On getting a template wrong.
The details aren't really very interesting, and that may even be true of the entire story in general, but that's not going to keep me from telling it. When I saved to disk the files I wanted to take with me as templates, the main contents page file, to which I'd already added the (tentative and later to be changed) name of this column, I apparently copied a file with inaccurate links. Just why this happens really isn't of much interest (though it tends to be rather disheartening for me when I encounter it again and again) but what is significant is that the column was uploaded from Toronto (where I knew I'd have FTP access) and the problem of the inaccurate links was called to my attention in San Diego. Making the corrections seemed to be important (though hordes weren't exactly flocking to read the inaccessible columns and it thus could have waited), and that entailed not only a couple of minutes of correcting, but also downloading and installing the proper FTP software. Altogether that took less than half an hour. And of course what most involved me in this whole process was the challenge, and meeting it successfully.

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