... a bibliography.

The World Wide Web has blossomed into a self-reflective medium. Books are constantly being published about almost every aspect of the internet, but the Web itself remains the cutting edge for a serious examination of issues such as Community on the Web, Education via the Web, Identity on the Web, and of course Hypertext. Thus a bibliography of a discussion of one or more of these topics will inevitably cull most of its sources from the Web rather than from traditional print media. Another distinctive aspect of bibliographies devoted to topics such as that discussed here is that they reflect the eclectic nature of the World Wide Web: winded academic studies share the shelf with frivolous personal musings; experimental examinations of the medium are couched between scholarly tomes. And lest someone get the impression that it's all here, much more has been left out than has been included.

alt.hypertext newsgroup (1997…), Frequently Asked Questions, [dynamic WWW document] URL: http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~jamie/hypertext-faq.html

Anderson, Richard (1996) Hypertext Notes, [WWW document] URL: http://www.hanover.edu/philos/ejournal/archive/v6n3/andersen/frames.html

Barger, Jorn (1997): HyperContent, HyperJunk - Hypertext Theory as if the WWWeb Matters, [WWW document] URL: http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/hyper.html

Barger, Jorn (1997): WHERE'S THE &%$*@# CONTENT???, [WWW document] URL:http://www.mcs.net/~jorn/html/net/content.html

Birkerts, Sven (1994): The Gutenberg Elegies - The Fate of Reading in an Electronic Age, Fawcett Columbine, New York [excerpts available in WWW document] URL: http://www.obs-us.com;obs/english/books/nn/bdbirk.htm

Boese, Christine (1998): The Ballad of the Internet Nutball: Chaining Rhetorical Visions from the Margins of the Margins to the Mainstream in the Xenaverse, [WWW document] URL: http://www.nutball.com/index2.html

Bolter, Jay David (1991): Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext and the History of Writing, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New Jersey

Brent, Doug (1997): Rhetorics of the Web, [WWW document] URL: http://english.ttu.edu/kairos/2.1/features/brent/

Bush, Vannevar (1945): As We May Think, [available as WWW document] URL: http://www.isg.sfu.ca/~duchier/misc/vbush

Calvin, William (1996…): William Calvin's web site, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.williamcalvin.com

Chandler, Daniel (1998): Personal Home Pages and the Construction of Identities on the Web, [WWW document] URL: http://www.aber.ac.uk/~dgc/webident.html

December, John (1998): Web Development: Web Qualities, [WWW document] URL: http://www.december.com/web/develop/qualities.html

Devlin, Keith (2000) The Death of the Paragraph, [WWW document] URL: http://www.feedmag.com/essay/es283.shtml

Don, Abbe (1996…): Bubbe's Back Porch, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.bubbe.com

Eastgate Systems (1994…): Eastgate Systems, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.eastgate.com

Eisenberg, Rebecca Lynn (1995…): Revenge is Sweet, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.bossanova.com/rebeca/index.html

Erickson, Thomas (1996): The World Wide Web as Social Hypertext, [WWW document] URL: http://www.pliant.org/personal/Tom_Erickson/SocialHypertext.html

Guay, Tim (1995): Web Publishing Paradigms, [WWW document] URL: http://hoshi.cic.sfu.ca/~guay/Paradigm

Hall, Justin (1995…): Justin Hall's web site, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.justin.org/vita

Hilton, Nelson (1997): Hype & Hypertext, [WWW document] URL: http://virtual.park.uga.edu/~hypertxt

Hurvitz, Jay (1996): The Cult of Home Pages, [WWW document] URL: http://muse.tau.ac.il/maslool/boidem/boidem4.html

Hurvitz, Jay (1996): Okay, tell me already, [WWW document] URL: http://muse.tau.ac.il/maslool/boidem/jwho.html

Hurvitz, Mark (1996…): Davka.org, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.davka.org

Kaplan, Nancy (1995…): E-Literacies: Politexts, Hypertexts and Other Cultural Formations in the Late Age of Print, [WWW document] URL: http://raven.ubalt.edu/staff/Kaplan/lit/index.html

Kurtz, Glenn A. (1997): From Work to Hypertext: Authors and Authority in a Reader-Directed Medium, [WWW document] URL: http://www.cel.sfsu.edu/MSP/Instructors/Kurtz/Work.html

Miall, David S. (1998): Hypertextual reading: What's the difference?, [WWW document] URL:http://www.ualberta.ca/~dmiall/reading/hypdiff.htm

Miller, Hugh (1995): The Presentation of Self in Electronic Life: Goffman on the Internet, [WWW document] URL: http://www.ntu.ac.uk/soc/psych/miller/goffman.htm

Miller, Hugh and Mather, Russell (1995): The Presentation of Self in WWW Home Pages, [WWW document] URL: http://www.sosig.ac.uk/iriss/papers/paper21.htm

Moulthrop, Stuart (1999): Where to?, [WWW document] URL: http://www.eastgate.com/reviews/Moulthrop.html

Mountain Zone (1999): Mallory's Body Found on Everest, [WWW document] URL: http://www.mountainzone.com/everest/99/north/disp5-2simo.html

Nielsen, Jakob (1995 …): Useit.com, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.useit.com

Nielsen, Jakob (1997): How Users Read on the Web, [WWW document] URL: http://www.useit.com/alertbox/9710a.html

O'Gorman, Marcel (1995): How to Wread Hypertext, [WWW document] URL: http://web.nwe.ufl.edu/~ogorman/gibb/howcover.html

Ragde, Prabhakar (1997…): Web Space, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://plg2.math.uwaterloo.ca/~plragde

Reinking, David (1997): Me and my hypertext, [WWW document] URL: http://www.readingonline.org/literacy/hypertext/index.htm

Rosenberg, Martin (1996): CONTINGENCY, LIBERATION AND THE SEDUCTION OF GEOMETRY: HYPERTEXT AS AN AVANT-GARDE MEDIUM, [WWW document] URL: http://noel.pd.org/topos/perforations/perf3/geometry.html

Seabrook, John(1995): Home on the Net, The New Yorker Magazine, October 16, 1995

Shenk, David (1997): The Problem with Hypertext (interview), [WWW document] URL: http://www.technorealism.org/ATC2.html

Weinberger, David (1995): The Ecstatic Document, Wired Magazine, 3.03, [available as WWW document] URL: http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/3.03/weinberger.if.html

WildWoman (1997…): Running With the Wolves, [dynamic WWW site] URL: http://www.wildwoman.org/

Wilson, Marjorie (1998): Hypertextual Stories, [WWW document] URL: http://www.dlh.dk/it/konferencer/itvae/marjorie.htm

Wolf, Gary (1995): The Curse of Xanadu, Wired Magazine, 3.06, [available as WWW document] URL: http://www.wired.com/wired/3.06/xanadu_pr.html

Yahoo! (1995…) Personal Home Pages, [dynamic WWW document] URL: http://dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/People/Personal_Home_Pages

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