Is this some sort of sign?

I admit that for the past few months it's been difficult to produce Boidem columns. Partially this has been due to being engulfed by too many other tasks, primarily of the unavoidable maintaining-a-livelihood sort, which, whether I like it or not, take precedence. Partially it's been due to other writing tasks which have dominated my thinking, and my writing style. And there's an additional reason, one which also demands to be acknowledged. Early signs of the encroachment of this reason were visible nine years ago when, referring to the fact that I didn't mind not having an updated personal web site because I'd discovered that those web sites had ceased to truly captivate me, I wrote that "the thrill is gone". But that was only one step in a rather inevitable long march leading, three years ago, to a more general confession:
the internet - at least as a tool, but perhaps also as a concept - has so thoroughly penetrated our culture, that it's ceased to be interesting
In other words, there are times, and some of these become rather lengthy stretches, during which I wonder whether a continued examination of "computers and information technologies in everyday life" still merits a monthly examination of the sort I try to conduct.

Which lead me to this month's date tie-in, a tie-in found in the Wikipedia entry for this column's upload date. It's there that I learned that in 1669, almost 340 years ago:
Citing poor eyesight, Samuel Pepys records the last event in his diary.
I follow Pepys' diary in my RSS reader. Or more precisely, I receive updates to the wonderfully blogged version of this diary in my RSS reader. I've drastically cut back on actually reading the entries to the diary. Somehow keeping abreast of what was happening in London, day by day, over 300 years ago just doesn't seem to be a high priority item for me. But Pepys can most certainly be considered a proto-blogger, and the coincidence of my acknowledging the difficulty of maintaining this project with reading that (yes, on this day) he brought an end to his ten year project might even be seen as an omen of some sort.

By the way, though it's been a few years now that I've had to remove my glasses in order to read a book or a newspaper, my eyesight is still fully passable.

Go to: It's nothing personal.