Four and a half years ago, when e-mail users were already
in the midst of a junk mail onslaught that threatened to cause them to return
to snail mail, I wrote (referring even then to a
column written four and a half years earlier) that "Spam comes in many
shapes and sizes, and often one person's junk mail is someone else's cup of
tea". Since then, I have to admit that the situation has only gotten worse.
The quantities of spam that inundate our inboxes have unquestionably taken a
toll on our productivity. A bit more than a year ago
I admitted that enjoying spam today is much more difficult than it once was.
The pure bulk of it has seriously impinged on the pleasure that used to be an
integral part of the expectation of opening the morning
mail. But on that same page I noted that a recent study in Canada had shown
that a significant percentage of people actually seemed to appreciate the spam
they received. I don't think that this was a case of every cloud having a silver
lining - in this particular case it seemed simply that the various offers that
arrived via e-mail were actually of interest
to those receiving them. My own silver lining for spam is somewhat different,
an attitude change that says "if you can't beat 'em .. enjoy 'em".
With the right attitude we can find worth even in the worst of spam.
Back in my undergraduate days I played around with found
poetry. I fondly recall a friend and myself comparing notes from elevator
rides - we'd enter an elevator on the middle floor of a building and get out
before the end, and write down the snippets of conversation we overheard from
others riding the same elevator, arranging it as "poetry". Similarly,
a favorite book of mine from back then was Pop Poems
by Ronald Gross. In this book, Gross presented text snippets from advertisements,
news clippings and more within a "poetic" framework. Essentially,
this re-presentation invited us to approach these text snippets from a different
perspective, one that engendered a somewhat unexpected respect toward them.
The same sort of thing can be done, and of course has been done, with spam.
run-of-the-mill e-mail spam, however, doesn't hold any special attraction. It
isn't significantly different from advertisements that we might find in our junk
snail mail, or pasted, perhaps, on a billboard, or simply in a magazine advertisement.
What's interesting, even poetic, about e-mail spam is the result of the attempts
that spammers make to sneak their way into our inboxes. Many of today's best spam
filters use what is known as Baysian
filtering. Baysian filters basically attempt to determine the probability
of a particular term being used in a legitimate e-mail message as opposed to in
a spam message, filtering out messages that, through this system, have a high
probability of being spam. There is, of course, a mathematical explanation, but
it's really not necessary. One
page (which also includes some excellent examples of spam poetry) gives a
very down-to-earth explanation:
Bayesian filters rank each word in an email according to how likely it is to be spam. An email containing nothing but the words "Viagra, mortgage, and porn" will almost certainly be filtered out. But if the email also contains a high number of non-spam words, it can elude such filters.And this explains how spam poetry comes about. If the undesirable words, those that are readily identified as spam, are couched within text that the Baysian filter identifies as perhaps logical, or admissible, the message gets through. So, spam poetry is basically the result of the attempt to use mathematical calculations to ferret out spam.
those bursts of random, spam-filter-busting language which somehow transcend their mundane purpose and burst into the golden light of literary gloryKristin Thomas was attracted to spam poetry out of what might be described as desperation. She tells us that, as a result of so much e-mail spam, she was beginning to feel sick:
I started feeling a little angry every time I sat down to my computer. I had to do something.There are probably many of us like Kristin who have decided that we might as well make the best of this.
This site is that something. I write poetry, using only the subject lines of the hundreds of pieces of spam that I receive every day. A little bit Found Art, a little bit Whimsy, and mostly, just to find a way for me to find a peaceful intersection between digital communication and my life.
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