And being comprehensive allows us also to stumble.

A search for James Joyce in these pages showed me that I'd also quoted part of Molly Bloom's soliloquy from the end of Ulysses. And as I guess is to be expected, I found myself wondering what had led to that internal page. Which is what led me to "rediscover" Amy whom, as I acknowledged back then, almost eleven years ago, I serendipitously stumbled upon, and wasn't able to reconstruct precisely how.

Amy's "original" about page is now here, no longer where I originally linked to it. It seems that her entire linking structure has changed, so I've updated that link - though not to that page, but to her present about page. It's been about four years since she did anything close to extensive blogging. Her blog is still in my RSS reader, so if she posts something new I'll know. I'm sure that she would have been surprised to learn that someone with such a totally different lifestyle and set of beliefs was one of her most avid readers. But that's one of the wonderful aspects of the web.

Go to: How to read a Boidem column.