פרופ' שלמה בונימוביץ

סגל אקדמי בכיר בארכיאולוגיה
ארכיאולוגיה סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' שלמה בונימוביץ
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409590


Professor of Archaeology




BA - Tel Aviv University, 1977
MA - Tel Aviv University, 1983
Ph.D. - Tel Aviv University, 1989
Ph.D. Dissertation: The Land of Israel in the Late Bronze Age - A Case Study of Socio-Cultural Change in a Complex Society.



Research Fields and Interests

Fields of Teaching and Research

  • Archaeology of Israel in the Bronze and Iron Ages
  • Aegean and Cypriote archaeology
  • Theory in archaeology

Current Projects

Tel Beth-Shemesh Excavations


Research Students

1999 – A. Faust.

2002 – A. Yasur-Landau.

2003 – Y. Paz.

2006 – Y. Peleg.

2007 – Z. Greenhut.

2010 – S. Paz.

2011 – A. Golani.



1995 – A. Faust

2005 – S. Paz

2013 – G. Jaffe

2011 – N. Reshef

2015 – S. Levavi-Eilat.

In preparation – R. Raveh

In preparation – O. Zeevi


Selected Publications




Finkelstein, I., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. eds. 1993. Shiloh: The Archaeology of a Biblical Site. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University No. 10). Tel Aviv.


Finkelstein, I., Lederman, Z. and Bunimovitz, S. 1997. Highlands of Many Cultures. The Southern Samaria Survey. The Sites. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University No. 14). Tel Aviv.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2016. Tel Beth-Shemesh: A Border Community in Judah. Renewed Excavations 1990-2000: The Iron Age. (Monograph Series of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, No. 34). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.


Mackenzie, D.†, Bunimovitz, S., Lederman, Z. and Momigliano, N. 2016. The Excavations of Beth-Shemmesh, November-December 1912 (PEF Annual XIII). London: Rutledge.


Articles & Chapters in Books

Bunimovitz, S. 1983. Glacis 10014 and Gezer’s Late Bronze Age Fortifications.Tel Aviv 10: 61-


Bunimovitz, S. 1988-1989. An Egyptian “Governor’s Residency” at Gezer? – Another  Suggestion. Tel Aviv 15-16: 68-76.


Bunimovitz, S. 1990. Problems in the "Ethnic" Identification of the Philistine Cultures. Tel Aviv 17:   210-222.


Bunimovitz, S. 1992. The Middle Bronze Age Fortifications in Palestine as a Social Phenomenon. Tel Aviv 19: 221-234.


Bunimovitz, S. and Zimhoni, O. 1993. 'Lamp-and-Bowl' Foundation Deposits in Canaan. Israel Exploration Journal 43: 99-125.


Bunimovitz, S. 1994. Socio-Political Transformations in the Central Hill Country in the Late Bronze-Iron I Transition. In: Finkelstein, I. and Na'aman, N. eds. From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel. Jerusalem, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi: 179-202.


Bunimovitz, S. 1994. The Problem of Human Resources in Late Bronze Age Palestine and Its Socioeconomic Implications. Ugarit-Forschungen 26: 1-20.


Bunimovitz, S. 1995. On the Edge of Empires - Late Bronze Age (1550-1200 BCE). In: Levy, T.E., ed. The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land. London, Equinox: 320-331.


Bunimovitz, S. and Barkai, R. 1996. Ancient Bones and Modern Myths: Ninth Millennium B.C. Hippopotamus Hunters at Akrotiri Aetokremnos, Cyprus? Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 9: 85-96.


Bunimovitz, S. and Yasur-Landau, A. 1996. Philistine and Israelite Pottery: A Comparative Approach to the Question of Pots and People. Tel Aviv 23: 88-101.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 1997. Beth-Shemesh: Culture Conflict on Judah's Frontier. Biblical Archaeology Review 23/1: 42-49, 75-77.


Bunimovitz, S. 1998. Sea Peoples in Cyprus and Israel: A Comparative Study of Immigration Processes. In: Gitin, S., Mazar, A. and Stern, E., eds. Mediterranean Peoples in Transition: Thirteenth to Early Tenth Centuries BCE. Jerusalem, Israel Exploration Society: 103-113.


Bunimovitz, S. and Faust, A. 2001. Chronological Separation, Geographical Segregation, or Ethnic Demarcation? Ethnography and the Iron Age Low Chronology. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 322: 1-10.


Bunimovitz, S. 2001. Cultural Interpretation and the Bible: Biblical Archaeology in the Postmodern Era. Cathedra 100: 27-46 (Hebrew, English abstract).


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2001. The Iron Age Fortifications of Tel Beth-Shemesh: A 1990-2000 Perspective. Israel Exploration Journal 51: 121-148.


Bunimovitz, S. and Yasur-Landau, A. 2002. Women and Aegean Immigration to Cyprus. In: Bolger, D. and Serwint, N., eds. Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus. (CAARI Monographs, 3. ASOR Archaeological Reports 7). Boston, MA: 211-222.


Bunimovitz, S. and Faust, A. 2002. Ideology in Stone: Understanding the Four-Room House. Biblical Archaeology Review 28/4: 32-41, 59-60.


Goren, Y., Bunimovitz, S., Finkelstein, I. and Na'aman, N. 2003. The Location of Alashiya: New Evidence from Petrographic Investigation of Alashiyan Tablets from El-Amarna and Ugarit. American Journal of Archaeology 107: 233-255.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2003. The Last Days of Beth-Shemesh and the Pax Assyriaca in the Judean Shephelah. Tel Aviv 30: 3-26.


Faust, A. and Bunimovitz, S. 2003. The Four-Room House: Embodying Iron Age Israelite Society. Near Eastern Archaeology 66: 22-31.


Bunimovitz, S. and Greenberg, R. 2004. Revealed in Their Cups: Syrian Drinking Customs in Intermediate Bronze Age Canaan. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334: 19-31.


Goren, Y., Bunimovitz, S., Finkelstein, I., and Na'aman, N. 2004. Letters of the Great Powers. VI. Alashiya. In: Goren, Y., Finkelstein, I., and Na'aman, N. Inscribed in Clay: Provenance Study of the Amarna Letters and other Ancient Near Eastern Texts (Institute of Archaeology, Monograph Series No. 23.). Tel Aviv: 48-75.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2006. The Early Israelite Monarchy in the Sorek   Valley: Tel Beth-Shemesh and Tel Batash in the 10th and 9th Centuries BCE. In: Maeir, A.M. and de Miroschedji, P. eds. "I Will Speak Riddles of Ancient Times". Archeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Winona Lake, IN. Eisenbrauns: 407-427.


Bunimovitz, S. and Greenberg, R. 2006. Pots and Paradigms: Interpreting the Intermediate Bronze Age in Israel/Palestine. In: Gitin, S., Wright, J.E., and Dessel, J.P. eds. Confronting the Past. Archaeological and Historical Essays on Ancient Israel in Honor of William, G. Dever.  Winona Lake, IN. Eisenbrauns: 23-31.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2008. A Border Case: Beth-Shemesh and the Rise of Ancient Israel. In: Grabbe, L.L. ed. Israel in Transition. From the Late Bronze II to Iron IIa (c. 1250-850 B.C.E). Vol. I. The Archaeology. New York. T&T Clark: 21-31.


Faust, A. and Bunimovitz, S. 2008. The Judahite Rock-Cut Tomb: Family Response at a Time of Change. Israel Exploration Journal 58: 150-170.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2009. The Archaeology of Border Communities. Tel Beth Shemesh renewed Excavations, Part 1: The Iron Age. Near Eastern Archaeology 72 (3): 116-144.


Ziffer, I., Bunimovitz, S., and Lederman, Z. 2009. Divine or Humane? An Intriguing Plaque Figurine from Tel Beth-Shemesh. Ägypten und Levante 19: 333-341.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2010. A Unique Philistine Fish Motif from Tel Beth-Shemesh. Israel Exploration Journal 60: 58-71.


Bunimovitz, S. and Faust, A. 2010. Re-constructing Biblical Archaeology:  Towards an Integration of Archaeology and the Bible. In: Levy, T.E. ed. Historical Biblical Archaeology and the Future: The New Pragmatism. London, Equinox: 45-56.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2011. Canaanite Resistance: The Philistines and Beth-Shemesh – A Case Study from Iron Age I. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 334: 37-51.


McCarter, K.P., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2011. An Archaic Bacl Inscription from Tel Beth-Shemesh. Tel Aviv 38: 179-193.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2011. Close yet Apart: Diverse Cultural Dynamics at Iron Age Beth-Shemesh and Lachish. In: Finkelstein, I. and Na'aman, N. eds. The Fire Signals of Lachish. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin. Winona Lake, IN: 33-53.


Levine, E., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2011. A Zebu-Shaped Weight from Tel Beth-Shemesh. Israel Exploration Journal 61: 146-161.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2014. Migration, Hybridization and Resistance: Identity Dynamics in Early Iron Age Southern Levant. In: Knapp, A.B. and van Dommelen, P. eds. Cambridge Handbook of the Bronze Age-Iron Age Mediterranean World. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 252-265.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2013. Solving a Century-old Puzzle: New Discoveries at the Middle Bronze Gate at Tel Beth-Shemesh. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 145: 6-24.


Bunimovitz, S., Lederman, Z. and Hatzaki, E. 2013. Knossian Gifts?  Two Late Minoan IIIA1 Cups from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. Annual of the British School at Athens 108: 51-66.


Brandl, B., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2013. Beth-Shemesh and Sellopoullo: Two Commemorative Scarabs of Amenhotep III and their Contribution to Aegean Chronology. Annual of the British School at Athens 108: 67-95.


Chovanec, Z., Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2014. Is There Opium Here? – Analysis of Cypriote Base Ring Juglets from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 15.2: 175-189.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2014. Migration, Hybridization and Resistance: Identity Dynamics in Early Iron Age Southern Levant. In: Knapp, A.B. and van Dommelen, P. eds. Cambridge Handbook of the Bronze Age-Iron Age Mediterranean World. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 252-265.


Faust, A. and Bunimovitz, S. 2014. The House and the World: The Israelite House as a Microcosm. In: Albertz, R., Alpert Nakhai, B., Olyan, S.M., and Schmitt, R. eds. Family and Household Religion: Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies, Winona Lake, IN, Eisenbrauns: 143-164.


Tamar, K., Bar-Oz, G., Bunimovitz, S., Lederman, Z. and Dayan, T. 2015. Geography and Economic Preferences as Cultural Markers in a Border Town: The Faunal Remains from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 25: 414-425.


Ashkenazi, D., Bunimovitz, S. and Stern, A. 2016. Archaeometallurgical Investigation of Thirteenth-Twelfth Centuries BCE Bronze Objects from Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 6: 170-181.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman, Z. 2016. Opium or Oil? Late Bronze Age Cypriote Base Ring Juglets and International Trade Revisited. Antiquity 90: 1552-1561.


Bunimovitz, S. and Lederman. Z. 2017. Swinging on the "Sorek Seesaw": Tel Beth-Shemesh and the Sorek Valley in the Iron Age. In: Lipschits, O. and Maeir, A.M. eds. The Shephelah during the Iron Age: Recent Archaeological Studies. Winona Lake, IN, Eisenbrauns, pp. 27-44.


Bunimovitz, S. 2018. “Canaan Is Your Land and Its Kings are Your Servants”: Conceptualizing the Late Bronze Age Egyptian Government in the Southern Levant. In: Yasur-Landau, A., Cline, E.H. and Rowan,Y.M. eds. The Social Archaeology of the Levant: From Prehistory to the Present. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 265-281.


Weiss, E., Mahler-Slasky, Y., Melamed, Y., Lederman, Z., Bunimovitz, S., Bubel, S. and Manor, D. (forthcoming May 2019). Foreign Plant Food as Prestigious Gift: The Archaeobotany of Amarna Age Palace at Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research.


Bunimovitz, S., Manor, D.W., Bubel, S. and Lederman, Z. (forthcoming May 2019). New Evidence from Tel Beth-Shemesh Concerning Iron IIA Judahite Pottery Typology and Finger Impressed Jar Handles. Tel Aviv.


Bunimovitz, S. The Late Bronze Age. In: Faust, A. and Katz, H. eds. Archaeology of the Land of Israel: from the Neolithic to Alexander the Great. (Forthcoming). Tel Aviv, The Open University, Chapter 6 (Hebrew).









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