Exp. Procedures
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Exp. Procedures

1. Laser radiation experiment
We will pass a laser beam through two different lattices, and compare the "density" of the points obtained in the diffraction image. We will measure the distances between the lattice lines with a microscope, on the basis that each count in the microscope  represents 0.01mm. We shall compare this distance to the distance calculated from the diffraction image. We shall learn on the reciprocal relation between the dimensions in the diffraction image and the periodicity of the lattice.

2. Single Crystal Experiment with X-ray radiation
General Description:
  - The experimental system we will use is the rotating crystal method.
  - The diffraction system on which the experiment is performed is the 4-circle diffractometer, by Nonius, model  
     Mach3. The experimental system is described in appendix 1. The ECON goniometer head, on which the  
     crystals will be mounted is shown in appendix 2. The Eucentric goniometer head, onto which the capillary  
     powder will be mounted, is shown in appendix 3. The items described in the appendices are taken
    from the Nonius7 company website. 

     In this experiment we will produce X-ray diffraction images of single crystals
     of NaCl, KCl, and KBr, and also of NaCl powder.

   The experiment includes the following steps: Learning to operate the diffraction system and the diffractometer 
   software, choosing the crystal and mounting it to the goniometer head, centering the crystal and aligning it in
   the path of the beam, installing the detector (polaroid cassette), radiating the crystals with X-rays and          
    producing an image. In the powder experiment, we will crush the crystals into a powder, and
   insert into a capillary attached to the goniometer head. The capillary will be centered in the x-ray beam. 
   The results will be analyzed according to the obtained diffraction images.

3. Calculation of the cell dimensions and the plane indices by using the INDEX
     We will enter into the computer the x-y coordinates of the diffraction points, that are obtained on  
      the Polaroid diffraction image.
     We shall operate the PHOTO procedure in order to center the values received in the image of the
     rotation experiment. Eventually we will operate the INDEX software that calculates the plane 
     indices and cell dimensions.

4. Powder diffractometer experiment in the 2q/q method
       In this experiment we will radiate NaCl, KBr, and KCl powder with x-rays, and obtain the typical
    diffraction patterns ("finger prints") for each of the material
s, on a graph displaying the intensity as 
     a function of the diffraction angle, 2q.
The experimental system consists of a Miniflex insrument, which is a compact apparatus for x-ray 
    diffraction experiments, and a computer through which we determine the conditions of the 
   experiment, and observe the diffraction patterns. The instrument contains a copper X-ray tube, a 
   magnetic plate to hold the powder, filter (monochromator) and a radiation detector. The voltage  
   and current settings of  the tube are constant and cannot be changed. Voltage-30kV, Current  