ד"ר בועז נוימן ז"ל
מורה מן החוץ במנהלת הפקולטה למדעי הרוח
1997-1999 Ph.D. (cum laude), Modern German History, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv
National Socialist Weltanschauung - Space, Body, Language (Supervisor: Prof. Shulamit Volkov)
1995-1997 MA degree (summa cum laude), Modern History, Tel-Aviv University
Death in Auschwitz as an "Ugly Death" (Supervisor: Prof. Dan Diner)
1992-1995 BA degree, Political Science and General History, Tel-Aviv University
Academic and Professional Experience
2006-present Assistant Professor, Department of History, Tel-Aviv University
2000-2005 Lecturer, Department of History, Tel-Aviv University
Areas of Interests
My principal field of research is the history of modern Germany, with a focus on the first half of the twentieth century, that is, the First World War, the Weimar years, and the Third Reich. My published studies have sought to address the historical-phenomenological aspects of space, bodies, and language. The particular subjects of my research include the creation of a Nazi space juxtaposed to the destruction of the Jewish space, the Nazi body as both an individual body and as the people's body (Volkskörper) in contrast to the Jewish body as a foreign body (Fremdkörper), propaganda and advertising, cosmetics and plastic surgery, radio and cinema, and psychoanalysis.
In addition to my work in modern German history, I also take an active scholarly interest in the history of Zionism, and in particular in the pioneering period of the early twentieth century. This includes such subjects as the nature and ecology of the Land of Israel, the birth of a New Hebrew body, the linguistic renewal of Hebrew, and Zionism as Jewish existentialism.
I also have a deep interest in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and its implications for the history and historiography of the twentieth century. I am currently working on a manuscript entitled "Histories of Dasein: German Worlds from the End of the 19th Century to the 1920s".
Books and Monographs Boaz Neumann, Nazi Weltanschauung - Space, Body, Language (Tel-Aviv: Haifa University Publishing House and Sifriat Ma'ariv, 2002). (Hebrew) (Awarded the Bahat Prize for the best original work of nonfiction published in Israel) Boaz Neumann, Nazi Weltanschauung - Raum, Körper, Sprache (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2010). (Revised German version of the Hebrew original) Boaz Neumann, Being-in-the-Weimar-Republic (Tel-Aviv: Am Oved Publishers, 2007). (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, Pioneering and Desire in Early Zionism (Tel-Aviv: Am Oved Publishers, 2009). (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, Territory and Desire in Early Zionism (Waltham, Massachusetts: Brandeis University Press/University Press of New England, 2011). (English version of the Hebrew original) Textbooks Boaz Neumann, Nazism - History, Historiography, Methodology (Tel-Aviv: MOD Publishing House, 2007). (Hebrew) Edited Books Boaz Neumann, Galili Shahar, and Roni Hirsh-Ratzkovsky, History and Its Discontents - Between Germans and Jews (Tel-Aviv: Am Oved Publishers, 2012). (Hebrew) Refereed Articles in Journals Boaz Neumann, "On the Written and Spoken Word in the Nazi Propaganda", Zemanim, 74, Spring 2001, pp. 94-108. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "The National Socialist Politics of Life", New German Critique (Special Issue on Intellectuals), 85, Winter 2002, pp. 107-130. Boaz Neumann, "Weimar - A Case of Suicide", Zemanim, 82, Spring 2003, pp. 48-63. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "The Rise of Advertising Culture in the Weimar Republic", Historia, Number 13, February 2004, pp. 5-42. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "'Philosophy of As If' as a Way of Life - Crooks and Frauds in the Weimar Republic", Tabur - Journal for European History, Society, Culture and Thought, 2, 2009, pp. 71-95. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "The Phenomenology of the German People's Body (Volkskörper) and the Extermination of the Jewish Body", New German Critique, 106, Winter 2009, pp. 149-181. Boaz Neumann, "Being Prosthetic in the First World War and Weimar Germany", Body & Society, 16, 3, September 2010, 93-126. Boaz Neumann, "The Phenomenology of the German People's Body (Volkskörper) and the Extermination of the Jewish Body", in Boaz Neumann, Galili Shahar, and Roni Hirsch, Germany/Jews/Israel (Tel-Aviv: Am Oved Publishers, 2012). (Hebrew translation of English original) Refereed Chapters in Books Boaz Neumann, "Nazi Antisemitism and the 'Decline of Language'", in Murray Baumgarten, Peter Kenez and, Bruce Thompson, eds., Varieties of Antisemitism - History, Ideology, Discourse (Newark: University of Delaware press, 2009), 50-74. Boaz Neumann, "Holocaust and Ecology", in Dan Stone, ed., The Holocaust and Historical Methodology (New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, forthcoming 2012). Articles in Historical Encyclopedias Boaz Neumann, "Annoncen-Expedition", in Dan Diner, ed., Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur (Stuttgart, Weimar: Verlag J.B. Metzler, 2011, Vol. 1), 106-108. Non-Refereed Articles Boaz Neumann, "Psychoanalyse und Hypnose in der Weimarer Republik", Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte (Special Issue on Geschichte und Psychoanalyse), XXXII, 2004, pp. 107-134. Boaz Neumann, "Being-in-the-Land-of-Israel", Alpayim - Journal for Contemporary Thought and Literature, 33, 2008, pp. 11-45. (Hebrew) Non-Refereed Chapters in Books Boaz Neumann, "Death in Auschwitz as 'Ugly Death'", in Igal Halfin, ed., Language and Revolution - Making Modern Political Identity (London: Frank Cass, 2002), pp. 317-339. Boaz Neumann, "Weimar - The Ironic Republic", in Eveline Goodmann-Thau and Fania Oz-Salzberger, eds., Das jüdische Erbe Europas - Krise der Kultur im Spannungsfeld von Tradition, Geschichte und Identität (Berlin and Wien: Philo, 2005), pp. 313-332. Boaz Neumann, "Genealogies of Nationalism", in Yotam Hotam, ed., "The Age of Youth" - German-Jewish Young Generation and Modern Times (Jerusalem: The Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem by The Hebrew University Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 2008), pp. 168-190. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "Genealogien des Nationalismus - die Erde von Eretz Israel", in Yotam Hotam, ed., Deutsch-Jüdische Jugendliche im "Zeitalter der Jugend" (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009), 241-269. (German translation of Hebrew original) Other Publications Books Boaz Neumann, Good Soldier (Tel-Aviv: Zmora Bitan, 2001). (Hebrew) [Fiction] Articles Boaz Neumann, "Moshe Dayan - The Enlightened Occupation and the Cynical Consciousness", Panim, 18, Autumn 2001, pp. 10-22. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "Intifada", in Yaron Avitov and Ran Yagil, eds., Attention! Anthology of Army Stories from the Hebrew Literature (Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem: MOD Publishing House and Carmel, 2005), pp. 215-225. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "Anna Yam/A Photographer", in Modern Israeli Art (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2007), pp. 58-59. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "Israel in the Nineties – Four Narratives", in Sixty Years of Art in Israel - The Fifth Decade, 1988-1998; Eventually We'll Die - Young Art in Israel of the Nineties (Herzliya: Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, 2008), pp. 46-54. (Hebrew) Boaz Neumann, "Back to Zionism", Eretz Acheret, 55, February-March 2010, 14-16. Boaz Neumann, "'The World Exists. It Would Be Meaningless to Repeat It.'", in Gaston Zvi Ickowicz – B.C. (Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv Museum of Art, 2011), 73-78. |