Unit of Human Dev


Research Interest
Research Team
Recent Publications
Curriculum Vita
Unit of Human Dev
Lieselotte Adler Lab
Primate Teaching
Course Material


 Sidney Strauss


The Unit has been in existence for the past 25 years. Its members, found below, are from different departments at Tel Aviv University, such as the: School of Education, Psychology Department, Linguistics Department, History Department, Department of Communications Disorders, and Department of Literature. What unites us is our abiding interest in issues related to development.

Among its past activities were: an annual workshop that resulted in a book series (The Tel Aviv Annual Workshop in Human Development) that was published by Ablex Publishing Corporation and an annual lecture in memory of Dr. Tamar Globerson, one of the Unit members.

An activity that has continued over the past quarter of a century has been a weekly colloquium that brought leading scholars and scientists from Israel and abroad to speak about their current work. The topics are diverse, ranging from the development of the development of cities, the development of the universe, as well as child development in domains such as language, cognition, social development, emotional development, motor development, non-normative development, and more.

This year a decision was reached to have 5 colloquia per semester. The colloquia for the first semester are as follows:

November 11, 2004:

Presentation by the Unit members of their latest work.

November 11, 2004:

Noldus presents the new observer version.


January , 2005

January 20, 2005

Michael Weinstock (School of Education, Ben Gurion University)


Dorit Aram (School of Education)

Ruth Berman (Department of Linguistics)

Esther Dromi (School of Education)

Gabriella Eilam (Department of History)

Naama Friedmann (School of Education)

Rachel Karniol (Department of Psychology)

Iris Levin (School of Education)

Dorit Ravid (School of Education and Department of Communication Disorders)

Yeshayahu Shen (Department of Literature)

Elana Shohamy (School of Education)

Sidney Strauss (School of Education)

Tamar Zelniker (Department of Psychology)

Margalit Ziv (School of Education)

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This site was last updated 11/23/04