... I've now got a box of bulbs.

Linking to the future, my mother has vacated the house she's lived in for 45 years. A great deal was thrown out, perhaps too much saved, and some things, passed on to me. Mostly a box of books that were either of professional or sentimental value to me. But once a box get packed, it's hard not to fill it with additional knick knacks. Thus I received a bit of memoribilia which I could have easily forgotten, two slide rules which I'm delighted to have but have no idea what I'll do with, and a box of Blue Dot M3 Sylvania Flashbulbs for which I don't ever recall having a camera, but if I did, I certainly don't now.

There's no date on the box, but it virtually reeks of 1950's America. It might be a wonderful collector's item, but among my many collections, flash bulbs isn't one of them. So if anybody wants it, contact me.

(Please note: Someone has already received these bulbs.)

Go to: ...a once flashy subject, or
Go to: ...and to get to school we had to walk through...