Appendix 2
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Appendix 2
Appendix 3

The Nonius Econ Goniometer Head  

Nonius' long experience in the design and manufacture of many goniometer heads with the exacting demands referred to has now enabled us to take advantage of new materials, new construction techniques and advanced design features to produce a radically new goniometer head.


This head (ECON) has the required features but is so economical that it is reasonable to consider devoting one head to each sample. While ECON supplies the necessary accuracy and stability for high precision work at ambient temperature, the unit is markedly lower in cost than anything else available. ECON can, of course, be re-used many times without suffering any significant degradation in performance. However, for the first time, it is now possible to store your sample on the diffractometer goniometer head and to retrieve the sample, with its orientation intact, quickly to the diffractometer.

Frequently, removal of the sample from the goniometer head is the most hazardous time for your precious crystal. Because the cost of an ECON head is such a low fraction of the total cost of even the simplest full data collection, it does make sense to keep many of your sample crystals on the goniometer heads with easy and quick access for follow up studies. Remember, ECON is simple, reliable and accurate! It can be used for many samples in the conventional way or it can be considered part of the reproducible experimental set-up and committed to a single sample until all possible work with that sample has been completed. If you would like an ECON head for evaluation, contact us.