ד"ר משה אגמי

בדימוס בביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון
ביה"ס למדעי הצמח ואבטחת מזון בדימוס
ניווט מהיר:
ד"ר משה אגמי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6406452
פקס: 03-6407857




Ph.D; Botany

1971-1973 M.Sc.; Botany (with honors), Tel Aviv University
1969-1971 Teaching Certificate; Biology, Hebrew University
1967-1970 B.Sc.; Botany & Zoology, Hebrew University


Academic Appointments:

1999-Present Principal Research Associate; Molecular Biology & Ecology of Plants, Tel Aviv University
2002-Present Principle Research Associate; Institute for Cereal Crops Improvement, Tel Aviv University
1989-2002 Director; Botanical Gardens, Tel Aviv University
1987-1999 Senior Research Associate; Molecular Biology & Ecology of Plants, Tel Aviv University
1984-1986 Senior Research Associate; The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University
1983-1984 Research Associate; The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University


Research Interests

My research centers on the ecology and ecophysiology of aquatic plants, as well as their use in wastewater treatment, and wild relatives of cultivated plants in development areas. Special emphasis is put on plants threatened by extinction, and a “refuge garden” was established in the Botanic Gardens of TAU in order to investigate them and restore them to their original sites. A second activity involves the biology and ecology of desert plants, and biological interactions between various species.

Recent Publications

For a full publication list






Y. Waisel, M. Litav, M. Agami. Coastal Plants of Israel. Tel Aviv, Division of Ecology Ltd., (in Hebrew), 1975(96 pp.).


M. Agami, A. Dafni. Extinct and Endangered Plants and Animals of Israel. Jerusalem, Ministry of Interior - Environmental Protection Service, (in Hebrew), 1975(53 pp.).


Y. Waisel, M. Agami. Halophytes of Israel. Tel Aviv, Division of Ecology Ltd., (in Hebrew), 1979(80 pp.).



Articles since 1995:



K. R. Reddy, O. A. Dias, L. J. Scinto, M. Agami. Phosphorous dynamics in selected wetlands and streams of the Lake Okeechobee Basin. Ecological Engineering, Vol. 5, 1995(pp. 183-207).


M. Green, I. Safray, M. Agami. Constructed wetlands for river reclamation - experimental design and start-up. Bioresource Technology, Vol. 55, 1996(pp. 157-162).


M. Agami, A. Eshel, Y. Waisel. Plant recolonzation after severe degradation: A case study in the Negev Highlands of Israel. Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 38, 1998(pp. 411-419).


A. Neori, K.R. Reddy, H. Cizkova-Koncalova, M. Agami. Bioactive chemicals and biological - biochemical activities and their functions in rhizospheres of wetland plants. The Botanical Review, Vol. 66, 2000 (pp. 350-378).


M. Agami, Y. Waisel. Competitive relationships between two water plant species: Najas marina L. andMyriophyllum spicatum L. Hydrobiologia, Vol. 482, 2002(pp.197-200).


N. Ran, M. Agami, G. Oron. A pilot study of constructed wetlands using duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) for treatment of domestic primary effluent in Israel. Water Research, Vol. 38, 2004(pp. 2241-2248).


E. Millet, M. Agami, S. Ezrati, J. Manisterski, Y. Anikster. Distribution of Sharon goatgrass (Aegilops sharonensis Eig) in Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, Vol. 54, 2006(pp. 243-248).


Kaiser, J., Yassin, M., Prakash, S., Safi, N., Agami, M., Lauw, N.N.S., Ostrojenkova, E., Bacher, A., Rohdich, F., Eisenreich, W., Safi, J. and Golan-Goldhirsh, A. 2007. Antimalarial drug targets. Screening for inhibitors of 2C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate synthase (IspC protein) in Mediterranean plants. Phytomedicine Vol. 14, 2007(pp. 242-249).






Chapters in Books


Y. Waisel, M. Agami. Ecophysiology of roots of submerged aquatic plants. In: Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. (Y. Waisel, A. Eshel, U. Kafkafi, Editors), 1st. Edition, New York, Marcel Dekker, 1991(pp. 887-906).


Y. Waisel, M. Agami. Ecophysiology of roots of submerged aquatic plants. In: Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. (Y. Waisel, A. Eshel, U. Kafkafi, Editors), 2nd. Edition, Revised and Expanded, New York, Marcel Dekker, 1996(pp. 895-909).


E. Papastergiadou, M. Agami, Y. Waisel. Restoration of aquatic vegetation in Mediterranean wetlands. In: Restoration of Mediterranean Wetlands. (G. C. Zalidis, T. L. Crisman, P. A. Gerakis, Editors), Hellenic Ministry of the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Athens and Greek Biotope/Wetland Center, Thermi, Greece, 2002(pp. 47-69).


R. Hadas, A. Sirota, M. Agami, A. Horovitz.  Managing passport data associated with seeds collections from wild populations: Increasing potential for conservation and use of crop wild relatives in Israel. In: Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use. (N. Maxted, B. V. Ford-Lloyd, S. P. Kell, J. M. Iriondo, M. E. Dullo, J. Turok, Editors), UK, CABI, 2008(pp. 513-520).



Other Publications since 1995:


H. Klingbiell, M. Agami, Y. Waisel. Ecotypic differentiation in Butomus umbellatus L. Proceedings of the Israel Society of Botany, Haifa, Israel, 2 March, 1995.


Y. Waisel, M. Agami, A. Eshel. Competition between Najas marina L. and Myriophyllum spicatum L. Proceedings of the Israel Society of Botany, Haifa, Israel, 2 March, 1995.


M. Brumer, N. Narkis, M. Agami. Uptake of Fenols from sewage by floating water plants. Proceedings of the Scientific Conference, Ecological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel, June, 1995.


J. Kronfeld, E. Ne’eman, V. Butenko, D.I. Godfrey-Smith, A. Yaniv, H. Koral, M. Agami, V. Yanco. Tracing patterns of sedimentation in Haifa Bay and Iskenderun Bay using radiocesium. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Kefar Gilaadi, Israel. 15-17 April 1997, Israel Geological Society, 1997(p. 64).


J. Kronfeld, T. Minster, S. Ilani, E. Ovadia, M. Agami, A. Yaniv, G. Weinberger, J. Penciner. Salinity and radioactivity in the Nizzana-1 water well. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Mitzpe Ramon, Israel. 22-24 March 1998, Israel Geological Society, 1998(p. 58).


M. Agami, A. Morad, Y. Waisel. The changes of the water quality at the Yarkon River and their effects on the aquatic plants. Proceedings of the Israel Society of Plant Sciences, Rehovot, Israel, 23 February, 1999(p. 45).


E. Ne’eman, A. Yaniv, N. Lavi, V. Rogojin, M. Agami, S. Ilani, A. Flexer, J. Penciner, J. Kronfeld. Radiocesium in the soiles of Israel and nearby regions. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Dead Sea, Israel. 8-10 March 1999, Israel Geological Society, 1999(p. 61).


V. Rogojin, J. Kronfeld, I. Carmi, A. Yaniv, M. Agami, J. Penciner. Radon as an indicator of porosity in the Judean Group aquifer. Abstracts of papers presented at the annual Meeting of the Israel Geological Society, Ma’alot, Israel. 3-5 April 2000, Israel Geological Society, 2000(p. 107).


V. Rogojin, J. Kronfeld, I. Carmi, A. Yaniv, M. Agami, J. Penciner. The isotopic development of nitrogen in the nitrate Galil's ground water during the Holocene. . Abstracts of papers presented at the annual Meeting of the Israel Water Resources Society, Dead Sea, Israel. 16-17 May 2001, Israel Water Resources Society, 2001.


D. Avisar, M. Agami, J. Penciner, A. Yaniv, M. Zilberfarb, J. Kronfeld. Monitoring the nitrate source of the sewage pollution in the Judean Group aquifer. Proceedings of the Israel Water Resources Society, Kefar Gilaadi, Israel. 8-9 May 2002, Israel Water Resources Society, 2002(pp.1-4).



N. Ran, M. Agami, G. Oron. A pilot study of Constructed Wetlands using duckweed (Lemna gibba L.) for treatment of domestic primary effluents in Israel. Lecture presented at "Caress 2003", Weizmann Institute, 11 June, 2003.


R. Hadas, M. Agami, A. Horovitz. Managing passport data associated with seed collections: increasing potential for conservation and use of CWR in Israel. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use, Sicily, Italy, 14-17 September 2005 (pp. 93).


S. Ezrati, M. Millet, J. Manisterski, P. Ben-Yehuda, M. Agami, Y. Anikster. Molecular and phytopathological characterization of natural populations of Aegilops sharonensis in Israel. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use, Sicily, Italy, 14-17 September 2005 (pp. 109).


M. Agami, Y. Waisel. The role of mallard ducks and fish in germination and distribution of seeds of the submerged macrophytes Najas marina L. and Ruppia maritima L. Proceedings of Robson Meeting, St. Ives, UK, 14-15 February 2011(p 16).


M. Agami, A. Neori, K. R. Reddy. Synergism between Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Hydrocotyle umbellata L. in outdoor ponds. Proceedings of Robson Meeting, St. Ives, UK, 28-29 February 2012 (p.22).


M. Agami, A. Neori, K. R. Reddy. Interrelationships between Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in outdoor tanks in nutrient-enriched water. Proceedings of AQUA 2012, Prague, Czech Republic,1-5 September 2012 (p.44).


M. Agami, A. Neori, K. R. Reddy. Interrelationships between Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in outdoor tanks in nutrient-enriched water. Proceedings of Robson Meeting, St. Ives, UK, 7-8 March 2013 (p.26).


M. Agami, D. Porath, A. Neori. An alternative approach to study the avoidance of duckweed (Lemna gibba L. – L. minor L. complex) from arid zones. Proceedings of Robson Meeting, Reading, UK, 8-9 April 2014 (p.24).



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