Curriculum Vitae
Place and Date of Birth: Jerusalem, May 7, 1927
Citizenship: Israeli
Address: 37, Levi Eshkol Street, Herzlia 46745,
phone: + 972-9-950-4072
fax: + 972-153-9-950-4072
e-mail: agass@tauex.tau.ac.il
Married Judith Buber, 10 Aug 1949,
Daughter Tirzah (deceased), Son Aaron
Degrees and Academic/Professional Qualifications:
1940-44 Jewish Theological School,
1946-51 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Physics (major); Mathematics and
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1948-49 Israeli Defense Force (Parachute Instructor),
1951 M. Sc. in Physics,
1952-56 University of London, on an overseas scholarship for one year,
senior research assistant for about two years,
1956 Ph. D. in Science: Logic and Scientific Method.
Current Position:
1997 Emeritus Professor, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv and York University,
Previous Positions:
1971-1996 Professor of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv,
1982-1997 Professor of Philosophy, York University, Toronto,
1965-1983 Professor of Philosophy, Boston University.
1963-1965 Associate Professor of Philosophy, The University of Illinois.
1960-1963 Lecturer and then Reader and Head of Department the Department of
Philosophy, The University of Hong Kong.
1957-1960 Lecturer in Philosophy, logic and scientific method, London
School of Economics.
1956-1957 Research Associate, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford
Additional Previous Positions:
2000-1 Shann Lecturer, St. John College, Hong
Kong University
1998 Summer, Resource Person, Central European University Summer School,
1998 Summer, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz.
1997-8, Visiting Professor of Political Science, LUISS, Rome.
1996 Fall, Distinguished Visitor, Faculty of Education, University of
1996 Summer, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz.
1996 Winter, Visiting Scholar, Department of the History of Technology,
Royal College of Technology, Stockholm.
1995 Winter, Visitor, Faculty Seminar Director, Tema
H, Department of Health and Society, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden.
1994 Summer, Workshop Director, Summer School, Association for the Foundation
of Science, Warsaw.
1993 Summer, External Teacher, Political Science, Tel-Aviv University.
1991 Summer, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz.
1990 Summer, Visitor, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa,
Mexico, Program in the Philosophy of Science.
1990 Winter, Visiting Researcher, Hadassah Medical Center, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem.
1989 Winter, Visiting Bean Professor of Science, Technology and Public
Policy; Visiting Cowling Professor of Philosophy, Carleton College,
Northfield MN
1986-87 Senior Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung,
Department of Economics, J. W. Goethe-Universität
1983 Fall, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, J. W. Goethe Universität, Frankfurt/Main.
1980 Summer, Mellon-Wheaton Faculty Seminar Director, Wheaton College,
Norton MA.
1978-79 Senior Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung,
resident at the Zentrum für
Interdisziplinäre Forschung,
Bielefeld Universität, Bielefeld.
1978 Summer Seminar Director, Austrian College, Alpbach,
Tyrol, Austria.
1970-71 Visiting Professor, Department of History and Philosophy of
Science, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
1966 Fall, Visiting Professor of Philosophy, Tel-Aviv University.
1959 Offered a Rockefeller Fellowship, but declined.
1978-9 A. v. Humboldt Senior Fellowship.
1986-7 A. v. Humboldt Senior Fellowship.
Two volumes of essays in honor of J. A., both edited by I. C. Jarvie and Nathaniel LaorLaor,
Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vols. 161-2, 1995:
1. Critical Rationalism, Metaphysics and Science.
2. Critical Rationalism, the Social Sciences and the Humanities.
"Encouraging Openness: Essays for Joseph Agassi on the Occasion of His 90th Birthday",
Volume 325 of Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science,
editors, Nimrod Br-Am and Stefano Gattei, 2017.
A volume of essays edited by M. del Castello and
M. Segre, I Limiti della Rationalità: Scritti
in onore di Joseph
Agassi, Lanciano, Italy, Carabba,
Declared on May 2019 Membro Onorario del Corpo Accademico dell'Universita degli Studi "Gabriele d'Annunzio", Chieti-Pescara, Italia.
D. V. Segre, The High Road and the Low: A Study in Legitimacy, Authority
and Technical Aid, London: Allen Lane, 1974.
W. K. Berkson and J. R. Wettersten, Lernen aus dem Irrtum: Karl R. Poppers Lerntheorie, Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1982.
L. A. Boland, The Methodology of Model Building, London: Routledge, 1989.
Pozzi Escot, Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra, Publication
Contact International, 1982.
R. Sassower, Knowledge without Expertise: On the Status of Scientists,
Buffalo NY: SUNY, 1993.
Chen Yehezkely, Closed Education in the Open Society: Kibbutz Education
as a Case Study, Series in the Philosophy of Karl Popper and ritical Rationalism, XIX, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2012.
Sheldon Richmond, A Way Through the Global TechnoScientific Culture, 2020.
Professional Activities:
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Royal Society of Canada,
World Academy of Art and Science.
Sometime Member of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science,
Boston University Center for the Philosophy and
History of Science,
American Philosophical Association,
Canadian Philosophical Association,
Israeli Philosophical Association,
History of Science Association,
Philosophy of Science Association,
Society for Philosophy and Technology,
Editor, Philosophical Forum, Vol. 1, 1968.
Author of over 20 books,
editor and co-editor of more than 10 books,
author of over 500 contributions to the learned press.
April, 2020.
With Sir Karl R. Popper

Tirzah and her grandpa
 With Hillel Kook (Peter Bergson)
 With Mario Bunge
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