Nobody asked.

The main purpose of our trip was visiting with family, though of course you can't bring three children to North America and not expect to do some serious touring. And that means, of course, that in visits such as this children are the primary focus of attention. Only after they've been oohed and aahed over do people turn to the adults and ask how they're doing, or even what they do. I expected this, but I still brought with me a rather substantial folder of materials that gave a good picture of both my professional and my private activities. I figured that at some point in some visit with friends or family the kids might be playing outside and someone might turn to me and say "just what is it that you do, anyway", and I, expressing a bit of surprise that I was being asked would reach into my bag and say something like "funny you should ask - I just happen to have with me the last five articles I've written", and then proceed to bore whoever had asked out of his or her mind. But the folder was never opened. About the closest I got to telling about what I do was handing out my business card, and explaining that if anyone was interested, the URL of my web site was on the card.

Go to: Getting thoughts on paper, or
Go to: The Boidem takes a vacation.