Advanced Methods in Analytical Chemistry


( Instrumental Analytical Chemistry )

‘ The Enabling Science ’ 



Lecture Course


Dr. Alexander Gordin


Teaching Assistant : Ms. Ksenia J. Margolin Eren


The course of the Advanced Methods in Analytical Chemistry is taken by third-year students in the B.Sc. program and will be held this year via:


ZOOM, each Sunday between 15:00-17:00


In this course the students will learn the theory, basic principles of operation and applications of modern analytical instruments.


This course is a prerequisite for the Laboratory In Advanced Methods In Analytical Chemistry and it prepares the students for experiments in the Laboratory for Instrumental Analytical Chemistry section.


The course is based on one meeting of two hours per week and includes the following subjects:


1.               Introduction and definitions.

2.               Theory of Chromatography.

3.               Gas Chromatography (GC).

4.               GC and air monitoring detectors.

5.               Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).

6.               Mass Spectrometry.

7.               Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).

8.               Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS).

9.               Flame Emission Spectroscopy.

10.          Flame Atomic Absorption (FAA).

11.          Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICPAES).


Course lecture notes:


    1.           Lesson #1


Further information on the course include:


    1.           Figures of Analytical Instruments (3.14M) Handed out to the students in print


    2.           Links to Web Sites on Analytical Instruments


    3.           Tal Alon's Science Website


    4.           Syllabus


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Last update:  October 2020 (by Ksenia J. Margolin Eren )