I seem to be walking on rather thin ice here.

A link that tells us that the entire column (at least up until this point) doesn't really have legs on which to stand (or that seems to reach the conclusion that the issue at hand may well be a non-issue) suggests what might be called a misuse of hypertext. I have, after all, been making rather broad claims in the main text of this column, only to water them down greatly in the linked, but almost hidden away, pages. Four examples, and not overly convincing ones at that, over a five year period aren't exactly a convincing way to prove a point. On the other hand, this may be related less to hypertext than to simple advertising techniques. Maybe it's no more than a rather simple case of truth (or untruth) in packaging, where a suggestive headline draws the reader in and leads him or her on, but in the end doesn't deliver the goods.

Go to: But not necessarily internet related, or
Go to: It's not exactly Rashamon, but ..., or
Go to: Guilt by hyperlink?