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Reuven Tsur
Poetic Rhythm: Structure and Performance
An Empirical Study in Cognitive Poetics
(published by PETER LANG AG, Berne)
Chapters 2-10 of this book discuss actual performances of poetic passages. On this site you may listen to the readings discussed, by clicking on their icons. You may download these sound files (make sure you download both the page and the sound files; then open the page with your browser). The Chapter The Argument offers a synopsis of the book.
Table of Contents
Personal Preface
The Argument
1. Perception-Oriented Theory of Metre
2. Cognitive Assumptions: Simplicity and Multilevel Information Processing
3. The Empirical Rationale
4. Caesura
5. Consecutive Stresses
Part I
Part II
Part III
6. Stress Maxima in Weak Positions
7. Enjambment
8. Bisyllabic Occupancy of Metrical Position
9. Timing, Structure, Musical Key
The Darwin-Donovan Experiment
10. Excursus on Hungarian Poetry
Appendix I: The Interdisciplinary Perspective: Impressionism, Reductionism, Cognitive Poetics
Appendix II: Verse Lines Containing Stress Maxima in Weak Positions
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