It's my operating system.

Pretty much every day I send myself approximately ten items - primarily links to articles that deal with one of the numerous issues that interest/concern me. On the whole I try also to label these items as soon as they arrive, since if I don't they become considerably more difficult to find if and when I want to view them again. As is to be expected, one of my more frequently used labels is "Boidem". To a certain extent that's a problematic label and might better be divided into two - items that I think might merit a column, and items that relate to, or can flesh out, a topic that I've already identified, or even dealt with. When trying to decide on a topic for an upcoming column I'll call up that label and then see what I haven't yet written about. And sometimes when doing this I'll discover that I've earmarked something for inclusion in a previous column and that it had slipped by me, or perhaps I'll find a tangential item that doesn't merit its own column, but is worth at least a passing reference in another.

Around a year ago, as I realized that my free Google account was getting dangerously close to full capacity, I decided that it was definitely worth my while to pay Google $2 a month to increase my account to 100GB and postpone relatively indefinitely dealing with having to go through everything and try to decide what to part with. It was one of the better investments I've made.

Go to: How to write a Boidem column.