The true need is availability.

Sure, there are times when we need our computers so that we can accomplish a specific task. We want to send mail, so we open the computer. We hope that we've been sent mail, so we open our computers. We want to write something, so we open our computers. We want to find a recipe - either on our hard drive or on the web, so we open our computers. We want to convert square feet to square meters, so we open our computers.

I can understand someone turning his or her computer on in order to play a computer game, and then turning it off when finished playing. That sort of use is specific and well defined. But for people who have made their computers an integral part of their daily lives, there are countless needs that spring up throughout the day. That sort of use justfies, even demands, having the computer open all the time.

Go to: Waiting for it to warm up isn't an option, or
Go to: Fort PC.