Asymptotic Geometric Analysis 2019

Celebrating Vitali Milman's 80th birthday.

JULY 29 - JULY 31 consists of a research workshop of the Israeli Science foundation.

סדנת מחקר של הקרן הלאומית למדע בנושא אנליזה גיאומטרית אסימפטוטית 2019

Asymptotic Geometric Analysis, at the meeting point of geometry and analysis, is a thriving area with many new results and achievements, influencing not only various areas in mathematics but also computer science, statistical physics and other fields.
The happy occasion of the anniversary of Prof Vitali Milman, one of the founding fathers of the field, gives us the opportunity to review some exciting new developements in the field of asymptotic geometric analysis and some of its closer and farther neighbors. The speakers in this conference are mainly Professor Milman's descendants, together with some of his long-time collaborators and friends.

Our aim is to have an international meeting with many experts who will share ideas and different points of view on geometry and analysis, towards advancing science as a whole, and in particular asymptotic convexity.

Tel Aviv University
28 Haim Levanon
P.O. Box 39040
Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel
Phone: (972) 3640-8045


Shiri Artstein-Avidan
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Semyon Alesker
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Noga Alon
Princeton University, Princeton

Jean Michel Bismut
Université Paris-Sud, Paris

Sergey Bobkov
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

Béla Bollobás
University of Cambridge, Cambridge & University of Memphis, Memphis

Ronen Eldan
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot

Dmitry Faifman
Université de Montréal, Montréal

Dan Florentin
Kent State University, Kent

Omer Friedland
Jussieu, Paris

Apostolos Giannopoulos
University of Athens, Athens

Shoni Gilboa
Open University, Israel

Mikhail Gromov
IHÉS and New York University

Bo'az Klartag
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot

Hermann König
Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel

Alexander Litvak
University of Alberta, Edmonton

Emanuel Milman
Technion, Haifa

Leonid Pastur
Verkin Institute, Kharkiv

Leonid Polterovich
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Liran Rotem
Technion, Haifa

Rolf Schneider
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg

Alexander Segal
Afeka, Tel Aviv

Micha Sharir
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv

Boaz Slomka
Weizmann Institute, Rehovot

Sasha Sodin
Queen Mary University, London

Elena Vladimirsky
Jerusalem, Israel

Roy Wagner
ETH, Zurich

Haim Wolfson
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv


Monday morning session will be held at Jaglom auditorium (Senate building).
All sessions from Monday afternoon to Wednesday will be held at Lev auditorium (Shenkar building).

For a PDF version of the program and abstracts click here.

Session Chairs

Morning: B.Kashin
Afternoon: S.Szarek

Morning: N.Tomczak-Jaegermann
Afternoon: R.Latala

Morning: A.Volcic
Afternoon: A.Stancu

Morning: M.Rudelson
Afternoon: S.Kislyakov

Morning: M. Ludwig


Registration is closed.



The conference will be held at Tel Aviv University, School of Mathematical Sciences, and also at the Dead Sea Research Institute in Masada.


Registered participants will be contacted and assisted with the making of reservations. For the first part of the conference, there are many hotels available in Tel Aviv, and some will have special pricing offers for guests of the conference. The second part of the conference will be held at the Dead Sea, with main accomodation venue at the Ein Gedi Hotel.