Basic properties of closed sets

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[edit] Theorem

Let X be a topological space and A a subset of X. Then

  1. A\subseteq \overline A
  2. If (xn) is a convergent sequence of points in A, its limit is an element of \overline A.
  3. If X satifies the first countability axiom and x\in \overline A, then there exists a convergent sequence (xn) of points in A such that x_n\to x.

[edit] Proof

1. The definition of adherent point implies immediately that all points of A are adherent points for A.

2. Let (xn) be a convergent sequence of points in A and x its limit, and let V\in \mathcal V(x). By definition of limit there exists m\in \mathbb N such that for all n > m, x_n\in V. But, by hypothesis, for all n > m, x_n\in A, hence V\cap A\not =\emptyset, meaning that x is an adherent point for A.

3. Let x\in \overline A and consider a countable fundamental system of neighbourhoods of x, \{B_n^'\}_{n\in \mathbb N} (which exists by definition). Construct a chain (ordered by inclusion) \{B_n\}_{n\in \mathbb N} by setting

for all n\in \mathbb N. Note that this chain is still a fundamental system. Now for each n, let x_n\in B_n. Let us prove that x_n\to x. Suppose V\in \mathcal V(x). Then (by definition) there exists m\in \mathbb N such that B_m\subseteq V. But since \{B_n\}_{n\in \mathbb N} is a chain, we have

and hence \underset{p>m}{\forall}\; x_p\in V which ends the proof.

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