פרופ' יהודית רשפון ז"ל

אמריטוס במקרוביולוגיה מולקולרית
מקרוביולוגיה מולקולרית אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' יהודית רשפון ז"ל
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409366
טלפון נוסף: 03-6407525
פקס: 03-6409407
משרד: גרין ביוטכנו, 234



1969 B.Sc. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, Chemistry

1972 M.Sc Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, Chemistry

1978 Ph.D. Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, Chemistry

Title of Master Thesis: "Electrochemical Study of the System Cystine-Cystein Free and Bound in Polypeptide Chain".

Name of Supervisor: Professor I.R. Miller


Title of Doctoral Thesis: "Electrochemical Methods for Studying the Penetration of Proteins and Peptides into Lipid Monolayers".

Name of Supervisor: Professor I. R. Miller


Academic and Professional Experience:

1977 Investigator, Research Product, Rehovot

1978-1979 Post Doc., Soil Science, Hebrew University (Jerusalem) & Faculty of Agriculture (Rehovot)

1978 Physics Teacher, Hebrew University (Jerusalem) & Faculty of Agriculture (Rehovot)

1979-1980 Researcher, Extraterrestial biology, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California, USA

1980-1984 Researcher, Department of Chemistry, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv

1984-1987 Researcher, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv

1987-1993 Senior Lecturer, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv

1988-1994 Collaborator visiting scientist, Electronic research, Los Alamos Natl. Lab,NM, USA

1993-2001 Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv

2001- present Professor, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv


Research Interests

Professor Rishpon¹s research is centered on the fundamentals of biological interactions at solid-liquid interfaces with emphasis on electrochemical biosensors.


Current research includes:

  • Novel immunosensors based on enzyme channeling.
  • Biosensors based on enzyme cascades.
  • Electrochemical and optical investigation of the electron transfer reactions of macrocyclic and polymeric mediators and application of their catalytic activity in biosensors.
  • NO sensors; Investigation of the action of the enzyme nitric oxide synthase; measurement of NO in cancer cells.
  • Electrochemical on-line monitoring of gene expression and its application in the detection of environmental pollutants.
  • Interactions of estrogen and xenoestrogen with their hormone-receptors in lipid layers.
  • Biosensors to identify infectious diseases.
  • Biosensors to detect environmental pollutants.
  • Biosensors to detect food safety.
  • Optical evanescent wave biosensors (in cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering).
  • Investigation of tuberculosis KatG peroxidase-catalase reaction and its role in the resistance to isoniazide, the current treatment of choice.


Recent Publications

Barak-Shinar, D., Rosenfeld, M., Rishpon, J., Neufeld, T., and Abboud, S. Computational fluid dynamic model of diffusion and convection processes in electrochemical sensor. Ieee Sensors Journal, 4: 65-71, 2004.


Schwartz-Mittelmann, A., Neufeld, T., Biran, D., and Rishpon, J. Electrochemical detection of protein-protein interactions using a yeast two hybrid: 17-beta-estradiol as a model. Analytical Biochemistry, 317: 34-39, 2003.


Paitan, Y., Biran, D., Biran, I., Shechter, N., Babai, R., Rishpon, J., and Ron, E. Z. On-line and in situ biosensors for monitoring environmental pollution. Biotechnology Advances, 22: 27-33, 2003.


Neufeld, T., Schwartz-Mittelmann, A., Biran, D., Ron, E. Z., and Rishpon, J. Combined phage typing and amperometric detection of released enzymatic activity for the specific identification and quantification of bacteria. Analytical Chemistry, 75: 580-585, 2003.


Mittelmann, A. S., Ron, E. Z., and Rishpon, J. Amperometric quantification of total coliforms and specific detection of Escherichia coli. Analytical Chemistry, 74: 903-907, 2002.


Granek, V. and Rishpon, J. Detecting endocrine-disrupting compounds by fast impedance measurements. Environmental Science & Technology, 36: 1574-1578, 2002.


Campbell, C. E. and Rishpon, J. NADH oxidation at the honey-comb like structure of active carbon: Coupled to formaldehyde and sorbitol dehydrogenases. Electroanalysis, 13: 17-20, 2001.


Benhar, I., Eshkenazi, I., Neufeld, T., Opatowsky, J., Shaky, S., and Rishpon, J. Recombinant single chain antibodies in bioelectrochemical sensors. Talanta, 55: 899-907, 2001.


Zilbermann, I., Hayon, J., Katchalski, T., Ydgar, R., Rishpon, J., Shames, A. I., Korin, E., and Bettelheim, A. Spectroscopic and electrochemical characterization of the interaction of nitrogen monoxide and cobalt tetrasulfonated phthalocyanine in aqueous solutions and surfactant films. Inorganica Chimica Acta, 305: 53-60, 2000.


Sacks, V., Eshkenazi, I., Neufeld, T., Dosoretz, C., and Rishpon, J. Immobilized parathion hydrolase: An amperometric sensor for parathion. Analytical Chemistry, 72: 2055-2058, 2000.


Neufeld, T., Eshkenazi, I., Cohen, E., and Rishpon, J. A micro flow injection electrochemical biosensor for organophosphorus pesticides. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 15: 323-329, 2000.


Herschkovitz, Y., Eshkenazi, I., Campbell, C. E., and Rishpon, J. An electrochemical biosensor for formaldehyde. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 491: 182-187, 2000.


Eshkenazi, I., Maltz, E., Zion, B., and Rishpon, J. A three-cascaded-enzymes biosensor to determine lactose concentration in raw milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 83: 1939-1945, 2000.


Eshkenazi, I., Sacks, V., Neufeld, T., and Rishpon, J. Amperometric biosensors based on microflow injection system. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 89: 217-230, 2000.


Biran, I., Babai, R., Levcov, K., Rishpon, J., and Ron, E. Z. Online and in situ monitoring of environmental pollutants: electrochemical biosensing of cadmium. Environmental Microbiology, 2: 285-290, 2000.


Biran, I., Klimentiy, L., Hengge-Aronis, R., Ron, E. Z., and Rishpon, J. On-line monitoring of gene expression. Microbiology-Uk, 145: 2129-2133, 1999.


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