It sort of makes sense.

Metaphors like refrigerator doors tend not to be very original. Put even more simply, if I could think of it, chances are good that lots of others have done the same. And they have. Finding previous references to this wasn't very difficult, though it did entail a bit of second guessing: I could find only two references to refrigerator door wisdom, but once I let myself search only for the refrigerator door finding pages that relate to the phenomenon became much easier than I'd expected.

A Google search on "refrigerator door" brings up over 48,000 hits. Some, perhaps many, of these (though I'm not about to count) refer to actual refrigerators - sometimes it's spare parts, sometimes a description of an actual refrigerator for sale - but many define themselves as some sort of "virtual refrigerator door". Many of these simply represent a space where the person who built the personal web page shows drawings made by his or her children, while others offer their page as public space where readers can send in their own, or their children's work. Even when they're "virtual", these refrigerator doors are rather literal translations of a three dimensional object to a web page and as such, to my mind at least, rather limited.

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