What? Yet again?

It's only fair that I note here (as I have [too?] often in the past) that though writing these columns helps me clarify my thinking on the subject at hand, the hypertextual framework into which I choose to channel that thinking helps me, almost by definition, consider additional aspects of that subject. It's sort of like taking sides, but at the same time continuing to sit on the fence. Though when it comes to physics I'm a populist who's happy to make broad generalizations that stem from the fact that I actually understand very little, I seem to understand too much to be able to make some sort of wise-sounding analogy to the Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle. Doing so might fit in well here, but I can't allow myself to do that. I'll have to leave to others the dubious pleasure of being overly simplistic while attempting to appear profound.

Go to: Writing for myself?, or
Go to: Having fun