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I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University


My research interests are:
Mathematics of data science
signal processing
cryo-electron microscopy
phase retrieval

I am looking for excellent research students to join my group! Prospective students are encouraged to read this paper.
Office: Tel Aviv University, Department of Electrical Engineering, EE-Labs Building, Room 118
Phone: +972 733804212
Email: bendory at tauex dot tau dot ac dot il
My Google Scholar page
Funding: ISF, NSF, BSF


  1. The paper Image detection using combinatorial auction has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing.
  2. New paper: Einstein from Noise: Statistical Analysis. Joint work with Amnon Balanov and Wasim Huleihel,.
  3. The paper SE(3) Synchronization by Eigenvectors of Dual Quaternion Matrices has been accepted for publication in Information and Inference: A journal of the IMA.
  4. New paper: A transversality theorem for semi-algebraic sets with application to signal recovery from the second moment and cryo-EM. Joint work with Nadav Dym, Dan Edidin, and Arun Suresh
  5. New paper: Object detection under the linear subspace model with application to cryo-EM images. Joint work with Amitay Eldar, Keren Mor Waknin, Samuel Davenport, Armin Schwartzman, and Yoel Shkolnisky.
  6. The paper Denoiser-based projections for 2-D super-resolution multi-reference alignment has been accepted for publication in IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing.
  7. New paper: The beltway problem over orthogonal groups. Joint work with Dan Edidin, and Oscar Mickelin.