כבוד מאוניברסיטת חיפה, וכלת פרס א.מ.ת. (2013). פרופ' ברמן היא כלת פרס ישראל בבלשנות לשנת תשפ"ב.


Curriculum Vitae



Born Cape Town, South Africa

Resident of Israel since 1954, Widow, one child


Higher Education


B.A. with distinction, University of Cape Town - Languages & Literature


Teaching Diploma, Hebrew University, Jerusalem - English Language


Diploma in Applied Linguistics, with distinction, University of Edinburgh

Dissertation: A comparative analysis of English verb usage in fiction and the sciences [Supervisor: M.A.K. Halliday]


Graduate Studies in Educational Research, Hebrew University, Jerusalem


M.A., Columbia University, New York - Linguistics, 2nd Language Learning

Dissertation: British linguistic theory and language learning [Supervisor: R.L. Allen]


Ph.D., Hebrew University, Jerusalem - Hebrew Language and Linguistics

Dissertation: Verbal nouns in Modern Hebrew [in Hebrew] [Supervisor: Uzzi Ornan]


Professional Positions


Teacher of English as a Second Language, Beersheva High School


English Counselor, Israel Ministry of Education

Research Assistant, Hebrew University School of Education


Division Head, English as a Second Language, UN International School, New York


Instructor, English Language and Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University


Head, English Language Teaching Materials Unit, Tel-Aviv University

Consultant, English language programs, Educational Television, Israel


Lecturer, Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University


Linguistics Consultant, Open University, Israel


Senior Lecturer, Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University


Associate Professor, Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University


Professor, Linguistics, Tel-Aviv University


Tel Aviv University Chair in Language Across the Life Span


Senate representative, Tel Aviv University Steering Committee


Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University


Chair, Advisory committee on Language and Literary, Israel Initiative for Applied Education Research


Expert Consultant, Grup de Recerca per a l’Estudi del Repertori Lingűistic (GRERLI), section of Grup de recerca consolidat (GRC), University of Barcelona  –  sponsored by Grups de Recerca de Catalunya (SGR)


Academic Consultant, Open University Israel course on Language Acquisition in Normally-Developing and Language-Impaired Populations


Chair, Committee on Grants in Language and Linguistics, Israel Science Foundation


Member, ad hoc Committee for Evaluation of Linguistics Studies in Israel, Council for Higher Education, Israel

2013 –

Member, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities


Coordinator, Young Scholars’ Forum in Linguistics, Israel Academy of Science and Humanities


Visiting Positions


Visiting Lecturer, Near Eastern Studies, University of California at Berkeley


Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, Hebrew University     


Visiting Associate Professor, Near Eastern Studies, and Research Associate in Cognitive Science, University of California at Berkeley

Fall 1994

Visiting Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Spring 1995

Visiting Professor - University of Southern California, Linguistics


Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Barcelona


Research Associate, Laboratoire dynamique du langage, Université Lumière Lyon2


Grants and Awards


University of Cape Town, distinguished graduate award;

French Embassy, Cape Town, French studies medal


British Council, Israel, scholarship for postgraduate study in Applied Linguistics, University of Edinburgh


American Council of Learned Societies, grant to participate in Linguistic Institute

1970, 72

Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, grants for doctoral research


Israel Academy of Sciences, Basic Research Fund [ISF] Grant for study of Language loss, with E. Olshtain, Tel Aviv University


Child Development Studies, Yael Anna Foundation Grant for adaptation of language assessment scale


U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation [BSF] Grant for study of Acquisition of tense/aspect, with D. I. Slobin, UC Berkeley


National Science Foundation [NSF]


Grants for crosslinguistic study of Temporality in narrative, with D. I. Slobin


German-Israel Binational Science Foundation [GIF] Grant for study of Crosslinguistic acquisition of word order, with J. Weissenborn, Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen                      


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [DFG] Grant for study of Continuity and discontinuity in acquisition of French, German, and Hebrew, with J. Weissenborn


U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation [BSF] Grant for study of Lexical productivity, with E. V. Clark, Stanford University


Max-Planck Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiflung and the Max-Planck Gesellschaft, with Dr. J. Weissenborn

Grant for Crosslinguistic study of acquisition of verb-argument structure


Tel Aviv University "Keshet" (upgrading of infrastructure)

Grant for Hebrew child language data-base coding and analysis


Israel Academy of Sciences, Basic Research Fund [ISF] Grant for study of The oral/literate continuum, with Dorit Ravid


Spencer Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, Major Research Grant, Principal Investigator – International Project (seven countries) on Developing literacy in different contexts and in different languages


Academic Achievements Award, South African Zionist Federation


Bousière du gouvernement français au Laboratoire dynamique du langage (Egide), Université Lyon 2 et CNRS


Israel Ministry of Education Grant for study of Linguistic register, with Dorit Ravid


Israel Foundations Trustees, Grant for study of Sociolinguistic variation in developing text production abilities, with Dorit Ravid


U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation [BSF] Grant for study of Developing language and discourse abilities in pre-adolescence: A cross-linguistic study of different populations, with Marilyn Nippold, University of Oregon, and Dorit Ravid, Tel Aviv University


German-Israel Foundation for Research and Development [GIF] Grant for study of Advanced learner language: Cross-linguistic perspectives, with Christiane von Stutterheim, University of Heidelberg


Israel Science Foundation [ISF] Grant for study of the Morphology-semantics interface in the mental lexicon


Tel Aviv University Keren Idud research-support fund    


Israel Science Foundation [ISF] Grant for study of Clause-combining in Hebrew from early childhood to adolescence with Bracha Nir, University of Haifa


EMET Prize for Science, Art, and Culture  –  Linguistics


Honorary Doctorate, University of Haifa


Israel Prize - Linguistics


Professional Affiliations

Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Life member 2013 –

Linguistic Society of America Honorary life member, 2011  – 

Spanish Association for Study of Language Acquisition Honorary life member, 2010  –

Israel Academy of Sciences and Rothschild Foundation,  Chair, Advisory Board, 2006-2009

Applied Education Research Initiative on Language and Literacy U.S.-Israel Educational Foundation [Fulbright] Board of directors, 1992-1994

International Association for the Study of Child Language:

   President 1993-1996

   Executive Committee 1987-1993

Tel Aviv Univ. Unit for Human Development & Education Founding member, Advisory Board

Israel Center for Educational Technology  Advisory Board – dictionary

Israel Association of Applied Linguistics Founding member

Israel Association of Theoretical Linguistics

Research Interests

Language acquisition, later language development, Modern Hebrew, cross-linguistic comparisons, functional linguistics, discourse analysis, genre theory

Ruth Berman, née Aronson - Publications

Books and Monographs


G. Cohen & R. Aronson. The Teaching of English in Israel: A Survey. Jerusalem: Hebrew University  John Dewey School of Education, 394 pp.


R. A. Berman. Modern Hebrew Structure. Tel Aviv: University Publishing Projects,  452 pp.


R. A. Berman. Acquisition of Hebrew. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 116 pp. [Also in D. I. Slobin, ed. Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition, Volume I, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 255-371]


R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. Relating Events in Narrative: A Crosslinguistic Developmental Study.  Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 748 pp.


In press

L. Tolchinsky & R. A. Berman. Language Use and Development after Age Five. Oxford University Press.


Edited Volumes


R. Aronson, English for Speakers of Hebrew series (Intermediate and Advanced Level textbooks and teacher manuals): Tel Aviv University and Israel Ministry of Education and Culture.


R. A. Berman & L. Verhoeven, Editors, Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, Parts 1 and 2. [Special Issue on Cross-linguistic Perspectives on the Development of Text Production Abilities in Speech and Writing].


R. A. Berman, Editor, Language Development across Childhood and Adolescence: Psycholinguistic and Crosslinguistic Perspectives. Trends in Language Acquisition Research (TiLAR), Volume 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


R. A. Berman, Editor, Journal of Pragmatics, 37, 2. [Special Issue on Developing Discourse Stance across Adolescence].


R. A. Berman, Editor, Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: Infancy to Adolescence. Trends in Language Acquisition Research series (TiLAR), Volume 19. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


R.A. Berman, Editor, Language Change and Variation. Jerusalem: Academy of Sciences and Humanities [in Hebrew]


R.A. Berman, Editor. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


Articles, Chapters, Reviews


R. Aronson. "The predictability of vowel patterns in Hebrew". Glossa, 3, 127-145


R. Aronson. "What a speaker knows". Alon Lemorim LeAnglit 8, [English Teachers’ Bulletin]. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education, pp. 56-65. [in Hebrew]


R. A. Berman. "A proposal for formulating concord rules in Modern Hebrew". Hebrew      Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 8, pp. 1-17. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Action nominal and infinitives in Modern Hebrew", I and II. Leshonenu, 39, pp. 99-122; pp. 217-235. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Review of An Introduction to Transformational Syntax, by Roger Fowler". Language, 50, 2, pp. 372-376.


R. A. Berman. "Lexical entries for verbs, roots, and conjugations". In U. Ornan & B-Z. Fischler, Sefer Rosen. Jerusalem: Council on the Teaching of Hebrew, pp. 25-36.  [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Morphological realization of syntactic processes in the verb system". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 9, pp. 25-39. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Analytic syntax: A technique for advanced level reading". TESOL Quarterly, 9, pp. 243-251.
[Reprinted in: R.Mackey, B. Barkman, & R.Jordan, eds., 1979. Reading in a Second Language. Rowley, Mass: Newbury, pp. 178-186.]


R. A. Berman. "Review of Introduction to Transformational Grammar by Chen & Dror". Leshonenu, 41, pp. 61-70. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "On derived and deriving nominals in Modern Hebrew". In P. Cole, ed. Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax and semantics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 57-98.

R. A. Berman & A. Grosu. "Aspects of the copula in Modern Hebrew". In P. Cole, ed. Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax and semantics. Amsterdam: North-Holland, pp. 265-284.


R. A. Berman. "Natural phonological processes at the one-word stage". Lingua, 43, pp. 1-21.


R. A. Berman. "Early verbs: How and why a child uses her first words". International Journal of Psycholinguistics, 5, pp. 21-29.

R. A. Berman. "Contrastive analysis revisited: Obligatory, systematic, and incidental differences between languages". Interlanguage Studies Bulletin, 3, pp. 2l2-233.

R. A. Berman. "Relations of case and government in Modern Hebrew". Orchot, 10, pp. 33-52. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Review of The Syntax of the Sentence by Y. Cadqa". Leshonenu, 43, pp. 224-228. [in Hebrew]


R. A. Berman. "Lexical decomposition and lexical unity in the expression of derived verbal categories in Modern Hebrew". Journal of Afroasiatic Linguistics, 6, pp. 1-26.

R. A. Berman. "Rule of grammar or rule of thumb? On the nature of pedagogic grammars". International Review of Applied Linguistics, 17, pp. 279-302.

R. A. Berman. "Form and function: Passives, middles, and impersonals in Modern Hebrew". Berkeley Linguistic Society, 5, pp. 1-27.

R. A. Berman. "The (re)emergence of a bilingual: Case-study of a Hebrew-English child". Working Papers in Bilingualism, 19, pp. 157-179. [Reprinted by ERIC, 1980]

R. A. Berman. "Review of Hebrew Semantics, by G. Tsarfati". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 15, pp. 60-73. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Review of Hebrew Syntax in Light of Modern Theories, by Y. Cadqa". Leshonenu, 43, pp. 224-28. [in Hebrew]


R. A. Berman. "Postposing, lexical repetition, and the like: A study in contrastive stylistics". Applied Linguistics Journal, Israel, 2, pp. 3-26.

R. A. Berman. "On the category of auxiliary in Modern Hebrew". Hebrew Annual Review, 4, pp. 15-37.

R. A. Berman. "The case of an (S)VO language: Subjectless constructions in Modern Hebrew". Language, 56, pp. 759-776.

R. A. Berman. "Child language as evidence for grammatical description: Preschoolers' construal of transitivity in Hebrew". Linguistics, 18, pp. 677-701.

R. A. Berman & R. Stock. "The SL/FL Curriculum Developer as a Revolutionary". The Linguistics Reporter.

R. A. Berman. "How hard is it to read? Syntactic complexity as a source of reading difficulty". Cahiérs Linguistiques d'Ottawa, 8, pp. 21-42.


R. A. Berman. "Regularity vs. anomaly: The acquisition of inflectional morphology". Journal of Child Language, 8, pp. 265-282.

R. A. Berman. "Language development and language knowledge: Evidence from acquisition of Hebrew morphophonology". Journal of Child Language, 8, pp. 609-26.

R. A. Berman. "Children's regularization of plural forms in the Hebrew noun system". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 20, pp. 34-44.

R. A. Berman & Y. Sagi. "Children’s word-formation and lexical innovations". Hebrew Computational Linguistics Bulletin, 18, pp. 31-62. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Children's discourse style: Stories of a six-year old". In S. Blum-Kulka, Y. Tobin, & R. Nir, eds. Studies in Discourse Analysis. Jerusalem: Akademon, pp. 177-212. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "On the role of prepositions in Modern Hebrew syntax". In M. Nahir, ed. Hebrew Teaching and Applied Linguistics. University Press of America, pp. 253-276.


R. A. Berman. "Verb-pattern alternation: The interface of morphology, syntax, and semantics in Hebrew child language". Journal of Child Language, 9, pp. 169-191.

E. Dromi & R. A. Berman. "A morphemic measure of early language development". Journal of Child Language, 9, pp. 403-424.

R. A. Berman, B. F. Hecht, & E. V. Clark. "The acquisition of agent and instrument nouns in Hebrew". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 21, pp. 16-24.

R. A. Berman. "On the nature of oblique objects in bitransitive constructions". Lingua, 56, pp. 101-125.

R. A. Berman. "Dative marking of the affectee role". Hebrew Annual Review, 6, pp. 35-59.  [Revised from: Dative marking of the benefactee/malefactee in Modern Hebrew.  M.I.T. Working Papers in Linguistics, 3, 150-179, 1981]

R. A. Berman. "Review of P. Fletcher & M. Garman, eds. Language Acquisition: Studies in First Language Development". Lingua, 50, pp. 235-242.


R. A. Berman. "Establishing a schema: Children's construal of verb-tense marking". Language Sciences, 5, pp. 61-78.

R. A. Berman & E. Olshtain. "Features of first language transfer in L2 attrition". Applied Linguistics, 4, pp. 222-234.

R. A. Berman. "On the nature of oblique objects in bitransitive constructions". Lingua, 56, pp. 101-125.

R. A. Berman. "Review of S. Savic, How Twins Learn to Talk". Applied Linguistics, 3, pp. 267-269.


R. A. Berman. "On the study of first language acquisition". Language Learning, 33, 5, pp. 221-245. [Also in: A.Z. Guiora, ed. An Epistemology for the Language Sciences. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, pp. 221-245]

Clark, E.V. & R. A. Berman. "Structure and use in acquisition of word-formation". Language, 60, pp. 542-590.

R. A. Berman & E. Dromi. "On marking time without aspect in child language". Papers and Reports on Child Language Development, 23, pp. 23-32.

R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic first language perspectives on second language research". In R.W. Andersen, ed. Second Languages: A Crosslinguistic erspective. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, pp. 14-35.

R. A. Berman. "Review of S. Tavakolian, ed., Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition". Applied Linguistics, 4, pp. 166-172.

R. A. Berman. "Immature and adult perceptions of event-sequences in story-telling". Tel Aviv University Tense-Aspect Project.


R. A. Berman & E. Dromi. "Early syntax and beyond". Working Paper No. 46, Tel-Aviv University Unit of Human Development and Education.

R. A. Berman. "Acquisition of tense-aspect by Hebrew-speaking children". Final Report, Binational Science Foundation (BSF) US-Israel.

R. A. Berman. "Interference in FLT". In T. Husen & T.N. Hustlethwaite, eds. International Encylopedia of Education. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 1943-1945.

R. A. Berman. "Syntactic components of SL reading". In J.C. Alderson & A.H. Urquhart, eds. Reading in a Second Language. London: Longmans, pp. 139-156.


R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Lexicalization of noun compounds". Hebrew Linguistics, 24, pp. 5-22. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. " E. Dromi & R. A. Berman. "Language-general and language-specific in developing syntax". Journal of Child Language, 14, pp. 371-387.

A step-by-step model of language learning". In I. Levin, ed. Stage and Structure: Re-opening the Debate. Norwood, N.J: Ablex, pp. 191-219.

R. A. Berman. "The acquisition of morphology/syntax: A crosslinguistic perspective". In P. Fletcher & M. Garman, eds. Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press, pp. 429-447.

R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin, with M. Bamberg, E. Dromi, V. Marchman, Y. Neeman, T. Renner, E. Sebastian. "Coding Manual: Temporality in Discourse". University of California, Berkeley: Cognitive Science Institute Report.

R. A. Berman. "Cognitive components of language learning". In C. Pfaff, ed. Crosslinguistic Studies of Language Acquisition Processes. Rowley, Ma: Newbury, pp. 3-27.


R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. "Five ways of learning how to talk about events: A crosslinguistic study of children's narratives". University of California, Berkeley: Cognitive Science Report 46.

R. A. Berman. "Issues and problems in Modern Hebrew research". Praqim, 7, pp. 84-96. [in Hebrew]

E.V. Clark & R. A. Berman. "Types of linguistic knowledge: Interpreting and producing compound nouns". Journal of Child Language, 14, pp. 547-568.

R. A. Berman. "A developmental route: Learning about the form and use of complex nominals". Linguistics, 27, pp. 1057-1085.


R. A. Berman. "Productivity in the lexicon: New-word formation in Modern Hebrew". Folia Linguistica, 21, pp. 425-461.

R. A. Berman. "Word-class distinctions in developing grammars". In Y. Levy, I.M. Schlesinger, & M.D.S. Braine, eds. Categories and Processes in Language Acquisition. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 45-72.

R. A. Berman. "Language knowledge and language use: Binominal constructions in Modern Hebrew". General Linguistics, 28, 4, pp. 261-285.

R. A. Berman. "On the ability to relate events in narratives". Discourse Processes, 11, pp. 469-97.


R. A. Berman & E. V. Clark. "Learning to use compounds for contrast". First Language, 9, pp. 247-270.

R. A. Berman. "The role of blends in Modern Hebrew word-formation". In P. Wexler, A. Borg, S. Somekh, eds. Studia linguistica et orientalia memoriae Haim Blanc dedicata. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 45-61.


R. A. Berman. "Children's knowledge of verb-structure". Washington DC: ERIC Document Reproduction Service ED 312 903, FL 018 238.

R. A. Berman. "Acquiring an (S)VO language: Subjectless sentences in children's Hebrew". Linguistics, 28, pp. 1135-1166.


R. A. Berman. "In defense of development. Commentary on Stephen Crain: Language acquisition in the absence of experience". Brain and Behavior Sciences, 14, pp. 612-613.

R. A. Berman & J. Weissenborn. "Acquisition of word order: A crosslinguistic study". Final Report. German-Israel Foundation for Research and Development (GIF).

1992    R. A. Berman. "Modern Hebrew". In W. Bright, B. Comrie, & D. Crystal, eds. Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, pp. 1388-1395.

R. A. Berman. "Child language and language change". In U. Ornan, R. Ben-Shachar, & G. Toury, eds. Hebrew as a Living Language. Haifa University Press, pp. 9-22. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman & E.V. Clark. "Lexical productivity in children and adults". Final Report, Binational Science Foundation (BSF), Jerusalem.


R. A. Berman. "The development of language use: Expressing perspectives on a scene". In E. Dromi, ed. Language and Cognition: A Developmental Perspective; Norwood, NJ: Ablex, pp. 172-201.

R. A. Berman. "Marking of verb transitivity by Hebrew-speaking children". Journal of Child Language, 20, pp. 641-669.

R. A. Berman. "Developmental perspectives on transitivity: A confluence of cues". In Y. Levy, ed. Other Children, Other Languages: Issues in the Theory of Acquisition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 189-241.

R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic perspectives on native language acquisition". In K. Hyltenstam & A. Viberg, eds. Progression and Regression in Language: Sociocultural, Neuro-psychological, and Linguistic Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, pp. 245-266.


R. A. Berman & Y. Neeman. "Development of linguistic forms: Hebrew". In R. A. Berman & D. I. Slobin. Relating Events in Narrative: A Crosslinguistic Developmental Study. Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 285-328.

R. A. Berman. "Formal, lexical, and semantic factors in acquisition of Hebrew resultative participles". In S. Gahl, A. Dolbey, & C. Johnson, eds. Berkeley Linguistic Society, No. 20, pp. 82-92.


R. A. Berman. "Word-formation as evidence". In D. McLaughlin & S. McEwen, eds. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Vol. 1. Somerville, Mass: Cascadilla Press, pp. 82-95.

R. A. Berman. "The developmental paradox: How much and how little 5-year-olds know about language structure and language use". In L. Verhoeven & A. Teberosky, eds. Understanding Early Literacy: Developmental and Crosslinguistic Issues. Strassburg: ESF Networks, pp. 15-40.

R. A. Berman. "Aspects of Hebrew/English contrastive rhetoric". In H. Shyldkrot & L. Kupferman, eds. Tendances Récentes dans la linguiste française et générale. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 41-54.

R. A. Berman. "Narrative competence and storytelling performance: How children tell stories in different contexts". Journal of Narrative and Life History 5, 4, pp. 285-313.


R. A. Berman. "Form and function in developing narrative abilities: The case of ‘and’". In D. Slobin, J. Gerhardt, A. Kyratzis, & J. Guo, eds. Social Interaction, Context, and Language: Essays in Honor of Susan Ervin-Tripp. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 343-367.

R. A. Berman & S. Armon-Lotem. "How grammatical are early verbs?" In C. Martinot, ed. Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Franche-Comté: Actes du Colloque International sur l’Acquisition de la syntaxe, pp. 17-60.


R. A. Berman. "Introduction to language acquisition". In Y. Shimron, ed. Studies in the psychology of language: Language acquisition, Reading, and writing. Jerusalem: Magnes, pp. 23-35. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Theory and research in the acquisition of Hebrew as a first language". In Y. Shimron, ed., Studies in the psychology of language. Magnes, pp. 57-100. [in Hebrew]

Y. Shen & R. A. Berman. "From isolated event to action structure: Stages in narrative development". In Y. Shimron, ed., Studies in the psychology of language, Magnes, pp. 119-145. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Review of The origins of grammar: Evidence from early language development by K. Hirsh-Pasek and R. M. Golinkoff". Journal of Pragmatics, 27, pp. 699-709.

R. A. Berman. "Israeli Hebrew". In R. Hetzron, ed. The Semitic Languages. London: Routledge, pp. 312-333.

R. A. Berman. "Narrative theory and narrative development: The Labovian impact". Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, special issue, pp. 235-244.

R. A. Berman. "Preliterate knowledge of language". In C. Pontecorvo, ed. Writing Development: An Interdisciplinary View. John Benjamins, pp. 61-76.

R. A. Berman. "Developing form/function relations in narrative texts". Lenguas Modernas, 24, pp. 45-61.


R. A. Berman. "Typological perspectives on connectivity". In N. Dittmar & Z. Penner, eds. Issues in the theory of language acquisition. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 203-224.

R. A. Berman & I. Katzenberger. "Cognitive and linguistic factors in development of picture-series narration". In A. G. Ramat & M. Chini, eds. Organization of Learners’ Texts. Special Issue of Studia Iltaliani i Linguistica Teorica e Applicata, 27, pp. 21-47.


R. A. Berman. "Bilingual proficiency/proficient bilingualism: Insights from Hebrew-English narratives". In G. Extra & L. Verhoeven, eds. Bilingualism and Migration. Berlin: Mouton, pp. 187-208.

R. A. Berman. "Some comments on Tomasello’s comments: In response to M. Tomasello’s review of A construction grammar approach to verb-argument structure by A. Goldberg". Journal of Child Language, 25, pp. 458-462.

R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "The oral / literate continuum: Developmental perspectives". Final Report to Israel Science Foundation, Jerusalem.

R. A. Berman. "Children’s innovative verbs vs. nouns: Structured elicitations and spontaneous coinages". In L. Menn & N. Bernstein-Ratner, eds. Methods for Studying Language Production. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 69-93.


Uziel-Karl, S. & R. A. Berman. "Where’s ellipsis: Whether and why there are missing arguments in Hebrew child Language". Linguistics, 38, pp. 457-482.

Ruth Berman & Dorit Ravid. "Research in acquisition of Israeli Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic". Hebrew Studies, 41, pp. 83-98.

R. A. Berman. "Thematic perspectives on how children talk about interpersonal conflict". In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, E. Rosado, & L. Tolchinsky, eds., Developing literacy in different contexts and different languages, Working Papers, Vol. III, University of Barcelona, pp. 65-76.

R. A. Berman & R. Aisenman. "Rethinking lexical analysis". In M. Aparici, N. Argerich, E. Rosado, & L. Tolchinsky, eds, pp. 187-197.


R. A. Berman. "Setting the narrative scene: How children begin to tell a story". In A. Aksu-Koç, C. Johnson, & K. Nelson, eds. Children’s Language Vol. 10. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 1-31.

R. A. Berman. "Developing literacy in different contexts and in different languages". Final Report submitted to the Spencer Foundation, Chicago.

J. Kupersmitt & R. A. Berman. "Linguistic features of Spanish-Hebrew children’s narratives". In L. Verhoeven & S. Strömqvist, eds. Narrative development in a multilingual context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 277-317.

R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic perspectives on narrative development. Epilogue". In L. Verhoeven & S. Strömqvist, eds. Narrative development in a multilingual context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 419-428.


R. A. Berman & L. Verhoeven. "Developing text production abilities in speech and writing: Aims and methodology". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, pp. 1-44.

R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic comparisons in later language development". In S. Strömqvist, ed. The diversity of languages and language learning. Lund: Center for Languages and Literature, pp. 25-44.

R. A. Berman. "Commentary on Developing Linguistic Literacy: A Comprehensive Model by Dorit Ravid and Liliana Tolchinsky". Journal of Child Language, 29, pp. 453-457.

R. A. Berman, H. Ragnarsdóttir, & S. Strömqvist. "Discourse stance". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, 2, pp. 255-290.

J. S. Reilly, H. Jisa, E. Baruch, & R. A. Berman. "Modal expression of propositional attitudes". Written Languages and Literacy, Volume 5, 2, pp. 183-218.

R. A. Berman. "Crosslinguistic study of language acquisition". In N.J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (editors), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 5681-5686.


R. A. Berman. "Children’s lexical innovations: developmental perspectives on Hebrew verb-structure". In J. Shimron, ed. Language processing and language acquisition in a root-based morphology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 243-291.

R. A. Berman. "Integrated systems in language acquisition: The lexicon-syntax interface". In R. Ben-Shachar & G. Toury, eds. Hebrew as a Living Language, Volume 3. Tel Aviv: HaKibbutz HaMeuchad, pp. 67-86. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Modern Hebrew", revised version. In Languages of the World, edited by B. Comrie. Oxford International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, rev.ed. Oxford University Pess, pp. 118-23. 

D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Talking and writing about conflict situations across adolescence: A multidimensional analysis". In Y. Shlesinger & M. Muchnik, eds. Israel Association of Applied Linguistics Jubilee Volume, pp. 278-293. [in Hebrew]

D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "On modeling information density in narrative texts". In L. Lagerwerf, W. Spooren, & L. Degand, eds. Determination of information and tenor in texts: Multidisciplinary approaches to discourse 2003. Amsterdam: Stichhting Neerlandistiek, pp. 17-36.

S. Armon-Lotem & R. A. Berman. "The emergence of grammar: Early verbs and beyond". Journal of Child Language, 30, pp. 845-878.

R. A. Berman. "Genre and modality in developing discourse abilities". In C. L. Moder & A. Martinovic-Ziv, eds. Discourse across languages and cultures: Typological Studies in Language series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 329-356.


E. V. Clark & R. A. Berman. "Acquiring morphology". In G. Booij, C. Lehmann, & J. Mugdan, eds. Morphology Handbook on Inflection and Word Formation. Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 1795-1805.

R. A. Berman. "The role of context in developing narrative abilities". In S. Strömqvist & L. Verhoeven, eds. Relating events in narrative: Typological and contextual perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 261-280.

R. A. Berman & I. Katzenberger. "Form and function in introducing narrative and expository texts: A developmental perspective". Discourse Processes, 38, pp. 57-94.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Linguistic indicators of inter-genre differentiation in later language development". Journal of Child Language, 31, pp. 339-380.

R. A. Berman. "Between emergence and mastery: The long developmental route of language acquisition". In Language Development across Childhood and Adolescence. Trends in Language Acquisition Research, Vol 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 9-34.


R. A. Berman. "Introduction: Developing discourse stance in different text types and languages". In Journal of Pragmatics, 37, 2, pp. 105-124.


D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Information density in the development of spoken and written narratives in English and Hebrew". Discourse Processes 41, pp. 117-149.


L. Bar-Ilan & R. A. Berman. "Developing register differentiation: The Latinate-Germanic divide in English". Linguistics, 45, pp. 1-36.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Comparing narrative and expository text construction across adolescence: A developmental paradox". Discourse Processes, 43 (2), pp. 79-120.

R. A. Berman. "Developing language knowledge and language use across adolescence". In E. Hoff & M. Shatz, eds. Handbook of Language Development. London: Blackwell Publishing, pp. 346-367.

A. Ben-David & R. A. Berman. "Chapter 44: Hebrew". In S. McLeod, ed. The International Perspective on Speech Acquisition. Clifton Park, NY: Thomas Delmar Learning, pp. 437-456.

R. A. Berman, D. Ravid, & M. Nippold. "Developing language and discourse abilities in pre-adolescence". Final Report to the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation, Jerusalem, November.


B. Nir-Sagiv, L. Bar-Ilan, & R. A. Berman. "Vocabulary development across adolescence: Text-based analyses". In A. Stavans & I. Kupferberg, eds. Studies in Language and Language Education: Essays in Honor of Elite Olshtain. Jerusalem: Magnes Press, pp. 47-74.

B. Nir-Sagiv, M. Sternau, R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "School-age development of linguistic register as a distinguishing characteristic of text types across genre and modality". Israeli Journal of Literacy and Language 1, pp. 71-103. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman, L. Lustigman, & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Discourse analysis as a window on later language development". Israel Studies in Language & Society, 1, pp. 10-47. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Analyzing narrative informativeness in speech and writing". In A. Tyler, Y. Kim, & M. Takada, eds. Language in the Context of Use: Cognitive Approaches to Language and Language Learning. Mouton de Gruyter: The Hague [Cognitive Linguistics Research Series], pp. 79-101.

R. A. Berman. "The psycholinguistics of developing text construction". Journal of Child Language, 35, pp. 735-771.


R. A. Berman. "Beyond the sentence: Language development in narrative contexts". In E. Bavin, ed. Handbook of Child Language. Cambridge University Press, pp. 354-375.

R. A. Berman. "Linguistic, cognitive, and pragmatic issues in developing narrative abilities". Introduction to Section 2. In J. Guo, E. Lieven, S. Ervin-Tripp, N. Budwig, S. Özçalişkan, K. Nakamura, eds. Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan I. Slobin. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 119-126.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Clause-packaging in narratives: A crosslinguistic
developmental study". In J. Guo, et al. Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Psychology of Language: Research in the Tradition of Dan I. Slobin. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 149-162.

R. A. Berman. "Acquisition of compound constructions". In R. Lieber & P. Stekauer, eds. Handbook of Compounding. Oxford University Press, pp. 298-322.

R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Becoming a literate language user: Oral and written text construction across adolescence". In D. R. Olson & N. Torrance, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Literacy, pp. 92-111.

D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Developing linguistic register across text types:  The case of Modern Hebrew". Pragmatics and Cognition, 17, pp. 108-145.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "The language of expository texts: Developmental perspectives". In M. Nippold & C. Scott, eds. Expository Discourse in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Development and disorders. NY: Taylor & Francis, pp. 101-23.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Cognitive and linguistic factors in evaluating expository text quality: Global versus local?" In V. Evans & S. Pourcel, eds. New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 421-440.

R. A. Berman. "Trends in research on narrative development". In S. Foster-Cohen, ed. Advances in Language Acquisition. Bastingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan, pp. 294-318.


B. Nir-Sagiv & R. A. Berman. "Complex syntax as a window on contrastive rhetoric". Journal of Pragmatics, 42, pp. 744-765.

D. Ravid & R. A. Berman. "Developing noun phrase complexity across adolescence: A text-embedded analysis". First Language. 30 (1) pp. 1-29.

R. A. Berman & D. Ravid. "Interpretation and recall of proverbs in three school-age populations". First Language, 30 (2), pp. 155-173.

R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "The lexicon in speech-writing differentiation: Developmental perspectives". Written Language & Literacy, 13, pp. 181-203 [special issue on Speech, Writing, and Context].

B. Nir-Sagiv & R. A. Berman. "Parts of speech as constructions: The case of Hebrew 'adverbs'". Constructions and Frames, 2, 2, pp. 242-274 [special issue in honor of C. J. Fillmore, edited by K. Nikforidou & K. Ohara].


R. A. Berman & B. Nir-Sagiv. "Spoken and written language across the school years". In D. Aram & O. Korat, eds. Literacy and Language: Interactions, Bilingualism and Difficulties; Festschrift in Honor of Iris Levin, Volume I. Jerusalem: Magnes Press pp. 211-229. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman. "Revisiting impersonal constructions in Hebrew: Corpus-based perspectives". In A. Malchov & A. Serwieska, eds. The Typology of Impersonal Constructions. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 323-355.

R. A. Berman. "Language and literacy in adolescence". In J.R. Levesque, ed. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. Berlin: Springer, pp. 1320-1332.

R. A. Berman, R. Nayditz, & D. Ravid. "Linguistic diagnostics of written texts in two school-age populations". Written Language & Literacy, 14, pp. 161-187.

R.A. Berman & B. Nir. "Manner adverbials in Modern Hebrew: Text-based analyses". Helqat Lashon 43-44, pp. 178-200. [in Hebrew]

R. A. Berman & B. Seroussi. "Derived nouns in Hebrew: Structure, meaning, and psycholinguistic perspectives". In G. Fiorentino & B. Comrie, eds. Nouns and Nominalizations Cross-linguistically. Rivista di Linguistica 23.1, pp. 105-125.


R. A. Berman & L. Lustigman. "HARSP: A developmental language profile for Hebrew". In M. J. Ball, D. Crystal, & P. Fletcher, eds. Assessing Grammar: The Languages of LARSP  Communication Disorders across Languages Series: ultilingual Matters, pp. 43-76.

R. A. Berman. "Revisiting roots in Hebrew: A multi-faceted view" [in English]. In M. Muchnik & Z. Sadan. Studies on Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages in Honor of Ora (Rodriguez) Schwarzwald [in Hebrew]. Jerusalem: Carmel Press, pp. 132-158.


R. A. Berman. "First language acquisition with special reference to Hebrew". In G. Khan, ed. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Vol. I. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 15-25.

R. A. Berman. "Noun phrase constructions". In G. Khan, ed. Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics, Vol 4. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 894-899.


R.A. Berman. "Syntactic complexity: Development of clause-combining". In P. Brooks & V. Kempe, eds. Encyclopedia of Language Development. New York: Sage Publications, pp. 634-640.

R.A. Berman. "Cross-linguistic comparisons in child language research". Journal of Child Language, Special 40th Anniversary issue, pp. 26-38.

R.A. Berman & L. Lustigman. "Emergent clause-combining in adult-child interactional contexts". In I. Arnon, B. Estogarret. C. Kurumada, & M. Tice, eds. Language in Interaction: Studies in Honor of Eve V. Clark. Trends in Language Acquisition Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 281-299.

R. A. Berman. "Linguistic perspectives on writing development". In B. Arfé, J. Dockrell, & W.V. Berninger, eds. Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 16-32.

O. Davidi & R. A. Berman. "Writing abilities of pre-adolescents with and without language/learning impairment in restructuring an informative text". In B. Arfé, J. Dockrell, & W.V. Berninger, eds. Writing Development in Children with Hearing Loss, Dyslexia, or Oral Language Problems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-157.

L. Laks & R. A. Berman. "A new look at diglossia: Modality-driven distinctions between spoken and written narratives in Jordanian Arabic". In E. Saiegh-Haddad & M. Joshi, eds. Arabic Literacy: Theoretical Insights and Practical Challenges. Springer Science Publications, pp. 241-254.

R.A. Berman & B. Nir. "Clause combining in Hebrew from early childhood across adolescence: A usage-based approach". Final Report to Israel Science Foundation, Jerusalem.

R. A. Berman.  “The miracle of first language acquisition”.  Jerusalem:  Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, Igeret 36, pp. 13-22.  [in Hebrew]

R.A. Berman. "Acquiring and expressing temporality in Hebrew: A T/(M/A) Language". SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 11, 2, pp. 2-29.


D. Kaplan & R.A. Berman. "Developing linguistic flexibility across the school years". First Language 35, pp. 27-53.

L. Lustigman & R. A. Berman. "Form and function in early clause-combining”. Journal of Child Language 43, 157-185.

R.A. Berman. "The route to linguistic literacy". Israel Journal of Language and Literacy, pp. 45-73. [in Hebrew]


R.A. Berman. "Linguistic literacy and later language development". In J. Perera, M. Aparici, E. Rosado, & N. Salas, eds. Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan: Essays in Honor of Liliana Tolchinsky. New York: Springer Verlag, 181-200.

R. A. Berman. "Language development and use beyond the sentence". In E. Bavin & L. Naigles, eds. Cambridge Handbook of Language Development.  Cambridge University Press, 458-480.

R. A. Berman. “Typology, acquisition, and development:  The view from Israeli Hebrew”. In R. A. Berman (ed.) Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: Infancy to Adolescence. Trends In Language Acquisition Research Series (TiLAR 19). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1-38.


R. A. Berman. "Word class distinctiveness versus polycategoriality in Modern Hebrew: Psycholinguistic perspectives". In V. Vapnarsky & E. Veneziano, eds. Lexical Polycategoriality: Cross-linguistic, Cross-theoretical, and Language Acquisition Approaches..  Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 343-376.

R.A. Berman. “Developing construals of a narrative event sequence”.  In Ketrez, N., Küntay, A. C., Özçalışkan, S., & Özyürek, A. (eds). Social Environment and Cognition in Language Development: Studies in Honor of Ayhan Aksu-Koç.  Trends in Language Acquisition (TiLAR series). Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 199-222.

R. A. Berman. "Language development and literacy in adolescence”. In J.R. Levesque, ed. Encyclopedia of Adolescence. , 2nd revised edition, Berlin: Springer, L: 1-11.


R.A. Berman. "Development of complex syntax: From early clause-combining to text-embedded syntactic packaging”. In A. Bar-On & D. Ravid. Handbook of Language Disorders, Mouton de Gruyter, 235-256.

R.A. Berman. "Hommage à Annette Karmiloff-Smith / Homenaje a Annette Karmiloff-Smith". Infancia y Aprendizaje. 41 (1): 84-89.

R.A. Berman.  "From pre-grammaticality to proficiency in L1: Acquiring and developing Hebrew infinitives". Psychology of Language and Communication, 22 (1): 557-580


R.A. Berman & L. Lustigman. “Acquisition and development of verb/predicate  chaining in Hebrew”. Frontiers in Psychology, Volume 10, Article 2958, special issue on Clause-Chaining, eds. Hannah Servasy & Sabine Stoll.


S. Bolozky & R.A. Berman. “Parts of speech categories in Modern Hebrew”. In R.A. Berman,  ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

R.A. Berman. “Nominalization in Modern Hebrew”.  In R.A. Berman, ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

R.A. Berman. “Genitive smixut constructions in Modern Hebrew”.  In R.A. Berman, ed. Usage-Based Studies in Modern Hebrew: Morpho-lexicon and syntax. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Lustigman, L. & Berman, R. A. ”Levels of Integration in children’s early clause combining in Hebrew”. Language Learning and Development, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2020.1814781

Tolchinsky, L. Interview with Ruth Berman. Skaze Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 17 (5)


Ambridge B, Doherty L, Maitreyee R et al. “Testing a computational model of causative overgeneralizations: Child judgment and production data from English, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese and K’iche’” [version 2; peer review: 3 approved with reservations]. Open Research Europe 2022, 1:1 (https://doi.org/10.12688/openreseurope.13008.2)

Berman, R.A. Developmental pathways in child and adult Hebrew: The case of the subordinator še-Levie, R. Bar-On, A., Ashkenazi, O., Dattner, E., & Brandes, G. (eds.), Developing Language and Literacy: Studies in Honor of Dorit Diskin Ravid. Springer Verlag.

In Press:

Concatenating morphology in Hebrew: Insights from children’s innovations. La revue Radical

Under Review:

Learning to write in Hebrew

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