And another take on that title.

During the month of our vacation, the Canadian pop star, Avril Lavigne, was accused of plagiarizing what seems to be a rightfully forgotten pop song from the late 1970s. It seems that the Rubinoos (whom I admit I've never heard of) had a hit with their song "I want to be your boyfriend" which has the line:
Hey, hey! You, you! I want to be your boyfriend.
while Lavigne's new hit, "Girlfriend" has the line:
Hey, hey! You, you! I want to be your girlfriend.
No doubt about it, there are some heavy similarities there.

But when I hear the words "Hey, hey! You, you!" I immediately assume that I'm going to be hearing the Stones singing:
Get off of my cloud!
which was, of course, the line I had in mind when I chose the name for this column. I doubt that the Rolling Stones are considering suing either the Rubinoos, or Avril Lavigne, for using the words "Hey, hey! You, you!" in a song. Those are rather common words and chances are good they've appeared numerous times in many songs - some that I've heard, and some that I can hope that I never will.

Still, since I have an ongoing interest in plagiarism, the appearance of this case (more background material is here as well) during our vacation was a lucky coincidence.

Go to: Another sort of cloud, or
Go to: Get into my cloud.