Biomechanics of Bones and Arteries 0540-6445

Prof. Zohar Yosibash               Fall 2018

Last update, Jan, 12, 2019 

Syllabus (pdf) 


Handouts 1: Intro to elasticity and anisotropy

Handouts 2: Material properties of bones

Powerpoint presentation - Anatomy of femurs, material properties. Update Jan 5, 2019

Powerpoint presentation - Typical fractures of bones.

Handouts 3: and 4: Loads on femurs and spine                                                               

Handouts 5: Fabric tensor  Update Jan 5, 2019


Handouts 6: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 1 and 2  Update Jan 5, 2019

Powerpoint presentation – Introduction to arteries

Powerpoint presentation – SEDFs for arteries   Update Jan 12, 2019


Homework Assignments:

Solution to Homeworks:

·         Solution to HW4 (Notice that in the HW the size of the cube was changed to mm3) Update Jan 12, 2019

Example of a final exam:

·         2015 final exam  Update Jan 12, 2019

·         Further examples of test questions       


Lectures schedule:

·         Week 1: 

a.       The syllabus, grade structure and global aims and scopes of the course.

b.       Introduction and example of bone and artery mechanical response.

c.       Displacements, strains and stresses.

d.       Kinematic relations and the Hooke’s law for an isotropic material, equilibrium equations.

·         Week 2: 

a.       Hooke’s law for a transversely isotropic and orthotropic material.

b.       Trajectories in a transversely isotropic material and transformation of stress and strain tensors due to transformation of coordinate system.

c.       Principal strains and stresses.

d.       The components of bone – from nano to macro scales (pptx presentation).

e.       Classification of bone into cortical and trabecular bone at the macro scale (pptx presentation).

·         Week 3: 

a.       Bone pathologies (osteoporosis, fracture, stress fracture), (pptx presentation).

b.       General data on bones in human body, role and types.

c.       The different density measures – wet density, dry density, ash density, EQM density, BV/TV, BMD.

d.       Homogenized material properties and their relation to density measures.

·         Week 4: 

a.       Various relations between Young moduli and densities.

b.       Clinical CTs – CT#, HU, QCT and what data does CT provide on bone densities.

·         Week 5: 

a.       1-D yield and ultimate strains and stresses.

b.       Transversely isotropic material properties – Wirtz and Rho relations between trans.isot. material properties and densities.

·         Week 6: 

a.       Physiological load boundary conditions on femurs and vertebrae.

b.       The telemetric implanted femurs and vertebrae and the measured loads – videos of OrthoLoad and Hip98.

c.       Load histories and patient variations.

d.       The micro structure of the trabecular bone.

·         Week 7: 

a.       The fabric tensor and different methods for its determination from micro-CT scans.

b.       The stiffness tensor computed by the fabric tensor.

·         Week 8: 

a.       CT-based finite element methods for the analysis of bones.

b.       Pathological cases examined by the FE method: Total hip arthoplasty, risk of fracture in osteoporotic bones and femurs with metastatic tumors, analysis of compacted fractures in the humerii, fixation of Hallux Valgus in the second metatarsals. Fixation of GCT by plates.

·         Week 9:  Please see book of Jay Humphrey – chapters 7-8

a.       The blood vessel tree, types of arteries and classification into veins and artery. Classification of arteries.

b.       Structure of an artery and mechanical response. Collagen fibers distribution and their direction distribution. The elastin matrix.

c.       Pathologies of arteries – atherosclerosis and aneurysm.

d.       Characteristics of an elastic artery – multi-structured, composite, soft tissue, anisotropic, large deformations, residual strains.

e.       Kinematic relations for large deformations, the deformation gradient, notions of strains.

·         Week 10:

a.       Kinematic relations for large deformations, the deformation gradient, notions of strains, invariants of the Cauchy-Green tensors, notion of stresses.

·         Week 11: [JH] chapters 3,4, [GH] chapter 2

a.       Definition of a strain energy density function and constitutive laws for hyperelastic materials.

b.       A hperelastic material with two families of enforcing fibers (Holzapfel’s model) – the SEDF.

·         Week 12:

·         The smooth muscle cells, and their contribution.

·         The SEDF for the active response part.

·         Aneurysm of the proximal aorta and the abdominal aorta.

·         Atherosclerosis of the carotid and coronary arteries

·         Week 13:

·         Solution of three problems as an example typical to exam questions.



Topics for future consideration.


a.       micro-CT scans – what data do they provide on bone densities.

b.       Kinematic means to evaluate loads during motion by analysis (Anybody code, etc).

Lecture: Nano-indentation tests and micromechanical models to evaluate homogenized material properties. ([AR], Hellmich papers)

a.       Nano-indentation for the evaluation of material properties at the micro scale.

b.       Hellmich’s micromechanical models to determine homogenized material properties.


Lecture :  Hyperelastic constitutive equations ([GH] chapters 3 and 6)

a.       Dispersion of fiber’s direction.

b.       Determination of material parameters by experimentation ([JH] chapter 5).

Lecture :  The active response of the artery and almost incompressibility

a.       Various vasoconstrictors and vasodilators and their influence on the active response.

c.       Experiments for the determination of the active response and incompressibility of arteries  (ZY paper on new exp device,[JH] chapter 5).

Lecture :  Surgeries in which the artery response plays important roles.

a.       The coronary artery bypass grafts