פרופ' אליעזר לדרמן

אמריטוס בפנסיה
פנסיה אמריטוס
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' אליעזר לדרמן
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405074
משרד: טרובוביץ משפ, 026


Eli Lederman is a Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University. In addition to teaching courses in criminal law, criminal procedure, white collar crime, computer & information law, and corporate & directors liability, he has served as former Dean of the Faculty of Law (1995-2000), director of the TAU Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law, and editor-in-chief of the TAU Law Review (Iyunei Mishpat).

Prof. Lederman has published many articles in Israel and abroad. He is also the author of Infocrime-Protecting Information Trough Criminal Law, co-author of Principles of Criminal Responsibility (Hebrew), and the editor of Directions in Criminal Liability (Hebrew) (2 vols. 2001 & 2010), The Place in which we are Right (Hebrew), and Law, Information and Information Technology. Prof. Lederman also lectures at the Institute for Continuing Legal Studies and has taught and directed courses specifically-designed for senior law enforcement officers of various government agencies. He has been a member of the Public Committee for the Immunity of Members of the Israeli Knesset and has twice been nominated to Chair of Tel Aviv University’s Student Disciplinary Tribunal. Prof. Lederman has been a research fellow at the University of Michigan Law School, and a Visiting Professor at several law schools, including Temple University Beasley School of Law, University of Tübingen Faculty of Law, and the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg. He has also served on the Public Committee for the Licensing of Law Colleges. He holds an LL.B. (magna cum laude) from TAU and Ph.D. from Hebrew University.

Research Interests and Teaching

Criminal Law, Corporate and Management Criminal Liability, Information Law and Information and Computer Crime.


1971 Tel Aviv Uni. LL.B. (magna cum laude)
1972 - 1973 The Hebrew Uni. of Jerusalem Program leading directly to Dr. Juris studies
1974 - 1978 The Hebrew Uni. Dr. Juris (Ph.D)


Professional Experience
1976 Tel-Aviv University Instructor
1979 Tel-Aviv University Lecturer
1985 Tel-Aviv University Senior Lecturer
1979 - 1986 Bar-Ilan University Senior Lecturer
1989 Tel-Aviv University Associate Professor
1987, 1992, 2001 Temple Uni. School of Law (Phila., U. S.) Visiting Prof. Academic & Professional Experience
1985 - 1987 The Students' Disciplinary Tribunal of Appeal, Tel-Aviv Uni. Judge
1985 - 1995 Courses for officers of the Military Advocacy Program Director
1988 - 1991 Courses for senior commanding staff of the Police Program Director
1988 - 1990 The Institute of Criminology and Criminal Law , Tel-Aviv Uni. Director
1989 - 1991 Special courses for senior law enforcement officers Program Director (Various Government Ministries) (Sponsored by President H. Herzog)
1991 - 1996 Admission Committee, Tel-Aviv Uni. Law School Chairperson
1994 - 1995 Ad hoc Uni. Committee for the Examination Chairperson of the Pre-University Institution (Mechina)
1994 - 1997 Member of the Public Committee for Licensing of law colleges, (nomination by the Minister of Justice)
1996 - 2000 Dean of the Law School, Tel-Aviv Uni. Member of the Steering Committee & the Executive Council Tel-Aviv Uni.
1997-1998 Member of the Public Committee for the Examination of the Immunity of the Members of the Israeli Parliament (nomination by the Knesset Speaker)


Full CV

Representative Publications

Yoval Levy & Eli Lederman, Principles of Criminal Responsibility (Ramot - Tel-Aviv Uni, 1981) 624 pp. (Hebrew)


Eli Lederman, Directions in Criminal Liability- Inquiries in the Theory of Criminal Law (The Israel Bar Ass. & Tel-Aviv Uni., 2001) 546 pp. (Hebrew)


Eli Lederman & Ron Shapira (eds.), Law, Information and Information Technology (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 13 Law & Electronic Commerce Series, 2001). 450 pp.


Eli Lederman, Keren Shapira-Ettinger & Shai Lavi (eds.), Trends in Criminal Law: A Decade to the 39thAmendment of the Criminal Code (Facutly of Law, Bar Ilan University, 2010) 664 pp. (Hebrew)


Eli lederman, Infocrime, Protecting Information Trough Criminal Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016. 488p.


Eli Lederman, "Insane and Non-Insane Automatism, Reducing the Significance of the Distinction" 34 International & Comparative Law Jour., 819-837. (London, England)


Eli Lederman, "Criminal Law, Perpetrator and Corporation; Rethinking a Complex Triangle" 76 Jour. of Crim. L. & Criminology, 285-340 (1985). (Northwestern Uni. School of Law, Chi. Ill. U. S.)


Eli Lederman, "Theft of Economical Information" Essays in Honour of Shimon Agranat (President of the Iaraeli Supreme Court), 303- 325 (M. Kremnitzer & Ruth Gabison eds., Jerusalem, 1986) (Hebrew)


Eli Lederman, "Criminal Liability for Breach of Commercial Confidential Information - Scope and Trend" 38 Emory L. Jour., 921-1004 (1989)


Eli Lederman "Criminal Liability of Corporate Organs and Senior Officers" 5Plilim (Israel J. of Criminal Justice), 101-149 (1996) (Hebrew)


Eli Lederman, "Models for Imposing Corporate Criminal Liability: From Adaptation and Imitation Toward Aggregation and Search for Self-Identity" 4 Buffalo Crim. L. Rev. 641-708 (2000)


Eli Lederman, "Corporate Criminal Liability 2.0 Expansion Beyond Human Responsibility" 43(4) Manitoba L. J. 35-84 (2020)


Full CV

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