A limited number of topics?

I admit that it's a bit strange to think that with the vastness of cyberspace and the constant deluge of new tools that digitality offers us it's possible to run out of topics to examine here. But when I consider the basic ur-topics - presentation of self, privacy, access to information, the attraction and threat of immediacy (and of course also hypertext) - it becomes clear (to me at least) that unless there's a new handle that allows me to reexamine an issue in a different light, I may really be in danger of running out of topics to write about. This was, of course, one of the reasons for the extended hiatus between 2010 and 2015, and with the rejuvenated Boidem that same threat has hung over these columns for at least half a year. And yet, when I glance into the "Boidem" label in my mail I find that there are still a number of issues that might merit a column.

Go to: Or at least not too often, or
Go to: It's my operating system, or
Go to: How to write a Boidem column.