Fred Landman

  • Department of Linguistics
  • Tel Aviv University


Master's thesis

University of Amsterdam 1981 (with Ieke Moerdijk): Morphological Features and Conditions on Rules in Montague Grammar.
Supervisors: Jeroen Groenendijk and Martin Stokhof
Published as: Amsterdam Papers in Formal Grammar 3, 73 pp.

Doctoral Dissertation

University of Amsterdam 1986: Towards a Theory of Information. The Status of Partial Objects in Semantics.
Supervisors: Renate Bartsch and Frank Veltman
Published as: See under books


  1. 1. Fred Landman, 1986, Towards a theory of Information. The Status of Partial Objects in Semantics, GRASS 6, Foris, Dordrecht, 228 pp.
  2. 2. Fred Landman, 1991, Structures for Semantics, SLAP 45, [Kluwer], Berlin, 350 pp.
  3. 3. Fred Landman, 2000, Events and Plurality, Springer [Kluwer], Berlin, 380 pp.
  4. 4. Fred Landman, 2004, Indefinites and the Type of Sets, Oxford, 269 pp.
  5. 5. Fred Landman, 2020, Iceberg Semantics for Mass Nouns and Count Nouns, Springer, Berlin, 381 pp.


  1. 1. Fred Landman and Frank Veltman (eds.), 1984, Varieties of Formal Semantics, GRASS 3, Foris, Dordrecht, 425 pp.


  1. 1. Fred Landman and Ieke Moerdijk, 1979, 'Behalve als voorzetsel,' in: Spectator 9, pp. 335-374.
  2. 2. Fred Landman, 1981, 'A note on the projection problem,' in: Linguistic Inquiry 12, pp. 467-471.
  3. 3. Fred Landman and Ieke Moerdijk, 1983, 'Compositionality and the analysis of anaphora,' in: Linguistics and Philosophy 6,1, pp. 89-114.
  4. 4. Fred Landman and Ieke Moerdijk, 1983, 'Compositional semantics and morphological features,' in: Theoretical Linguistics 10, pp. 205-225.
  5. 5. Fred Landman, 1984, 'Data semantics for attitude reports,' in: Logique et Analyse 106, pp. 165-192.
    Reprinted in Landman and Veldman 1984 and Landman 1986.
  6. 6. Fred Landman, 1985, 'The realist theory of meaning,' in: Linguistics and Philosophy 8,1 pp. 35-51. doi:10.1007/BF00653373
  7. 7. Fred Landman, 1986, 'Paradoxes of elimination,' in: J. Groenendijk, D. de Jongh and M. Stokhof (eds.), Information, Interpretation, Inference, GRASS 7, Foris, Dordrecht. Longer version in Landman 1986, pp. 183-227.
  8. 8. Fred Landman, 1986, 'Pegs and Alecs,' in: J. Halpern, (ed.), Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, pp. 45-61. Longer version in Landman 1996. (pp. 97-155).
  9. 9. Fred Landman, 1986, 'Conflicting presuppositions and modal subordination,' in: Farley, Farley, and McCullough (eds.), Papers from the Parasession on Pragmatics and Grammatical Theory, CLS 22, pp. 195-207.
  10. 10. Fred Landman, 1987, 'Groups, plural individuals and intentionality,' in: J. Groenendijk, M. Stokhof and F. Veltman (eds.), Proceedings of the Sixth Amsterdam Colloquium, ITLI, Amsterdam, pp. 197-217.
  11. 11. Fred Landman, 1989, 'Groups, I,' in: Linguistics and Philosophy 12.5, pp. 559-605. doi:10.1007/BF00627774
  12. 12. Fred Landman, 1989, 'Groups, II,' in: Linguistics and Philosophy 12.6, pp. 723-744. doi:10.1007/BF00632603
  13. 13. Fred Landman, 1990, 'Partial information, modality and intentionality,' in: P. Hanson (ed.), Information, Language and Cognition, U. of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, pp. 247-284.
  14. 14. Nirit Kadmon and Fred Landman, 1990, 'Polarity sensitive any and free choice any,' in: M. Stokhof and L. Torenvliet (eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Amsterdam Colloquium, ITLI, Amsterdam, pp. 227-251.
  15. 15. Fred Landman, 1992, 'The progressive,' in: Natural Language Semantics, 1.1, pp. 1-32. doi:10.1007/BF02342615
  16. 16. Nirit Kadmon and Fred Landman, 1993, 'Any,' in: Linguistics and Philosophy 16.4, pp. 353-422. doi:10.1007/BF00985272
  17. 17. Fred Landman, 1995, 'Plurality,' in: S. Lappin (ed), Handbook of Contemporary Semantics, 1st Edition, Blackwell, London, pp. 425-457.
  18. 18. Alexander Grosu and Fred Landman, 1996, 'Carlson's last puzzle. Will it go the way of Fermat's Last Theorem?', in: E. Doron and S. Wintner (eds.), IATL 3. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference and the Workshop on Discourse, IATL, Hebrew U. of Jerusalem, pp. 129-142
  19. 19. Alexander Grosu and Fred Landman, 1998, 'Strange relatives of the third kind,' in: Natural Language Semantics 6, pp. 125-170. doi:10.1023/A:1008268401837
  20. 20. Fred Landman, 1998, 'Plurals and maximalization,' in: S. Rothstein (ed.), Events and Grammar, Springer [Kluwer], Berlin, pp. 237-271.
  21. 21. Landman, Fred, 2003, 'Predicate-argument mismatches and the Adjectival Theory of Indefinites,' in: Coene, Martine and Yves D'Hulst (eds.), From NP to DP, Volume 1: The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Phrases, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 211-237.
  22. 22. Landman, Fred, 2006, 'Indefinite time-phrase, in situ-scope, and dual-perspective intensionality,' in: Vogeleer, Svetlana and Liliane Tasmowski (eds.), Non-definiteness and Plurality, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 237-266.
  23. 23. Landman, Fred, 2006, ‘Long paths and short paths: a puzzle for Manfred, on: Hans-Martin Gärtner, Sigrid Beck, Regine Eckardt, Renate Musan & Barbara Stiebels (eds.) Between 40 and 60 puzzles for Manfred Krifka, ZAS Berlin PDF
  24. 24. Landman, Fred, 2008, '1066. On the differences between the tense-perspective-aspect systems of English and Dutch,' in: Rothstein, Susan (ed.), Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics of Aspect, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 107-166.
  25. 25. Landman, Fred and Susan Rothstein, 2009, 'Incremental homogeneity in the semantics of aspectual for-phrases,' in: Rapapport Hovav, Malka, Ivi Sichel and Edit Doron (eds.), Syntax, Lexical Semantics and Event Structure, Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp. 229-251.
  26. 26. Landman, Fred, 2010, ‘Internal and interval semantics for CP-comparatives,’ in Aloni, Maria and Katrin Schulz, (eds), Amsterdam Colloquium 2009, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp 133-142.
  27. 27. Landman, Fred, 2011, ‘Count nouns, mass nouns, neat nouns, mess nouns,’ in: Skilters, Jurgis (ed.) Papers from: Formal Semantics and Pragmatics,: Discourse Context and Models, The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Vol 6 (2010). Manhattan, KS: New Prairy Press.
  28. 28. Landman, Fred, 2011, ‘Boolean Pragmatics,’ on J. van der Does, en C.Dulith Novaes (eds), This is not a Festschrift,', Festschrift for Martin Stokhof.
  29. 29. Landman, Fred, 2011, ‘Telbare, nette en morsige naamwoorden,’ in: Dolores, Ross, Jeannette koch, Marleen Mertens and Mieke Daniels-Waterman (eds.) Handelingen van de Tiende Bijeenkomst Docenten Neerlandistiek Middellandse Zeegebied, Tel Aviv-Jerusalem 2010, Hebrew University of Jersualem.
  30. 30. Fred Landman and Susan Rothstein, 2012, ‘The felicity of aspectual for-phrases, part 1: homogeneity,’ in: Language and Linguistics Compass 6, pp. 85-96.
  31. 31. Fred Landman and Susan Rothstein, 2012, ‘The felicity of aspectual for-phrases, part 2: incremental homogeneity,’ in: Language and Linguistics Compass 6, pp. 92 – 112.
  32. 32. Alexander Grosu and Fred Landman, 2012, ‘A quantificational disclosure approach to Japanese and Korean internally headed relatives’ in: Journal of East-Asian Linguistics, 21, pp. 159 -196.
  33. 33. Fred Landman, 2013, 'Countable, neat, and messy nouns,' in: M. Aloni, M. Franke and F. Roelofsen (eds.), The Dynamic, Inquisitive and Visonary Life of φ, ?φ and ◊φ . A Festschrift for Jeroen Groenendijk, Martin Stokhof and Frank Veltman, ILLC, Amsterdam [English translation of no. 28].
  34. 34. Keren Khrizman, Fred Landman, Suzi Lima, Susan Rothstein, and Brigitta R. Schvarz, 2015, 'Portion readings are count readings, not measure readings,' in: Thomas Brochhagen, Floris Roelofsen and Nadine Theiler (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th Amsterdam Colloquium, ILLC, Amsterdam.
  35. 35. Fred Landman, 2016, Japanese internally headed relatives. A hybrid analysis with Kuroda functions, in: Glossa 1.1 36-1-0
  36. 36. Fred Landman, 2016, 'Iceberg semantics for count nouns and mass nouns: the evidence from portions.' In: Susan Rothstein and Jurgis Skilter (eds.), Number: Cognitive, Semantic and Cross-linguistic Approaches, The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication, Vol 11 (2016). Manhattan, KS: New Prairy Press
  37. 37. Grosu, Alexander and Fred Landman, 2017, 'Amount relatives,' in: Everaert, Martin and Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), The Companion to Syntax, 2nd Edition, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford.
  38. 38. Fred Landman, 2021, ‘Iceberg semantics for count nouns and mass nouns: how mass counts,’ in: Filip, Hana (ed.), Countabliity in Natural Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 161-195.