Who cares when it was posted?

Over time the date links took on a life of their own, and at one point I considered creating a page that would link only them. Ultimately I felt, however, that these links, rather than having an independent identity, actually only have meaning because they are asides to an ongoing examination of something different. As additions they add an interesting dimension to the columns, one more angle from which to view the Boidem network. Were they to have an independent existence they would be detached, and hardly of any interest. The events that the date links refer to may be interesting unto themselves, but their true meaning and significance within the context of the Boidem is precisely the fact that they have almost randomly been chosen (almost fallen upon), and in that way been given new meaning.

Go to: It's more than just words and links, you know, or
Go to: Trying to make some sense out of all this, or
Go to: An introduction to the extroduction, or
Go to: Web Essays - The evolution of a (personal?) medium