ιγιςεο ϊωρ"θ


ωιξε μα: μεη δαηιπεϊ ιτεψρν αϊηιμϊ ηεγω ρτθξαψ.

δηεβ μμιξεγι δςψαιϊ εδΰρμΰν μωπϊ ϊωρ"θ

ϊψβιμ ϊεμγεϊ δςψαιν εδΰρμΰν‏ (06221012)


γ"ψ ξιψι ωτψ

ξθψϊ δϊψβιμ διΰ μδφιβ λξδ ξδωΰμεϊ δξψλζιεϊ εξδηεχψιν δαεμθιν αξηχψ δξεγψπι δξςψαι αϊηεν μιξεγι ηαψεϊ ξερμξιεϊ αϊχετδ δθψεν-ξεγψπιϊ. δχεψρ ξϊξχγ αξζψη δϊιλεο ΰκ μςϊιν πςρεχ βν αΰιζεψιν ξηευ μμιαϊ ςεμν δΰρμΰν, μξωμ δεγε δξερμξιϊ. δξρβψϊ δλψεπεμεβιϊ διΰ ξδετςϊ δΰρμΰν ςγ πτιμϊδ ωμ δρμθΰπεϊ δξξμελιϊ αιγι δςεϊ'ξΰπιν, ΰκ ξαπδ δχεψρ δεΰ πεωΰι εμΰ λψεπεμεβι. αηεξψ δχψιΰδ εαγιεπιν ιεων γβω ςμ διαθιν ηαψϊιιν εϊψαεϊιιν. ιιγεπε, μξωμ, δπεωΰιν δαΰιν: διεεφψεϊδ ωμ ξγιπδ ξερμξιϊ λιιωεϊ τεμιθιϊ; ϊδμικ δΰρμεν ωμ δξζψη δϊιλεο; ςψιν εχδιμεϊ ςιψεπιεϊ; ϊψαεϊ ηφψ; ϊψαεϊ τπΰι εγϊ ςξξιϊ; ηιι ξωτηδ, εςεγ.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 22/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 06/05/2009 αωςδ 18:00
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 06/07/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 07/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ςξεχ αΰγξδ: ξεεϊ αηαψεϊ ξερμξιεϊ‏ (06222126)


γ"ψ ξιψι ωτψ

ξεεϊ δεΰ ΰεμι δΰιψες δγψξθι αιεϊψ αηιιε ωμ ΰγν εαηιι χδιμδ. ζε πχεγϊ δξεφΰ ωμ δχεψρ ωςεχα ΰηψι δξωξςειεϊ δγϊιεϊ, δηαψϊιεϊ εδϊψαειεϊ ωιεηρε μξεεϊ αχδιμεϊ ξερμξιεϊ ξζψη ϊιλεπιεϊ αϊχετεϊ ωεπεϊ αδιρθεψιδ. δξεχγ ωμπε ιδιε ωΰμεϊ ωμ ζδεϊ, χδιμϊιεϊ, ξΰαχι λεη, βαεμεϊ ηαψϊιιν, ελιφγ λμ ΰμε πχαςε ϊεκ δρλξδ εϊεκ ϊηψεϊ εςιξεϊ ραια ρφιπϊ δξεεϊ. αιο δρεβιεϊ ωιγεπε δο δϊΰαγεϊ, ξεϊ ωδιγιν αξμηξδ εξβιτδ, δξϊϊ ηργ αδμλδ δξερμξιϊ, δμεειεϊ, αϊι χαψεϊ, δξεθια δρτψεϊι ωμ "μξεϊ ξΰδαδ", ωιβςεο εςαγεϊ λ"ξεεϊ ηαψϊι", ΰιτιεπε ωμ δςεμν δαΰ (βο ςγο εβιδπεν), εςεγ.

"Six Feet Under": Death in Muslim Societies (Fall 08)
Death, maybe the most dramatic event is the lives of an individual and his community, was the background on which social, religious and cultural ideals were formed, played out and contested. The course starts at this point and looks at Muslim societies in the Middle East in various periods in order to learn about community, identity, social hierachy, power struggles, morals and so much more which are aprt of Muslim realities. The specific case studies focus for example on funerals and graves, death as a literary motif ("dying of love", love fools), martyrdom, madness as a social death, euthanasia, etc.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ρξρθψ ΰ', ξεςγ ΰ': α-15/2/09 α-9:00. δηζψδ ςγ 22/2/09 α-13:00.
  • ρξρθψ ΰ', ξεςγ α': α-13/5/09 α-18:00. δηζψδ ςγ 20/5/09 α-13:00.

ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ‏ (06311010)


ξψ ιδεπϊο ΰαψξρεο

χεψρ ζδ διπε χεψρ ιρεγ ωξθψϊε μδχπεϊ ΰϊ δλμιν δγχγεχιιν δγψεωιν μδϊξεγγεϊ ςν θχρθ αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ ηγιωδ εαςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ. ιεων γβω ςμ χψιΰδ ξγειχϊ εδαπϊ δθχρθ. αιο δπεωΰιν ωιεςμε: δτεςμ δςψαι ςμ βζψεϊιε δωεπεϊ, φεψεϊ δψιαει δωμν εδωαεψ, φεψεϊ δζεβι, λμμι δδϊΰν δγχγεχι, ριξπι διηρεϊ, δξρτψ εςεγ.

This is an elementary course designed to provide the student with the essentials of Arabic grammar needed for accurate reading and comprehension of classical and modern Arabic texts. Among the topics to be discussed: verb conjugation, the sound and broken plural forms, the dual forms, agreement rules, case inflection, the number, etc.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 04/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

γχγεχ ΰ`‏ (06311120)


γ"ψ ιωι τμγ , ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο

ρχιψϊ ξςψλϊ δδβΰιν αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ, γιεο ξτεψθ αξςϊχι δδβΰιν λτι ωδν αΰιν μιγι αιθει αφεψϊ δτεςμ αβζψεϊ δωεπεϊ, γιεο ξτεψθ αξωχμι δων δωεπιν. ημχε δΰηψεο ωμ δχεψρ ξεχγω μχψιΰϊ θχρθ εγιεο αξαηψ αςιεϊ γχγεχιεϊ δξεφβεϊ αε.

Grammar A:
The course starts with a survey of the phonological system of Literary Arabic. This is followed by a detailed study of the verbal morphophonemic system, and then by a survey of the main noun and adjective patterns. The final part of the course is devoted to text reading and a discussion of selected grammatical issues based upon the text.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 28/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 26/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00

γχγεχ α`‏ (06311122)


γ"ψ ιωι τμγ, ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο

γιεο ωιθϊι αϊηαιψ δςψαιϊ δρτψεϊιϊ δχμΰριϊ εδηγιωδ. αωςεψιν δψΰωεπιν ξεφβιν ωμεωδ θιτερι ιρεγ ωμ δξωτθ δςψαι, δξδεειν ξεγμ μζιδει επιϊεη ωμ ξωτθιν αψξϊ ξεψλαεϊ βαεδδ αδξωκ. μΰηψ ξλο ξϊχιιν γιεο ξτεψθ αωεψδ ωμ ϊετςεϊ ϊηαιψιεϊ. δϊψβεμ ξαερρ ςμ ζιδει θιτερι δξωτθ εδϊαπιεϊ δωεπεϊ, πιϊεη δξωτθ ςτ"ι θλπιχδ δπμξγϊ δημ ξδωιςεψ δψΰωεο, πιχεγ ξμΰ ωμ δηεξψ εϊψβεν μςαψιϊ.

Grammar B:
The course is devoted to a systematic study of the syntax of Written Arabic, classical and modern. Three basic sentence types will be presented that will constitute a model for the identification of structure and for the analysis of complex sentences. This will be followed by a detailed discussion of a list of syntactic phenomena. The exercises consist of: identification of sentence types, sentence analysis using a technique acquired during the first lessons, full vocalization of the text and its translation into Hebrew.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 15/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 25/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ϊψβιμ μξεωβι ιρεγ αΰρμΰν‏ (06311132)


γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ

δϊψβιμ πεςγ μδχπεϊ ξιγς αριρι ςμ ξχεψεϊ δΰρμΰν ερτψεϊ δςζψ ωφξηδ ραιαν. αξρβψϊ ζε ιιμξγε μχψΰϊ ρεσ δχεψρ λμμι δλϊιαδ ωμ ςαεγδ ξγςιϊ, ΰωψ ιιεωξε αςαεγϊ δριλεν.

Tutorial in basic terms of Islam
The aim of this course is to provide basic information about the sources that the Islamic religion is based upon – the Qur’an and Muslim tradition-- and the additional literature that evolved around them. Further details about the topics discussed can be found at the Virtual on-line site of the course. Towards the end of the course students will be taught citation rules (through the Virtual on-line site), which they will use in the final assignment.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Arabic

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 16/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 22/05/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ξαεΰ μρτψεϊ ςψαιϊ ξεγψπιϊ‏ (06311140)


γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δχεψρ ρεχψ ΰϊ δϊτϊηεϊ δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ ξΰζ ΰξφς δξΰδ δ-19 ςγ ιξιπε. δρχιψδ ξϊξχγϊ αωμεωϊ δζ'ΰπψιν δξψλζιιν, δριτεψϊ, δωιψδ εδγψξδ; αβεψξιν δηαψϊιιν εδϊψαεϊιιν ωδαιΰε μδϊηγωεϊν εμδϊχαμεϊν; αζψξιν, αΰιωιν, αιφιψεϊ, εαδωτςεϊ δαιο-ρτψεϊιεϊ ωριιςε μςιφεαν εμδϊβαωεϊν; εαξΰτιιπιν δϊξΰθιιν εδρβπεπιιν ωμιεε ΰϊ δϊτϊηεϊν.

Introduction to Modern Arabic Literature
This course deals with the development of Modern Arabic Literature since the middle of 19th century. The focus is on the main three genres: fiction, poetry and drama, and on the main trends, writers and works.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 14/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 18/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ϊψβιμ μρτψεϊ ςψαιϊ ξεγψπιϊ‏ (06311142)


βα` γεψιϊ βεθρτμγ

δξθψδ ωμ δϊψβιμ διΰ μςξεγ ςμ θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ξδξΰδ δ19- εδ20-, μςχεα ΰηψι δϊτϊηεϊν ωμ ζ'ΰπψιν ηγωιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δηγωδ, μπϊη ΰϊ διφιψεϊ ξαηιπδ ϊξΰθιϊ εφεψπιϊ εμδφαις ςμ δϊμαθειεϊ ετϊψεο αςιεϊ ΰφμ ρετψι ϊχετδ ζε. λξε λο μΰϊψ ϊετςεϊ δωτςδ ξδρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ εδρτψεϊ δξςψαιϊ εδΰιψετιϊ.

Introduction to the History of Modern Arabic Literature - Exercise

The purpose of this course is to examine literary texts from the 19th and the 20th centuries, to follow the development of new genres, to analyze the characteristics of the texts in both theme and style, to point out the dilemmas and solutions which the writers of that period had to cope with and to find out how Classic Arabic Literature and European and Western Literature influenced these texts.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 12/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 09/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ςψαιϊ ωιξεωιϊ‏ (06311150)


ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο

ϊψβιμ δξϊξχγ αχψιΰϊ θχρθιν ξϊεκ ςιϊεπιν ελϊαι ςϊ ςψαιιν.
δϊψβιμ πεςγ μωιτεψ δχψιΰδ αωτδ δςψαιϊ, δπιχεγ δρετι, ηζψδ ςμ ιρεγεϊ δγχγεχ δςψαι, δχτγδ ςμ ϊψβεν ϊχιο μωτδ δςαψιϊ, δωιξεω αξιμεπιν δχμΰριν επιριεο μπδμ γε ωιη αωτδ δςψαιϊ δωιξεωιϊ δρτψεϊιϊ αϊ ιξιπε.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ςψαιϊ ΰ`‏ (06311210)


βα` ΰεγμιδ μει

ξθψεϊ δχεψρ δο δχπιιϊ ξιεξπεϊ χψιΰδ (δχτγδ ςμ πιχεγ τπιξι ερετι) εδαπϊ δπχψΰ ωμ θχρθιν αςψαιϊ; δλψϊ δξαπιν δϊηαιψιιν ωμ δξωτθ δςψαι; δλψϊ δτεςμ δςψαι (9 απιιπιν); δψηαϊ ΰεφψ δξιμιν.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 03/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 04/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ςψαιϊ α`‏ (06311214)


ξψ ξΰγι χαμΰο, ξψ ψο ξΰιψ

χεψρ ζδ, δξδεεδ δξωκ μχεψρ "ςψαιϊ ΰ'", ιϊξχγ αχψιΰϊ θχρθιν αψξεϊ ωεπεϊ εαπεωΰιν ωεπιν, ιηγ ςν δωμξϊ ξρτψ πεωΰιν γχγεχιιν ωμΰ πμξγε α"ςψαιϊ ΰ'". λξε-λο ιϊψβμ δρθεγπθ ΰϊ δωιξεω αξιμεπιν δωεπιν ϊεκ λγι μιξεγ δθχρθιν. δθχρθιν ωιιμξγε ιλμμε χθςι ςιϊεπεϊ αψξεϊ ωεπεϊ, ριτεψιν χφψιν, χθςιν παηψιν ξδχεψΰο εξδξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ εςεγ.

δπεωΰιν δςιχψιιν ωιιμξγε αχεψρ ζδ δν: βζψεϊ δτεςμ δωεπεϊ (λτεμιν, ξδξεζιν, τ"ε/ι, ς"ε/ι, μ"ε/ι εξεψλαιν), ωξεϊ χιαεφιιν, ξωχμιν δξφιιπιν ξχεν/ζξο εξλωιψ, ξωτθι ιιηεγ, δξεωΰιν εδϊιΰεψιν δωεπιν αςψαιϊ, δρξιλεϊ δΰξιϊιϊ εδξγεξδ, δμεεΰι-ω"ϊ διωιψ εδςχισ, ξωτθι δϊπΰι, ξωτθι δδεφΰδ ξο δλμμ εξιμεϊ δτπιιδ.

αξδμκ δμιξεγ ιιγψωε δρθεγπθιν μαηιπδ λμ ωμεωδ ωαεςεϊ ςμ δθχρθιν εβζψεϊ δτεςμ ωπμξγε, εαρεσ δχεψρ ϊιςψκ αηιπδ ξρλξϊ, ωϊαγεχ αςιχψ ΰϊ ιλεμϊ δδϊξεγγεϊ ωμ δρθεγπθ ςν θχρθ ωμΰ πμξγ αςζψϊ ωιξεω αξιμεο.

ηεαεϊ δρθεγπθ: δωϊϊτεϊ τςιμδ αλμ δωιςεψιν εδλπϊ ϊψβιμιν λτι ωιιγψω ξωιςεψ μωιςεψ αξδμκ δξλιπδ.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 22/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 27/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ςιεπιν αλϊαι θαψι εξρςεγι δδιρθεψιιν‏ (06311216)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ πΰρψ αρμ

ςιεπιν αλϊαι θαψι εξρςεγι δδιρθεψιιν
δημχ δςιεπι: δχγξδ ΰψελδ ςμ δϊτϊηεϊ λϊιαϊ δδιρθεψιδ αςεμν δξερμξι δημ ξο λϊιαϊ δξρεψεϊ εςγ μλϊιαϊ διρθεψιδ ξξω αλϊαι θαψι εξρςεγι. αωμα δωπι χψιΰϊ ηιαεψιν ςϊιχιν δξαερριν ςμ ξρεψεϊ αμαγ. αωμα δωμιωι χψιΰϊ χθςιν παηψιν ξλϊαι θαψι εξρςεγι, χθςιν ωιδιε χωεψιν αΰιψεςιν διρθεψιιν ηωεαιν. ΰβα πιϊεη δχθςιν ιεων γβω ςμ ωιθϊ δλϊιαδ ωμ ωπιδν εςμ δδαγμιν αιπν μαιο χεγξιδν.

Studies in the historical works of Tabari and Masudi
The theoretical part: A comprehensive introduction on the development of historical writing in the Muslim world, from the Riwayat through the actual writing of history in the works of Tabari and Masudi In the second stage, reading ancient compositions based only upon the Riwayat. In the third stage, reading selected passages from the writings of Tabari and Masudi, selections connected to important historical events. In analyzing the passages, emphasis will be placed on the writing methods of each and on the differences between them and their predecessors.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 03/02/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 04/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ξαεΰ μωιςδ‏ (06311218)


γ"ψ η`ΰμγ ριπγΰει

Course objectives:
Acquaintance with the historical background and fundamental principles of Twelver Shiism; the various Shiite denominations; Shiite articles of faith; the Mahdi; loyalty and obedience to the Imam (wilaya) as the Prophet’s successor (wasi); virtues of the Imam; the Imam’s occultation (ghayba); the concepts of nasbi vs. rafdi; the Imam’s infallibility; taqiyya (the principle of religious dissimulation); Shiite holidays; the training of Shiite clerics (hawza ilmiyya); the sanctity of the soil of Karbala; cult of the Euphrates in Shiisim; differences between Shiite and Sunni Islam; the Shiite calendar.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ρξρθψ ΰ', ξεςγ α': ξεςγ ΰ' ξϊχιιν α-15.6.09 αωςδ 14:00
  • ρξρθψ α', ξεςγ α': ξεςγ α' ξϊχιιν α-2.8.09 αωςδ 12:30

ξαεΰ μδμλδ ΰρμΰξιϊ‏ (06311330)


γ"ψ πεψιϊ φτψιψ

αχεψρ ζδ ιιγεπε ρεβιεϊ παηψεϊ δπεβςεϊ μδμλδ δΰρμΰξιϊ (δωψιςδ) εμξςψλϊ δξωτθ ωμ δΰρμΰν. αιπιδο: ΰετιε ωμ δηεχ επριαεϊ δϊτϊηεϊε, ξςξγε αΰρμΰν, ξχεψεϊ δηεχ, δδαγμιν αιο δηεχ δρεπι μηεχ δωιςι, ΰρλεμεϊ δδμλδ, ηλξι δδμλδ εχωψιδν ςν δωμθεο, δχΰγι, δξετϊι εδτϊεεϊ.

Introduction to Islamic Law

This introduction deals with both Islamic law and the Islamic legal system. It covers topics such as the nature of Islamic law and the circumstances of its development, its place in the Islamic religion, the sources of the law, a comparison between Sunni and Shi'i law, the legal schools, the legal scholars and their relations with the authorities, the qadi, and the mufti.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 09/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

δςψαιν εδΰρμΰν - ξαεΰ διρθεψι‏ (06311332)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ

δχεψρ ιγεο αδιρθεψιδ ωμ δςψαιν ξδϊχετδ δτψδ-ΰρμΰξιϊ (δξΰδ δ-6 μρδ"π) εςγ μπτιμϊδ ωμ δωεωμϊ δςαΰριϊ (αξΰδ δ-13 μρδ"π), λτι ωδιΰ ξϊεΰψϊ δο ς"ι διρθεψιεπιν ξερμξιν ξδϊχετδ δχμΰριϊ εδο ς"ι ηεχψιν ξεγψπιιν.
απερσ μΰιψεςιν δδιρθεψιιν (λβεο ξμηξεϊ, λιαεωιν, ξδτλεϊ, ςμιιϊν επτιμϊο ωμ ωεωμεϊ ωεπεϊ) ιιγεπε δϊτϊηειεϊ αϊεκ γϊ δΰρμΰν αϊηεξι δξωτθ, δϊιΰεμεβιδ εδξιρθιχδ.

The Arabs and Islam – Historical Introduction

The course deals with the history of the Arabs from the pre-Islamic period (6th century CE) until the fall of the Abbasid dynasty (13th century CE), as it is described by Muslim historians from the classical period as well as in modern scholarship.
In addition to the historical events (such as battles, conquests, revolutions and the rise and fall of different dynasties), attention will be paid to developments within the religion of Islam in the fields of law, theology and mysticism.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 29/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 03/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

δξχεψεϊ μηχψ δΰρμΰν‏ (06311334)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ

δχεψρ ιιεηγ μρχιψδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δξχεψεϊ ςμιδν πωςπϊ γϊ δΰρμΰν (χεψΰο εξρεψϊ) εμδλψϊ ρτψεϊ δςζψ ωφξηδ ραιαν. αξρβψϊ δχεψρ ιεχπε λμιν εξιεξπειεϊ μωιξεω εμςιεο αξχεψεϊ ειιγεπε βιωεϊ δξηχψ δψεεηεϊ αηχψ δΰρμΰν. δξιεξπειεϊ ωιεχπε αξδμκ δχεψρ, ιιεωξε αϊψβιμ θλρθεΰμι ξρλν απεωΰ ξρειν ξο δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ.
τιψεθ ωμ ωιςεψι δχεψρ ξετις αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ΰωψ ιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.

The Sources for Research on Islam
The course provides students with the necessary tools enabling them to examine and use the sources for research in the religion of Islam: the Qur’an and early Muslim tradition (the Hadith literature) and its various aspects. Throughout the course different approaches to the study of the Qur’an and Islam will be discussed. The skills acquired during this course will be applied in the final assignment, which will deal with a specific topic related to early Islam. Topics and reading materials can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
Prerequisite course: “Tutorial in basic terms of Islam”

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ρξρθψ ΰ', ξεςγ ΰ': δβωδ ςγ 15/3/09 α-13:00. ΰιο ξεςγ α'.
  • ρξρθψ ΰ', ξεςγ α': ΰιο ξεςγ α'.

ρτψεϊ ςψαιϊ ςξξιϊ‏ (06312002)


γ"ψ β'ιψιρ η'εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ αρεβιν ωεπιν ωμ ΰεξπεϊ δδβγδ δςξξιϊ δςψαιϊ, ϊεκ γιεο αξΰτιιπιε διιηεγιιν ωμ λμ ρεβ, χψιΰϊ θχρθιν ριτεψιιν ςξξιιν επιϊεην ξαηιπδ ξαπιϊ εϊελπιϊ, ϊεκ δϊιιηρεϊ μηωιαεϊ δδιρθεψιϊ, δηαψϊιϊ, δτεμιθιϊ εβν δπτωιϊ ωμ ριτεψιν ΰμδ. αχεψρ ιαεΰε μγιεο βν ϊιΰεψιεϊ ωμ δρτψεϊ δςξξιϊ αλμμ.

The course will deal with the different types of Arab folktale,
and with the special characteristics of each type. During the course various samples of folktales will be read, discussed and analyzed. We shall also discuss the historical, political, social and psychological importance of the texts for the individual. General theories of popular literature will also be presented and discussed.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 08/07/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 12/08/2009 αωςδ 12:30

χψιΰδ ξιβγψιϊ αθχρθιν ςψαιιν ξεγψπιιν‏ (06312004)


βα` γεψιϊ βεθρτμγ

ξθψϊ δχεψρ διΰ μμξεγ ςμ δδαγμιν δαεμθιν αιο λϊιαδ ωμ πωιν μαιο λϊιαδ ωμ βαψιν. μων λκ πγεο αϊιΰεψιεϊ δπεβςεϊ μρεβιδ ζΰϊ. πςιιο βν αθχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ξεγψπιιν ωμ ιεφψιν εωμ ιεφψεϊ επςξεγ ςμ ΰρθψθβιεϊ δλϊιαδ δωεπεϊ.

Gendered Reading in Modern Arabic Texts
The purpose of this course is to learn about the main differences between women's and men's writing. We shall discuss the theories which deal with this issue, examine modern literary texts written by men and by women and point out the different strategies of writing.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 06/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 27/03/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ξαεΰ μςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ‏ (06312005)


γ"ψ ΰαι θμ

δημχ δϊιΰεψθι: ρχιψϊ ξΰτιιπιδ δςιχψιιν ωμ δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ εμωεπδ.
μφγ δγιεο δϊιΰεψθι ιιχψΰε ειπεϊηε θχρθιν αςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ, μξωμ λϊαι
ψαι ϊπηεν διψεωμξι (1291-1219). ζΰϊ μφγ δχπιιϊ λμιν αριριιν μρθεγπθ
ααεΰε μςρεχ αϊηεν ζδ, λβεο δωιξεω αξιμεο μθχρθιν αςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ

The theoretical part: Survey of the basic characteristics of the
Judaeo-Arabic literature & language.
The practical part: Reading & analyzing texts in Judaeo-Arabic
That reflect those characteristics, for example the works of Rabbi
Tanchϋm ha-Yerϋπalmξ (1219-1291).In addition, this course will
provide the student with the essential tools needed for accurate
reading and comprehension, for instance using a dictionary for texts written in Judaeo-Arabic

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 24/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 18/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ωξεπιν ωπεϊ "δΰηιν δξερμξιν" - ςιεο τπεψξι‏ (06312006)


ξψ ιωψΰμ ωψπφμ

"δΰηιν δξερμξιν" δν μμΰ ρτχ δϊπεςδ δηωεαδ εδξωτιςδ αιεϊψ αςεμν δΰρμΰν αςωεψιν δΰηψεπιν. πχψΰ ξλϊαι λξδ ξψΰωι δϊπεςδ αξδμκ 80 ωπεϊ χιεξδ , εππρδ μδαιο ΰϊ δϊιιηρεϊν μρεβιεϊ ιρεγ αςεμξδ δψςιεπι.
λξε λο πϊηχδ ,βν αςζψϊ ξηχψιν, ΰηψ ξχεψεϊ λεηδ.
πγψωϊ ιγιςϊ ςψαιϊ αψξϊ ξϊχγξιν μτηεϊ(χψιΰϊ θχρθ αςζψϊ ξιμεο).

This course will deal with the movement of the "Muslim Brotherhood" that celebrates its 80th anniversary in 2008. We shall read from the writings of its founders and leaders and try to understand how it became a major political and religious factor in the current Muslim world.
Good knowledge of Arabic is required.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 10/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 07/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ξβξεϊ ηγωεϊ αριτεψϊ‏ (06312007)


τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν

δξθψδ ωμ δχεψρ διΰ μςξεγ ςμ δωιπειιν εδϊξεψεϊ ωημε αριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ δηγωδ δημ ξδξηφιϊ δωπιιδ ωμ δξΰδ δςωψιν. ςιχψ δχεψρ ιϊξχγ ςμ πιϊεη θχρθεΰμι ωμ ζψξιν ηγωιν ωδετιςε αρτψεϊ ζε: ξεγψπιζν, ΰπθι ξεγψπιζν ετερθ-ξεγψπιζν. ΰικ δωϊχτε ϊτιρεϊ ΰμε αϊξεϊ, αξαπδ εαμωεο εβν αδιεεφψεϊν ωμ ζ'ΰπψιν ηγωιν επιτεφν ωμ ΰηψιν?

New Trends in Fiction
The aim of the course is to examine the development of modern Arabic fiction since the second half of the 20th century. The course will mainly concentrate on a textual analysis of new currents and trends that emerged: Modernism, Anti-modernism, Postmodernism. How are these concepts reflected in themes, structure and style, as well as in the development of new genres and the destruction of others?

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 25/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 03/06/2009 αωςδ 18:00

δγψξδ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ‏ (06312008)

ωιςεψ δςξχδ

γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

ζ'ΰπψ ζδ ιζλδ αξρβψϊ δχεψρ μγιεο πψηα ωιϊξχγ αδϊτϊηεϊε δδιρθεψιϊ, ξςξγε αιηρ μζ'ΰπψιν ΰηψιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ, δζψξιν δξψλζιιν, διεφψιν εδιφιψεϊ δαεμθιν ελιε"α. δγιεο ιμεεδ αχψιΰϊ επιϊεη ξηζεϊ ωμξιν ΰε χθςιν ξϊελν, ϊεκ δγβωϊ ξΰτιιπιδν δρβπεπιιν εδμωεπιιν, ιιηεγν ωμ δξηζεϊ εϊψεξϊν μδϊτϊηεϊ δζ'ΰπψ.

Modern Arabic Drama
The development of this genre in Syria and Egypt is at the center of this course. Samples of the works of the best dramatists are discussed and analyzed.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 24/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 27/05/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ςιεπιν αςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ ωμ ιξι δαιπιιν‏ (06312009)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ πΰρψ αρμ

ςιεπιν αςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ
δημχ δςιεπι: ξχεξδ ωμ δςψαιϊ-διδεγιϊ αϊεμγεϊ δωτδ δςψαιϊ, ιιηεγδ λωτδ ιδεγιϊ αςμϊ ξΰτιιπιν ξιεηγιν αϊεκ δςψαιϊ δαιπεπιϊ. διρεγεϊ δςαψιιν αϊεκ δςψαιϊ-διεγιϊ εδωϊχτεϊ δγιΰμχθιν δξγεαψιν ατι διεφψιν διδεγιν.
αωμα δωπι ιιχψΰε ειπεϊηε θχρθιν αςιχψ ξϊχετϊ ιξι δαιπιιν: ϊψβεξι ξχψΰ μςψαιϊ, ωΰμεϊ εϊωεαεϊ ερτψεϊ ιτδ, λβεο χθςι "ΰμτψβ' αςγ ΰμωγδ".
ξθψϊ δχεψρ διΰ μδλιο ϊμξιγιν μλϊιαϊ ςαεγεϊ ρξιπψιεπιεϊ απεωΰ: ϊψβεν ςαψι μθχρθ εξϊο πιϊεη μωεπι ξμΰ.

Studies in Judaeo-Arabic
The theoretical part: The place of Judaeo-Arabic in the history of the Arabic language, its uniqueness as a Jewish language having unique characteristics within Middle Arabic. The Hebrew elements within Judaeo-Arabic and the reflection of the spoken dialects in works of the Jewish writers. In the second stage, texts will be read and analyzed, especially from the Medieval period. Translations from the Bible to Arabic, questions and answers and literature such as sections of “Al-Faraj ba'd al-shiddah”.

The objective of the course is to prepare students to write seminar papers on the subject: Hebrew translation of text, accompanied by full linguistic analysis.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 12/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/05/2009 αωςδ 18:00

θχρθιν ςμ λετψ πτω‏ (06312011)


γ"ψ πεψιϊ φτψιψ

ςμ τι δηεχ δΰρμΰξι δψιβδ ΰε τφιςδ ξηιιαεϊ τιφει λρτι, ωϊωμεξε ξεθμ ςμ χαεφϊ δρεμιγψιεϊ ωμ δτεβς. δχεψρ ρεαα ραια δωΰμδ ξι δν δΰπωιν δξψλιαιν χαεφδ ζε. ςμ αριρ θχρθιν δμλϊιιν εδιρθεψιιν, τψωπεϊ χεψΰο εηγιϊ' ιιγεπε ωιπειιν αδψλα δχαεφδ δξωμξϊ. ΰμδ ξωχτιν ωιπειιν τεμιθιιν εηαψϊιιν, εαΰξφςεϊν ιιςωδ πριεο μδαιο ΰϊ δζιχδ αιο ξωτθ ΰρμΰξι μξωτθ τψδ ΰρμΰξι, εαιο ξωτθ εηαψδ αΰρμΰν.

According to Islamic law, homicide or bodily injury require financial compensation, to be paid by the perpetrator's group of solidarity. Through legal and historical texts, commentaries on the Qur'an and Hadith, the course will deal with the question who makes up this group. Changes in the composition of the blood-money group reflect political and social changes that will shed light on the relation between Islamic and pre-Islamic law, and between law and society in Islam.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 19/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 08/05/2009 αωςδ 9:00

θχρθιν μξαεΰ μδμλδ ΰρμΰξιϊ‏ (06312012)


γ"ψ πεψιϊ φτψιψ

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 25/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 06/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ξαεΰ μϊιΰεμεβιδ ΰρμΰξιϊ‏ (06312111)


γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ

αχεψρ ζδ ιεφβε ξεωβιν αριριιν αϊιΰεμεβιδ δΰρμΰξιϊ, λβεο: ΰετιε ωμ δΰμ ειηρε μΰπεωεϊ, δξμΰλιν εδπαιΰιν ωπωμηε ςμ ιγιε, λϊαι δχεγω, ρεβιιϊ δβζιψδ δΰμεδιϊ, ϊηιιϊ δξϊιν, ιεν δγιο, βξεμ εςεπω, βο ςγο εβδιπεν.

Introduction to Islamic theology

In this course a series of basic concepts from Islamic theology wil be presented, such as the nature of God, his relation to humankind, his angels, prophets and sacred scriptures; the question of free will vs. divine predestination; resurrection, judgement day, divine reward and punishment, paradise and hell.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 17/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

χειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ‏ (06312220)


ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ

ξαεΰ μδλψϊ απιιο δρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ αωτδ δςψαιϊ: ξξργιδ - γεβξϊ ωιψϊ ςψα δςϊιχδ εϊξεψεϊ δΰρμΰν, ελο δωτςεϊ δβεϊ ιεεο, ϊψαεϊ τψρ εδεγε (ελε'..) - εςγ μςιμιϊ δθτηεϊ δχωεθεϊ ωμ δωιψδ εδτψεζδ ξζξο δωεωμϊ δςαΰριϊ εμΰηψιδ. ρχιψϊ δλεηεϊ δτεςμιν αδςξγϊδ ωμ ιφιψδ ρτψεϊιϊ ςωιψδ εξβεεπϊ (μξωμ, ξγαψ ειιωεα, ςψαιεϊ εϊψαεϊ δςξιν...), ϊεκ δϊςλαεϊ ςμ αιΰεψ χεειν μδϊτϊηεϊ εμδωϊπεϊ ωμ φεψεϊ εϊλπιν.

Introduction to classical Arabic literature
Mr. Amir Lerner
A survey of major characteristics in medieval Arabic literature: Description of the bases and foundations of "Adab" literature, such as ancient pre-Islamic Arabic ethos and poetry, emergence and consolidation of Islam, Greek philosophy and Indo-Persian culture (etc.). A consideration of some forces (for example: nomad life and sedentary, Arabs and foreigners) involved in shaping and constructing a rich and diverse literary product, mainly high evolved prose genres of ʿAbbasid caliphate and later times.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 03/04/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ϊψβιμ μχειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δχμΰριϊ ‏ (06312222)


ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ

χψιΰδ ξϊεκ λϊαι ωμεωδ ξηωεαι δξηαψιν ωμ δτψεζδ δςψαιϊ αιξι δαιπιιν: ΰαο ΰμξχτς, ΰμβ'ΰηθ' εΰαο χϊιαδ, λδλψδ ψΰωεπιϊ ςν ΰαπι διρεγ ωμ ρτψεϊ δ"ΰγα". αηιπϊ δφεψεϊ, δϊλπιν εδψςιεπεϊ δρτψεϊιιν, ελδγβξεϊ μχεψρ "χεειν ξΰτιιπιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ". ϊεκ λκ ϊψβεμ αϊψβεν, αδαπδ εαπιϊεη ωμ θχρθιν χμΰριιν (ωιξεω αξιμεπιν, ΰπφιχμετγιεϊ ελε'...).

An exercise course corresponding with the lecture "Introduction to classical Arabic literature"
Mr. Amir Lerner
A guided medieval Arabic prose reading, especially from writings of three of the most important authors: Ibn al-Muḳaffaʿ, al-Djβḥiẓ and Ibn Ḳutayba, as an initial acquaintance with the bases of "Adab" literature. An analysis of some literary concepts, ideas, forms and substances, along with enhancement of basic important tools needed in handling and understanding of such texts (use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographical sources…).

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 20/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 15/05/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 26/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 31/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ξαεΰ μχεψΰο‏ (06312230)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ

ςιεο ατψωπεϊ δΰρμΰξιϊ δξρεψϊιϊ ςμ ξρτψ τψχιν αχεψΰο, εςξιγδ ςμ ξςξγε ωμ δχεψΰο αγϊ δΰιρμΰν, εςμ γψλι τψωπεϊε.
δΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (δειψθεΰμ) ιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αχεψρ.

Introduction to the Qur'an
This course deals with the history of the text of the Qur’an, its main ideas and interpretations, and includes readings from Muslim exegetical literature (Tafsir). The primary purpose is to introduce central aspects of the relation between Islamic exegesis on the one hand, and the sacred text on the other. More information about this course, its themes and selected bibliography can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 06/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 10/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ζξο εξψηα ατψωπεϊ δχεψΰο‏ (06312235)


τψετ' ΰεψι ψεαιο

δζξο εδξψηα δν ξεχγ μξημεχεϊ αιο τψωπι δχεψΰο. δν ΰιπν ξρλιξιν αιπιδν αωΰμδ δΰν τρεχιν ξρειξιν αχεψΰο ςερχιν αωξιν ΰε αΰψυ, αςαψ ΰε αςϊιγ, αςεμν δζδ ΰε αςεμν δαΰ. ξημεχεϊ ΰμδ λψελεϊ αξημεχϊ περτϊ απεβς μχδμ ωδτψωπιν ηεωαιν ωδχεψΰο τεπδ ΰμιε: δΰν ΰμδ απι γεψε ωμ ξεηξγ ΰε ωξΰ λμμ δξΰξιπιν μγεψεϊιδν.
αωιςεψ παγεχ ωπι ξεχγι ξημεχεϊ αϊηεν δζξο εδξψηα.
1. αιο ΰρλθεμεβιδ εδιρθεψιδ
1.1. δξεπη ΰμΰΰη'ψδ αιο δςεμν δζδ εδαΰ.
1.2 δξεπη "τϊη" εξεπηιν περτιν αιο δςεμν δζδ εδαΰ.
2. αιο ωξιν εΰψυ
2.1 ψςιεο δρτψ ("ΰμλϊΰα")
2.2 ϊδμικ δδϊβμεϊ δπαεΰιϊ
δωιςεψ ιλμεμ γιεο αλξδ τρεχι ξτϊη αχεψΰο δπεβςιν μλμ ΰηγ ξωπι δξιωεψιν. δχωψν δχεψΰπι δτπιξι ωμ δτρεχιν δμμε ιιαηο ϊεκ δωεεΰδ μδχωψν δηγω δπβμδ αρτψεϊ δτψωπιϊ δηευ-χεψΰπιϊ, ειερχε ξρχπεϊ μβαι δΰεψ ωξχεψεϊ ΰμδ ωετλιν ςμ δϊτϊηεϊ ϊτιρϊ δζξο εδξψηα μγεψεϊιδ.

Time and space in the Qurʾβn and its exegesis—Prof. Uri Rubin
Time and space are the focus of debate among the Muslim exegetes of the Qur’an. They disagree on whether certain Qur’anic passages deal with heaven or earth, past or present, or whether they refer to this or to the next world. The discussions involve further disagreement concerning the audience to which a given Qur’anic passage is addressed; is it Muhammad’s generation or perhaps the generations to come?
Two levels of exegetical debate on time and space will be examined:
1. between eschatology and history
1.1 The term “al-aakhira” between this and the next world
1.2 The term “fath” and other terms between this and the next world
2. Between heaven and earth
2.1 The idea of the Book (“al-kitab”)
2.2 The process of prophetic revelation
Some Qur’anic key passages will be studied, which are relevant to each of the levels. The inner Qur’anic context of these passages will be examined in relationship to their new context as it emerges in the extra-Qur’anic sources, and conclusions will be drawn concerning the light these sources throw on the evolution of the perception of time and space through the ages.

γψιωεϊ χγν:




ιρεγεϊ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ‏ (06312240)


γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η'εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ αδϊτϊηεϊ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ αςϊ δηγωδ, ξϊηιμϊ δξΰδ δ- 19 ςγ ιξιπε, ϊεκ γιεο αδιαθιν εδΰρλεμεϊ δωεπιν, δφβϊ φεψεϊ ωεπεϊ ωμ δωιψδ, εδϊιιηρεϊ μωιπειιν ξαπιιν εβν ϊελπιιν ξϊχετδ μϊχετδ. δχεψρ βν ιρτχ μρθεγπθιν ξεωβι ιρεγ εχεειν ξπηιν απιϊεη δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 11/02/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 18/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ριτεψϊ ξεγψπιϊ‏ (06312242)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δριτεψϊ εαςιχψ δψεξΰο, δπεαμδ εδριτεψ δχφψ, ϊζλδ αξρβψϊ δχεψρ μγιεο πψηα ωιϊξχγ αδϊτϊηεϊδ δδιρθεψιϊ, ξςξγδ αιηρ μζ'ΰπψιν ΰηψιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ, δζψξιν δξψλζιιν, διεφψιν εδιφιψεϊ δαεμθιν ελιε"α. δγιεο ιμεεδ αχψιΰϊ επιϊεη τψχιν ξϊεκ ψεξΰπιν επεαμεϊ εριτεψιν ωμξιν, ϊεκ δγβωϊ ξΰτιιπιδν δρβπεπιιν εδμωεπιιν, ιιηεγο ωμ διφιψεϊ εϊψεξϊο μδϊτϊηεϊ δζ'ΰπψ.

Modern Arabic Fiction
This course focuses on famous Arabic narrative writers who influenced the development of modern Arabic fiction. Samples of their writings are discussed and analyzed.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 30/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 04/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν γϊιιν-διρθεψιεβψτιιν ΰ`‏ (06312250)


γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ

δϊψβιμ ιεχγω μςιεο αθλρθιν ξϊεκ δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ (ηγιϊ') ςμ βεεπιδ: ρτψεϊ δ"ριψδ" (ϊεμγεϊ ηιι δπαιΰ), δδιρθεψιεβψτιδ εδδμλδ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ. δςιεο αθλρθιν ιλμεμ πιϊεη ϊελπι ωμ ξρεψεϊ ςμ ωμωμϊ δξερψιν ωμδο, μφγ γιεο αΰετιιο ωμ δξρεψεϊ εγψκ βιαεωο, ξαπδ δξρεψεϊ, ξρεψεϊ ξχαιμεϊ, ξερψι δξρεψεϊ εχεαφι ξρεψεϊ αεμθιν.
ψωιξδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δθλρθιν εαιαμιεβψτιδ παηψϊ ψμαπθιϊ ξετιςιν αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ωιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αϊψβιμ.

Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A

In this tutorial students will be reading texts from the early Islamic tradition (Hadith) and its varieties: the Sira literature (the life of the Prophet), historiography and early Islamic law. The readings will include an analysis of the contents of traditions and their chains of transmitters. Also discussed will be the nature of these traditions and their formation, parallel traditions, and important collections of traditions. A detailed list of the texts and bibliography can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
*** Students in the Islamic Studies track are required to take the “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”. Students in the Arabic Language and Literature track are required to take either “'Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A” or “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 04/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 11/03/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν γϊιιν δρθεψιεβψτιιν α`‏ (06312251)


γ"ψ ςμιζδ ωπιφψ

δϊψβιμ ιεχγω μςιεο αθλρθιν ξϊεκ δξρεψϊ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ (ηγιϊ') ςμ βεεπιδ: ρτψεϊ δ"ριψδ" (ϊεμγεϊ ηιι δπαιΰ), δδιρθεψιεβψτιδ εδδμλδ δξερμξιϊ δχγεξδ. δςιεο αθλρθιν ιλμεμ πιϊεη ϊελπι ωμ ξρεψεϊ ςμ ωμωμϊ δξερψιν ωμδο, μφγ γιεο αΰετιιο ωμ δξρεψεϊ εγψκ βιαεωο, ξαπδ δξρεψεϊ, ξρεψεϊ ξχαιμεϊ εχεαφι ξρεψεϊ αεμθιν.
ψωιξδ ξτεψθϊ ωμ δθλρθιν εαιαμιεβψτιδ παηψϊ ψμαπθιϊ ξετιςιν αΰϊψ δξχεεο ωμ δχεψρ (ειψθεΰμ), ωιμεεδ ΰϊ δμιξεγ αϊψβιμ.

Tutorial in religious–historiographical Texts B

In this tutorial students will be reading texts from the early Islamic tradition (Hadith) and its varieties: the Sira literature (the life of the Prophet), historiography and early Islamic law. The readings will include an analysis of the contents of traditions and their chains of transmitters. Also discussed will be the nature of these traditions and their formation, parallel traditions, and important collections of traditions. A detailed list of the texts and bibliography can be found at the course’s Virtual on-line site.
*** Students in the Islamic Studies track are required to take the “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”. Students in the Arabic Language and Literature track are required to take either “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts A” or “Tutorial in religious–historiographical texts B”

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 20/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 20/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ϊψβιμ αθχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν χμΰριιν‏ (06312254)


γ"ψ η'ΰμγ ριπγΰεει, ξψ ΰξιψ μψπψ

χψιΰδ ξϊχγξϊ αΰρετεϊ ρτψεϊιεϊ αςψαιϊ ξιξι δαιπιιν. δλψεϊ ςν ηεξψιν ρτψεϊιιν ξβεεπιν, χαιςδ εαιΰεψ ωμ δχωψν, πιϊεη ξαπδ δθχρθιν εωτϊν, εξϊο δψηαεϊ μξιπιδο.

An exercise course in classical literary texts
An advanced reading of some medieval Arabic literary sources. An acquaintance with diverse literary materials and forms, examination and explanation of the historical and artistic contexts, and analysis of literary structure and language

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 22/02/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 20/05/2009 αωςδ 18:00
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 17/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 14/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν‏ (06312428)


γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δχεψρ ξϊξχγ ααςιεϊ ωεπεϊ ωπϊχμιν αδο ξϊψβξι δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ μςαψιϊ, λβεο ψξεϊ μωεο, ξθτεψεϊ, ηψιζδ, ιρεγεϊ ϊμειι ϊψαεϊ, φξγι μωεο ελιε"α. αςιεϊ ΰμδ ιςμε μγιεο αωϊι γψλιν: ΰ. χψιΰδ επιϊεη ωμ ϊψβεξιν ιγεςιν αδωεεΰδ μξχεψεϊιδν δςψαιιν. α. ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ςψαιιν αιγι δρθεγπθιν.

Translating Literary Texts
Besides a theoretical discussion of Translation Studies and literary translation, the course focuses on issues which translators of modern Arabic literature into Hebrew deal with.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 09/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 22/04/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ϊψβεν θχρθιν ςιεπιιν‏ (06312429)


γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δχεψρ ξϊξχγ ααςιεϊ ωεπεϊ ωπϊχμιν αδο ξϊψβξι δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ μςαψιϊ, λβεο ψξεϊ μωεο, ξθτεψεϊ, ηψιζδ, ιρεγεϊ ϊμειι ϊψαεϊ, φξγι μωεο ελιε"α. αςιεϊ ΰμδ ιςμε μγιεο αωϊι γψλιν: ΰ. χψιΰδ επιϊεη ωμ ϊψβεξιν ιγεςιν αδωεεΰδ μξχεψεϊιδν δςψαιιν. α. ϊψβεν θχρθιν ρτψεϊιιν ςψαιιν αιγι δρθεγπθιν.

Translating Non-Literary Texts
Besides a theoretical discussion of Translation Studies and non-literary translation, the course focuses on issues which translators of modern non-literary Arabic texts into Hebrew deal with.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 23/06/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 28/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00

δριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ αρεψιδ‏ (06312430)

ωιςεψ δςξχδ

γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δχεψρ ξΰτωψ μδλιψ αφεψδ ξςξιχδ ΰϊ δριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ ωπλϊαδ αρεψιδ αξδμκ δξΰδ δ-20. αωιςεψιν δψΰωεπιν δγιεο ξϊξχγ αρχιψδ διρθεψιϊ μδϊτϊηεϊ ριτεψϊ ζε εαζιδει δΰρλεμεϊ, δρετψιν εδγβξιν δαεμθιν αϊελδ. μΰηψ ξλο πςρεχ αχψιΰδ εαπιϊεη ωμ ιφιψεϊ δξιιφβεϊ ΰϊ ξβεεο δρβπεπεϊ εδϊξεϊ ωΰτιιπε ΰϊ λϊιαϊν ωμ δρετψιν δρεψιιν διγεςιν.

Arabic Fiction in Syria
This course combines a historical survey of Arabic fiction in Syria with reading and analyzing remarkable narrative works.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 07/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 11/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

λιϊεϊ αΰρμΰν‏ (06312432)

γ"ψ πεψιϊ φτψιψ

αξψλζ χεψρ ζδ ϊςξεγ χψιΰϊ θχρθιν ωιςιν ξιξι δαιπιιν. ΰν δζξο ιΰτωψ ιϊεερτε ΰμιδν θχρθιν πφιιψιν εθχρθιν ωμ δΰηξγιδ. αΰξφςεϊ θχρθιν ΰμδ ιιγεπε ξΰτιιπιν ςιχψιιν ωμ λιϊεϊ ΰμδ, εδδαγμιν αιπιδο μαιο δΰρμΰν δΰεψϊεγελρι.

This course will focus on medieval Shi'i texts, to which Nusayri and Ahmadi texts will be added, time allowing. The texts will serve to elucidate major principles and
characteristics of these sects, and the way they relate to orthodox Islam and to each other.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 16/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

πιϊεη γχγεχι ωμ θχρθιν ςψαιιν‏ (06312434)

γ"ψ ιωι τμγ

ωιςεψ ζδ ξιεςγ μϊμξιγιν ΰωψ ριιξε αδφμηδ ΰϊ δχεψριν "γχγεχ ΰ'" ε"γχγεχ α'". δχεψρ ξαερρ ςμ χψιΰϊ χθςιν αψξϊ ξεψλαεϊ βαεδδ δο αςψαιϊ ρτψεϊιϊ ηγιωδ εδο αςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ. δϊψβεμ ξϊαρρ ςμ πιϊεη δχθςιν, πιχεγν αφεψδ ξγειχϊ εϊψβεξν μςαψιϊ. αξδμκ δχεψρ ξθετμεϊ αςιεϊ ϊηαιψιεϊ ξεψλαεϊ ΰωψ μΰ πγπε αχεψρ "γχγεχ α'".

Grammatical analysis of Arabic texts:
This course may be taken by students who successfully finished the courses Grammar A and Grammar B. Classes are devoted to reading and analyzing complex texts in both Classical and Modern Literary Arabic. Students will be required to analyze the texts, vocalize them accurately, and translate them into Hebrew. Complex syntactical issues will be discussed, which were not dealt with in “Grammar B”.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 08/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/03/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ςιεπιν αρτψεϊ δβιΰεβψτιϊ δςψαιϊ ωμ ιξι δαιπιιν‏ (06312438)

ωιςεψ εϊψβιμ

γ"ψ πΰρψ αρμ

δχγξδ ςιεπιϊ ςμ μιγϊδ εδϊδεεϊδ ωμ δρτψεϊ δβΰεβψτιϊ δςψαιϊ, ςμ δϊτϊηεϊδ εςμ ρεβιδ. ςιεπιν αθχρθιν ξβεεπιν ξο δρτψεϊ δβΰεβψτιϊ δςψαιϊ ωμ ιξι-δαιπιιν: ρτψεϊ περςιν, ϊιΰεψι ΰψφεϊ εςψιν εςπιιπι ΰχμιν. δχψιΰδ ξμεειϊ απιϊεη ξχισ ωμ δθχρθιν.

Studies in the Arabic geographical literature of the Middle Ages

The course is comprised of a theoretical introduction on the birth and emergence of Arabic geographical literature, its development and its kinds, and readings of a variety of Arabic geographical texts from the Middle Ages (e.g. travel accounts, descriptions of countries and cities, discussions of the climate) accompanied by a comprehensive analysis.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 19/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 16/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ρτψεϊ πωιν ξεγψπιϊ‏ (06312452)


τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν

δξθψδ ωμ δχεψρ διΰ μδλιψ ΰϊ ιφιψεϊιδο ωμ λξδ ρετψεϊ ςψαιεϊ αεμθεϊ ωδημε μλϊεα αξΰδ δ-20 εμςξεγ ςμ ϊλπιν ερεβιεϊ ωδςριχε ΰϊ δρετψεϊ δςψαιεϊ. δΰν ιωπδ ξιεηγεϊ μρτψεϊ πωιν, γιμξεϊ, ξεθιαιν, ΰϊβψιν ελε'?

Modern Arab Women Writers
The purpose of the course is to acquaint the student with a number of distinguished Arab women writers who began their writing careers in the twentieth century, and to study the main problems and themes dealt with by them. Does women’s literature possess specific characteristics, dilemmas, motifs, challenges etc.?

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ρξρθψ α', ξεςγ ΰ': ςαεγδ - μδβιω αξζλιψεϊ δηεβ ςγ 19.8.09 α- 13:00
  • ρξρθψ α', ξεςγ α': ΰιο ξεςγ α'

ςιεο αδβεϊν ωμ ΰαεϊ δξεγψπιζν δΰρμΰξι - ξηξγ ςαγδ εψωιγ ψγΰ‏ (06312455)


ξψ ιωψΰμ ωψπφμ

αωμδι δξΰδ δ- 19 εψΰωιϊ δξΰδ δ- 20, δεμκ εξϊτϊη αξφψιν εαξχεξεϊ περτιν ζψν δβεϊι ψα δωτςδ- δξεγψπιζν δΰρμΰξι- δηεϊψ μξφιΰϊ ξςπδ ΰρμΰξι μΰϊβψι δξτβω δθςεο ςν δξςψα εςψλιε.

αχεψρ πχψΰ ξλϊαιδν ωμ ωπιιν ξδδεβιν δξψλζιιν ωμ ζψν ζδ- ξηξψ ςαγδ εψωιγ ψγΰ (ϊεκ πιριεο μςξεγ βν ςμ δδαγμιν αιπιδν),ελο ξΰξψι ξηχψι ΰεγεϊ ξτςμν.παγεχ βν λιφγ πϊτρ ξτςμν αψΰιιδ ξφψιϊ ξεγψπιϊ.
πγψωϊ ιγιςϊ ςψαιϊ αψξϊ ξϊχγξιν μτηεϊ(χψιΰϊ θχρθ αςζψϊ ξιμεο).

This course will deal with the thought of two prominent Muslim thinkers –Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida , who are considered the founders of Islamic Modernism .This important school of thought searched(in the last quarter of the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20th century) for ways to reconcile Islam with the challenges-practical and ideological- posed by the growing western influence.
Good knowledge of Arabic is required.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 24/02/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 20/03/2009 αωςδ 9:00

δπαιΰ ξηξγ αχεψΰο εαξρεψϊ δΰρμΰν‏ (06313000)

ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ψΰωεο

τψετ` ΰεψι ψεαιο

ξθψϊ δρξιπψ διΰ μδΰιψ διαθιν αδϊτϊηεϊ ϊτιρϊ γξεϊε ωμ ξεηξγ λτι ωδιΰ ςεμδ ξϊεκ χψιΰδ δωεεΰϊιϊ ωμ δχεψΰο εωμ δξχεψεϊ δηευ χεψΰπιιν (ϊτριψ, ριψδ εηγιϊ').
δωιςεψ ιλμεμ γιεο αλξδ τρεχι ξτϊη αχεψΰο δξβγιψιν ΰϊ ξςξγε ωμ ξεηξγ λπαιΰ αζιχδ μπαιΰι διδεγιν εδπεφψιν. δχωψν δχεψΰπι δτπιξι ωμ δτρεχιν δμμε ιιαηο αζιχδ μδχωψν δηγω δπβμδ αρτψεϊ δηευ-χεψΰπιϊ, ειερχε ξρχπεϊ μβαι δΰεψ ωξχεψεϊ ΰμδ ωετλιν ςμ δϊτϊηεϊ γξεϊε δπαεΰιϊ ωμ ξεηξγ.
μχεψρ πιμεεδ ΰϊψ ειψθεΰμι (δεψΰδ ξψηεχ) εαε χαφιν δλεμμιν αιαμιεβψτιδ (αςαψιϊ ΰε αΰπβμιϊ) εθχρθιν ςψαιιν. αξδμκ δρξρθψ ιχψΰε δϊμξιγιν ΰϊ δαιαμιεβψτιδ εΰϊ δθχρθιν δπμεειν μλμ πεωΰ επεωΰ, εζΰϊ μτι δδπηιεϊ ωιϊτψρξε αΰϊψ δχεψρ, εςμιδν μαεΰ μωιςεψ λωδν ξελπιν μγιεο ςμ δαιαμιεβψτιδ εδθχρθιν.
ηεαϊ πεληεϊ τςιμδ αωιςεψ ημδ ςμ λμ δϊμξιγιν εδιςγψεϊ ξϊξωλϊ ςμεμδ μδαιΰ μαιθεμ δχεψρ αδϊΰν μδεψΰεϊ δΰεπιαψριθδ.
ηεαεϊ δρξιπψ (ϊψβιμιν εςαεγεϊ) -- λξτεψθ αϊχπεο δηεβ μμιξεγι δςψαιϊ εδΰρμΰν.

This seminar will deal with aspects of the evolution of Muhammad’s prophetic image, based on a comparative reading of the Qur’an and the extra- Qur’anic sources of tafsir, sira and hadith. Some Qur’anic key passages will be studied, which define the relationship between Muhammad and the previous prophets of the Jews and the Christians. The inner Qur’anic context of these passages will be examined in relationship to their new context as it emerges from the extra-Qur’anic sources, and conclusions will be drawn concerning the light these sources throw on the evolution of Muhammad’s prophetic image.

γψιωεϊ χγν:




ΰαο ηζν εςεμξε‏ (06313001)


γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ

δχεψρ γο αηιιε εηιαεψιε ωμ ΰαο ηζν, δρετψ, δϊιΰεμεβ εηλν δδμλδ δξτεψρν εδωπει αξημεχϊ ξχεψγεαδ (ξϊ 456/1064). ΰηψι ρχιψδ διρθεψιϊ ωμ δη'μιτεϊ δΰεξιιϊ αΰμ-ΰπγμερ εϊχετϊ ξμελ ΰμθεεΰισ, πχψΰ ξρτψ αιεβψτιεϊ ωμ ΰαο ηζν ωπλϊαε ςμ ιγι απι γεψε, εαδξωκ χθςιν παηψιν ξηιαεψιε δρτψεϊιιν εδγϊιιν ωμ ΰαο ηζν ςφξε. αρεσ δχεψρ λμ ρθεγπθ ιλϊεα ςαεγδ ρξιπψιεπιϊ ςμ ΰηγ ξηιαεψιε δψαιν ωμ ΰαο ηζν, αδ ,ϊδιδ δϊιιηρεϊ μτεμξεριε πβγ δΰρλεμδ δξΰμλιϊ, δωιςδ ελιϊεϊ ΰηψεϊ αΰρμΰν, δπφψεϊ, διδγεϊ, δξμλιν ωωμθε αΰμ-ΰπγμερ, εςεγ.

Ibn Hazm and his world

The course deals with the life and works of the famous but controversial Andalusi legal scholar, theologian and man of letters Ibn Hazm of Cordoba (d. 456/1064). After a historical survey of the Umayyad caliphate in al-Andalus and the period of the Party-Kings, a series of biographical sketches of Ibn Hazm by contemporaries will be read, followed by a number of literary and religious texts by Ibn Hazm himself. At the end of the course every student will write a seminar paper about one of the many works by Ibn Hazm, with special reference to his polemics against the Maliki school of law, the Shi’a and other Islamic sects, Christianity, Judaism, the Party Kings, and others.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

δωιψδ δςξξιϊ λξχεψ δωψΰδ μξωεψψ δξεγψπι‏ (06313002)


γ"ψ β'ιψιρ η'εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ, αςιχψ, αξΰτιιπιδ ωμ δξεγψπιζφιδ δςψαιϊ, ειϊξχγ αςπιιο δωτδ δξγεαψϊ εδρτψεϊ δςξξιϊ λωπι διαθιν ηωεαιν αξεγψπιζφιδ. αχεψρ ιιςωδ πιϊεη ξαπι, ΰεξπεϊι εϊελπι μξρτψ ψα ωμ θχρθιν δξεωτςιν αξιγδ ζε ΰε ΰηψϊ ξδωιψδ δςξξιϊ. λξε λο, ιαεΰε μιγι γιεο αχεψρ ϊψεξϊδ ωμ δωιψδ δςξξιϊ μδϊτϊηεϊ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ, ιφιψϊ ρεβεϊ ρτψεϊιεϊ "ξελμΰεϊ", εφεψεϊ εξαπιν ςξξιιν ωμ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ.

The course will deal mainly with the characteristics of the modernization of Arabic and focus on the vernacular language and popular literature as two important aspects of modernization. Many examples of poetry affected by folksongs will be presented and analyzed thematically, rhetorically and structurally. The course will deal intensively with three important issues: The contribution of folksongs to the evolution of modern Arabic poetry, the creation of new literary derived genres (hybrid genres), and popular forms and structures of modern Arabic poems.

γψιωεϊ χγν:




ωιψδ ςψαιϊ χμΰριϊ‏ (06313310)


γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η'εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ απιϊεη δωιψδ δχμΰριϊ μϊχετεϊιδ δωεπεϊ: δβ'ΰδμιϊ, δψΰωγιιδ, δΰεξιιϊ, δςαΰριϊ, δΰπγμεριϊ. ωιψιν ξλμ δϊχετεϊ ιιγεπε ειπεϊηε, ϊεκ δϊξχγεϊ αδϊτϊηεϊ δξαπιϊ, δψθεψιϊ εβν δϊελπιϊ ωμ δωιψδ δχμΰριϊ. ιιςωδ ωιξεω αξεπηιν αιχεψϊιιν ςψαιιν χγεξιν εηγωιν, αιο διϊψ αϊεψϊ δξωχμ εβν αψθεψιχδ δςψαιϊ.

The course will deal with poetic texts from different classical periods: Jahiliyya, Rashidiya, Umayyad, Abbasid, Andalusian. Throughout the course we inquire into the thematical, artistic and structural evolution of classical poetry. The course will focus on various basic concepts used by classical and modern Arab scholars for analyzing and criticizing classical Arabic poetry, among them prosody and rhetoric.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 18/02/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' ιϊχιιν αιεν 01/04/2009 αωςδ 18:00

ζ`ΰπψιν ρτψεϊιιν χμΰριιν‏ (06313320)


γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η'εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ αςιχψ ατψεζδ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ, εδϊτϊηεϊδ μΰεψκ δγεψεϊ ςμ ρεβεϊιδ δωεπεϊ: ψθεψιχδ, ΰιβψϊ, ξχΰξδ (ξηαψϊ), ξςωιιδ, αιχεψϊ ρτψεϊιϊ, τψωπεϊ ελε', ϊεκ δϊξχγεϊ αξαπδ εαϊελο ωμ δθχρθιν εδϊαεππεϊ ξιεηγϊ αιηρδ ωμ δαιχεψϊ δςψαιϊ δχγεξδ λμτι δρεβεϊ δωεπεϊ.

The course will deal, basically, with Arabic prose, the stages in its evolution, and its genres: rhetoric, letter, Maqama, anecdote, literary criticism, commentary etc. The course will focus on the structure and the content of the texts, with a special focus on how ancient Arab criticism treated the different genres.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 01/07/2009 αωςδ 9:00
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 05/08/2009 αωςδ 9:00

ρτψεϊ ετεμιθιχδ‏ (06313413)

ρξιπψ ωπϊι μϊεΰψ ψΰωεο

τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν

δξθψδ ωμ δρξιπψιεο διΰ μςξεγ ςμ δχωψ αιο δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δηγωδ εδϊξεψεϊ δτεμιθιεϊ αςεμν δςψαι εαιωψΰμ. δϊμξιγ ιλιψ ιφιψεϊ ωεπεϊ ωμ ρετψιν ςψαιιν εβν ξΰξψι αιχεψϊ ωιω μδν ζιχδ μϊτιρεϊ ΰιγιΰεμεβιεϊ-τεμιθιεϊ, ιαηπε γψλι δωτςδ δγγιϊ αιο ρτψεϊ ετεμιθιχδ επφαις ςμ ρξξπιν ρτψεϊιιν εηευ ρτψεϊιιν αψα δξςψλϊ ωμ δρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ.

Literature and Politics
This seminar deals with the relation between modern Arabic literature and political changes in the Arab world and Israel. The student will become acquainted with different literary compositions by Arab writers, as well as with critical essays and studies that reflect ideological and political inclinations. We shall examine ways of mutual influence between literature and politics, and highlight literary and contextual traits in the polysystem of Arabic literature.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

קריאה בכתבי סיבויה וזמח`שרי‏ (06313415)


ד"ר ישי פלד

קורס זה מציג ללומד את יסודות החשיבה התחבירית של מדקדקי ימי הביניים. הלימוד מתבסס על קריאת קטעים העוסקים בבעיות יסוד בתחביר הערבי מ"אלכתאב" לסיבויה, מדקדק בין המאה השמינית, ומ"כתאב אלמפצל" לזמח'שרי עם פירושו של אבן יעיש. שני המדקדקים האחרונים הם מהמאות ה12- וה13- בהתאמה. בין הנושאים הנדונים: משלימי הפועל למיניהם, פעלי העזר, המשפט השמני, משפטי התנאי. נדונות תמורות יסוד בתיאוריה ובטרמינולוגיה הדקדוקית לאורך השנים.

Studies in the writings of Sξbawayhi and Zamaxπarξ:
This course presents the basic concepts of medieval Arabic grammatical thinking. Classes will be devoted to reading and analyzing texts dealing with fundamental issues in Arabic syntax. The texts will be taken from Sξbawayhi’s al-Kitβb (8th century) and from Zamaxπarξ’s Kitβb al-Mufaṣṣal (12th century) and Ibn Yaʿξπ’s commentary (13th century). Among the topics to be discussed: verb complements, auxiliary verbs, the nominal sentence and conditional sentences. Special attention will be given to developments in theory and grammatical terminology throughout the years.

γψιωεϊ χγν:




γξεϊ δΰηψ αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ‏ (06313418)

γ"ψ ξηξεγ λιΰμ

δχεψρ ξϊξχγ αψχς δϊιΰεψθι ωμ δςιρεχ αγξεϊ "δΰηψ" αϊιΰεψιεϊ δτερθ-χεμεπιΰμιεϊ, δτξιπιρθιεϊ εδτερθ-ξεγψπιεϊ. αχεψρ ζδ ιιαηπε ιιφεβιν ωεπιν ωμ δΰηψ αριτεψϊ δςψαιϊ δξεγψπιϊ, εαςιχψ αιφιψεϊιδν ωμ ρετψιν ξεαιμιν αςεμν δςψαι. ςιχψ ϊωεξϊ δμα ϊετπδ μιιφεβιν ωμ δΰιωδ, διδεγι/δφιεπι/διωψΰμι, εαπι δϊψαεϊ δξςψαιϊ. δρθεγπθιν ξϊαχωιν μδβιω ςαεγεϊ ρξιπψιεπιεϊ δςερχεϊ αιιφεβι δΰηψ αιφιψδ ξρειξϊ, ΰφμ ρετψ ξρειν, ΰε αϊχετδ ξρειξϊ.

The Character of the Other in Modern Arabic Literature
This seminar discusses the issue of the "Other" theoretically and empirically in modern Arabic narrative texts. Three types of the "Other" are emphasized: the woman, the Jew/Zionist/Israeli and the West.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ΰμσ μιμδ εμιμδ εδωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ‏ (06314000)

ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ωπι

γ"ψ β`ιψιρ η`εψι

δχεψρ ιςρεχ αδωτςϊ ΰβγεϊ "ΰμσ μιμδ εμιμδ" ςμ δωιψδ δξεγψπιϊ. ιπεϊηε ξρτψ ψα ωμ θχρθιν ωμ ξωεψψιν ξεγψπιιν ιγεςιν, ϊεκ δϊαεππεϊ ξιεηγϊ αΰμξπθιν, γξειεϊ, ξΰεψςεϊ εςεγ, δωΰεαιν ξιφιψϊ δξετϊ δπ"μ. αχεψρ πχψΰ ξΰξψιν παηψιν ωπλϊαε ΰεγεϊ "ΰμσ μιμδ εμιμδ" εβν θχρθιν παηψιν ξϊεκ διφιψδ. λο πχψΰ εππϊη ωιψιν ωδεωτςε αφεψδ ζε ΰε ΰηψϊ ξδιφιψδ δπ"μ.

The course will deal with the influence of stories of The Arabian Nights (Alf Layla wa-Layla) on modern Arabic poetry. Texts from The Arabian Nights will be read and discussed, and then modern poems which were influenced by this composition will be presented and analyzed, with a focus on Arabian Nights references (figures, events, general atmosphere, etc.) We shall also read selected articles on The Arabian Nights.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

"ΰπι ξΰξιο": δ"ςχιγδ" αϊιΰεμεβιδ δΰρμΰξιϊ‏ (06314001)


γ"ψ χξιμδ ΰγπβ

αχεψρ ζδ ιπεϊηε ηιαεψιν χφψιν ξβ'πψ δςχιγδ, αδν ξϊΰψιν ϊιΰεμεβιν ξερμξιν ΰϊ ςχψεπεϊ ΰξεπϊν. αιο διϊψ πχψΰ ΰϊ δςχΰΰιγ ωμ ΰαε ηπιτδ, ΰαο ηπαμ, ΰαο αθδ, ΰαο ΰαι ζιιγ ΰμχιιψεΰπι, ΰμΰωςψι, ΰαο ηζν, εΰμς'ζΰμι, επωεδ αιπιδο. αρεσ δχεψρ λμ ρθεγπθ ιλιο ςαεγδ ρξιπψιεπιϊ αδ δεΰ ιπϊη ςχιγδ ωμ ξηαψ ωμΰ πγεο αωιςεψιν.

In this course we shall analyse credal statements from the `aqida genre, in which Muslim theologians briefly explain the principles of their faith. Among other texts, we shall read and compare credal statements by Abu Hanifa, Ibn Hanbal, Ibn Batta, Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani, al-Ash`ari, Ibn Hazm and al-Ghazali. At the end of the course every student will write a seminar paper analysing the `aqida of an author not discussed in class.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ςιεπιν αθχρθιν αςψαιϊ αιπεπιϊ εαςψαιϊ ιδεγιϊ‏ (06314002)

ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ωπι

ςιεπιν αςψαιϊ-αιπεπιϊ εαςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ (ξ.ΰ.)
δημχ δςιεπι: ρχιψδ μϊεμγεϊ δωτδ δςψαιϊ ξμεεδ αχψιΰϊ ρτψεϊ ξγςιϊ. γβω ξιεηγ ςμ δςψαιϊ-δαιπεπιϊ εξχεξδ αϊεμγεϊ δωτδ δςψαιϊ, ϊιΰεψδ εξΰτιιπιδ μςεξϊ δςψαιϊ δχμΰριϊ. ξχεξδ ωμ δςψαιϊ-διδεγιϊ αϊεκ δςψαιϊ δαιπεπιϊ.
δημχ δξςωι: χψιΰϊ θχρθιν αςψαιϊ-αιπεπιϊ ωαδν ξωϊχτιν ξΰτιιπιδ ωμ δωτδ δζΰϊ εχψιΰϊ θχρθιν ςψαιιν-ιδεγιν αξθψδ μδφαις ςμ δγεξδ εςμ δωεπδ ξο δςψαιϊ δαιπεπιϊ.
περσ ςμ χψιΰϊ θχρθιν ξεγτριν ιιχψΰε ειπεϊηε θχρθιν ωςγιιο αλϊαι-ιγ, δο αςψαιϊ-αιπεπιϊ δο αςψαιϊ-ιδεγιϊ.
αρεσ δχεψρ ιιγψωε δϊμξιγιν μπϊη θχρθ ξεγτρ ΰε αλϊα-ιγ.

Studies in Middle-Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic (M.A.)
The theoretical part: Survey of the history of the Arabic language accompanied by readings in scientific literature. Special emphasis will be given to Middle-Arabic and its place in the history of the Arabic language, its description and characteristics in comparison with classical Arabic as well as the place of Judaeo-Arabic within Middle Arabic.

` The practical part: Reading texts in Middle-Arabic that reflect characteristics of this language and reading Judaeo-Arabic texts with the objective of showing similarities and differences from Middle Arabic.

In addition to reading printed texts, texts still in manuscript form will be read and analyzed, both in Middle Arabic and in Judaeo-Arabic.

At the end of the course, the students will be asked to analyze a printed text or manuscript in Middle-Arabic or Judaeo-Arabic.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ΰμσ μιμδ εμιμδ εξΰδ μιμδ εμιμδ - βιωεϊ ηγωεϊ, ηεξψιν η γωιν‏ (06314003)

ρξιπψ μϊεΰψ ωπι

τψετ` ιερσ ργο

δχεψρ ςερχ αϊεμγεϊ ωπι χαφιν ωμ μιμεϊ-ςψα, δξτεψρν ιεϊψ εδξτεψρν τηεϊ. δξωϊϊτιν ιχψΰε ριτεψιν ξτεψρξιν ααιϊ ειπϊηε ειωεηηε αλιϊδ. ξχεν ξιεηγ ιεχγω μριτεψιν γξειι-ΰμσ μιμδ εμιμδ, ωμΰ ζλε μδιλπρ μΰερσ διγες εδπξφΰιν ςγιο αλϊαι-ιγ ωθψν ψΰε ΰεψ.

The course will deal with the two collections of the Arabian Nights: the more famous one (1001 nights) and the less famous one (101 nights). The participants will read some of the famous stories at home; they will discuss and analyze the narratives in class. Special attention will be given to Arabian Nights-like stories from unpublished manuscripts, which were not lucky enough to be included in the famous collection

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ρεβιεϊ αμωεο δρτψεϊ‏ (06314143)

ρξιπψ ωπϊι μϊεΰψ ωπι

τψετ` ξηξεγ βπΰιν

δξθψδ ωμ δχεψρ διΰ μςξεγ ςμ δωιπειιν ωημε αϊτιρϊ μωεο δρτψεϊ ςν δετςϊν ωμ δζ'ΰπψιν δηγωιν αρτψεϊ δςψαιϊ δηγωδ. δχεψρ ιαμιθ ημχ ξδωιπειιν δΰμδ γψκ χψιΰδ ωμ θχρθιν ξζ'ΰπψιν ξβεεπιν.

Problems in the Language of Literature
The aim of the course is to explore changes in the concepts of literary language after the emergence of new genres in modern Arabic literature. Through reading a number of texts, the course will highlight some of these shifts in different genres.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

ρξιπψ ξημχϊι‏ (06314147)

αρξιπψ δξημχϊι πιϊπεϊ δψφΰεϊ αϊηεν δωτδ, δρτψεϊ εδϊψαεϊ δςψαιϊ ςμ ιγι ηεχψιν ξΰεπιαψριθΰεϊ ωεπεϊ. δξτβωιν ξϊχιιξιν ΰηϊ μωμεωδ ωαεςεϊ επεληιν αδν ξεψι εϊμξιγι δηεβ. ηεαϊ πεληεϊ ημδ ςμ ϊμξιγι δϊεΰψ δωπι.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ ΰ' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

τξιπιζν ξαςγ μψςμδ-διμλε ωπιδν ιηγιε αμϊι ΰν πεςγε? ‏ (06622037)


γ"ψ ξιψδ φεψσ

δχεψρ ιςρεχ αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ξερμξιεϊ μωιτεψ ϊπΰι ηιιδο αξγιπεϊ δςψαιεϊ εδΰρμΰξιεϊ αξζψη-δϊιλεο εαξγιπϊ ιωψΰμ. αξεαηο ξο δξΰαχ δτξιπιρθι ωδϊπδμ αξςψα αξχψιν ωμτπιπε ξγεαψ απωιν δπΰαχεϊ μδωβϊ ηιψειεϊιδο λωδο ψςεμεϊ εαϊεκ δξρβψεϊ δγϊιεϊ λωμθςπϊο δψςμδ ξδεεδ ςαεψο ρξξο μςεφξδ εμΰ μηεμωδ. δο ξφδιψεϊ ςμ ςφξο γϊιεϊ ελΰμδ δξχτιγεϊ μχιιν ΰϊ ξφεεϊ δγϊ εαχιΰεϊ αλϊαι δχεγω, αδμλδ εαξωτθ δΰρμΰξιιν. διγς δγϊι εδδμλϊι ξΰτωψ μπωιν δμμε μδγεσ ΰϊ θιςεπιδ ωμ δτθψιΰψλμιδ δγϊιϊ , δηαψϊιϊ εδτεμιθιϊ δξαχωϊ μχας ΰϊ ξςξγο δπηεϊ αξωτηδ εαηαψδ. πωιν ΰμδ πημε δφμηεϊ μΰ ξαεθμεϊ λωδαεμθϊ ωαδο διΰ δΰιρεψ ςμ ξιμϊ πωιν δξβεαδ δο ς,ι ΰπωι δγϊ εδο ς"ι δξιξργ δψτεΰι. δχεψρ ιϊξχγ αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ΰμδ αξφψιν, ςψα δρςεγιϊ, ϊεψλιδ, δψωεϊ δτμρθιπιϊ, ελο αξΰαχο ωμ πωιν ςψαιεϊ ειδεγιεϊ ΰζψηιεϊ ξγιπϊ ιωψΰμ.

γψιωεϊ δχεψρ εξψλιαι δφιεο: δφιεο δρετι αχεψρ ιδιδ ξεψλα ξςαεγϊ ϊψβιμ (ψωεϊ) ΰωψ ςψλδ διπε 5% ξλμμ δφιεο δρετι. δωϊϊτεϊ ΰχθιαιϊ αωιςεψιν εαγιεπιν δξϊπδμιν αδν ωξωχμδ αφιεο δρετι ΰσ δεΰ 5% εαηιπϊ αιϊ ξρλξϊ ωςψλδ 90% ξο δφιεο.

Feminism beyond the Veil-Can the two Co-exist?

The course focuses on the struggle of Muslim Women in both several Arab countries (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the Palestinian Authority) and among Israeli Arab and Jewish women, as well as in Europe, to improve their life conditions and their legal status as equal citizens.
Their struggle was and remains completely different from that of Western feminists since we are dealing here with religious women who use the religious knowledge they acquired and the unique interpretation they give to the Holy Scriptures as a means to empower themselves in both family and society. Through this knowledge they are able to challenge the patriarchal political religious and social establishment that uses the scriptures to reinforce their own status and, simultaneously, weaken that of women. By giving a voice and a space to these religious and veiled women we will try to deconstruct the binary approach between religion and feminism in the Middle East.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ρξρθψ α', ξεςγ ΰ': α-19/7/09 α-9:00. δηζψδ ςγ 21/7/09 α-13:00.
  • ρξρθψ α', ξεςγ α': α-18/8/09 α-9:00. δηζψδ ςγ 20/8/09 α-13:00.

διιωεα διδεγι αΰψυ ιωψΰμ αϊχετδ δξερμξιϊ δψΰωεπδ (1099-634)‏ (06771090)


τψετ` ιεψν ΰψγψ

ϊχετδ ζε ξλεπδ αϊεμγεϊ ςν ιωψΰμ ϊχετϊ δβΰεπιν. δβΰεπιν ςξγε αψΰω ιωαϊ ΰψυ ιωψΰμ, εδπδιβε ημχιν ψαιν ξδςν αΰψυ ιωψΰμ εξηεφδ μδ. ςγ βιμει βπιζϊ χδιψ μΰ ιγςπε γαψ ςμ ξψλζ δπδβϊι ηωεα ζδ. δξχεψεϊ ωαψωεϊπε ξμξγιν βν ςμ ξςψλϊ διηριν ωαιο ιωιαϊ ΰψυ ιωψΰμ μωμθεπεϊ δξερμξιν. δλιαεω δξερμξι τϊη ΰϊ ιψεωμιν μδϊιιωαεϊ ιδεγιϊ, επμξγ ςμ δπριαεϊ μδχξϊ ιιωεα ζδ. αξΰδ δϊωιςιϊ δϊιιωαε αΰψυ ιωψΰμ δχψΰιν. αξρβψϊ ωιςεψ ζδ πμξγ ςμ δωτςϊ ξβιμεϊ χεξψΰο ςμ δχψΰιν ωςμε μΰψυ ιωψΰμ. λξε λο πμξγ ςμ ριεν ξτςμ δξρεψδ, γδιιπε ωιξεψ δπερη ωμ δξχψΰ, λτι ωδεΰ ιγες μπε διεν.

The Muslim found in Palestine a relatively strong Jewish community. Its leadership-the Yeshiva- was then In Tiberias and served also as a center to many Jewish communities in the Diaspora. The Muslin conquest opened a new period in Jewish History: the Gaonate period. We shall study about the history of the Jewish leadership in Palestine, the renewal of the Jewish community in Jerusalem, the influence of Judaism on the holiness of Jerusalem in Islam, the Karaite settlement in Palestine, how the changing of power in Islam influenced the history of the Jewish population in the country. The main source for information is the Cairo Geniza.

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 12/07/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 12/08/2009 αωςδ 12:30

διιωεα διδεγι αααμ ϊηϊ ωμθεο δΰρμΰν (1258-637)‏ (06771093)


τψετ` ιεψν ΰψγψ

ωιςεψ: διιωεα διδεγι αααμ ξψΰωιϊ δλιαεω δξερμξι ςγ πτιμϊ δη'μιτεϊ δςαΰριϊ.
δλιαεω δξερμξι ηιρμ ΰϊ δΰιξτψιδ δτψριϊ δρΰρπιϊ ωωμθδ αααμ εατψρ. ςν δλιαεω δξερμξι πτϊηϊ αααμ ϊχετϊ δβΰεπιν αδιρθεψιδ διδεγιϊ. δαεμθ ξαιο βΰεπι ααμ διδ μμΰ ρτχ ρςγιδ βΰεο, ωαηωιαεϊε πγεο. αξρβψϊ ωιςεψ ζδ ιςμε δπεωΰιν δαΰιν: ϊεμγεϊ διωιαεϊ, ϊεμγεϊ ψΰωεϊ δβεμδ, δωτςϊ δϊψαεϊ διδεγιϊ ςμ δΰρμΰν εδωτςϊ δϊψαεϊ δξερμξιϊ ςμ διδγεϊ. φξιηϊ δϊπεςδ δχψΰιϊ αααμ εατψρ.

Shiur:The Jewish Population in Babylonia from the Muslim Conquest until the Fall of the Abbasid Chaliphate
The Muslim conquest destroyed the Persian Sasanid Empire that had ruled Persia and Babylonia. Under the Persians a very important Jewish center had existed. The Babylonian Talmud is a witness for its importance. The Muslim conquest opened a

γψιωεϊ χγν:



  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 24/06/2009 αωςδ 12:30
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' ιϊχιιν αιεν 13/08/2009 αωςδ 12:30

γιΰμχθεμεβιδ εδωτεϊ δωξιεϊ δηιεϊ‏ (06903457)


γ"ψ ιηζχΰμ ξεφτι

Dialectology and the living Semitic Languages

δχεψρ ιημ αδχπιιϊ ξεωβι ιρεγ εαςιεο ϊΰεψθι αγιΰμχθεμεβιδ λϊηεν αμωπι, ειξωικ αρχιψδ ωμ ξψχν δμωεπεϊ εδμδβιν δωξιιν απι ζξππε αξψηα δγιαεψ δΰψξι, δςψαι, δγψεν ςψαι εδηαωι. ιιαηπε ϊδμιλιν εϊετςεϊ δπεβςιν μδϊτϊηεϊ γιΰμχθιν μΰ ψχ ξο δδιαθ δβΰεβψτι ΰμΰ βν ςμ αριρ ΰϊπι ΰε ςγϊι-χδιμϊι,εαΰωψ μςψαιϊ βν ςμ τι ΰετι δϊιιωαεϊν ωμ δγεαψιν-ςιψεπιν, λτψιιν επεεγιν. παηο διαθιν ρεφιεμιπβεειρθιιν δξΰτιιπιν εψιΰφιεϊ μωεπιεϊ, μψαεϊ δςαψιϊ διωψΰμιϊ. πςξεγ ςμ δξϊεγεμεβιδ δλψελδ αωψθεθ ξτεϊ γιΰμχθιν εαπιϊεηο επςιιο αΰθμριν αμωπιιν εαωΰμεπιν δξωξωιν ξηχψι ωγδ ωϊλμιϊν ξιτει γιΰμχθεμεβι. λξε λο πγεο αωιθϊ δξιεο δβπθι ωμ ωτεϊ εφαιψι-γιΰμχθιν.

γψιωεϊ χγν: δχεψρ ΰιπε ξφψικ ιγς χεγν εξϊΰιν μϊμξιγι μωεο ςαψιϊ,αμωπεϊ ωξιϊ, ωτδ ερτψεϊ ςψαιϊ εμϊμξιγι αμωπεϊ λμμιϊ.

δςψεϊ: πιϊο μδψων μρξιπψ λωιςεψ εμδβιω ψτψΰθ αϊεν δρξρθψ


  • ξεςγ ΰ' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.
  • ξεςγ α' ωμ ρξρθψ α' δεΰ αηιπϊ-αιϊ ΰε ςαεγδ ωμΰ πχας ςαεψδ ϊΰψικ.

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