Marcelo Dascal: PrePrints

  1. The challenge of human difference and the ethics of communication

  2. Works, fireworks, and frameworks: Economics and rhetorico-pragmatics.

  3. République des Lettres: a Republic of Quarrels?

  4. Leibniz et les usages dialectiques du langage. (Outline of Lecture)

  5. The Erklären/Verstehen controversy and the dynamics of controversies (Outline of Lecture)

  6. "The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Philosophical Dialogue" (Joint Invited Sessions at the XXIst World Congress of Philosophy, Istanbul, August 10-17, 2003).

  7. "Reframing the historiography of philosophy: A dialectical approach" (Invited Session at the XXII World Congress of Philosophy, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 30 July - 5 August, 2008).

  8. "Is there a controversy about the morality of the occupation and its consequences?"

  9. "Leibniz y el dialogo entre racionalidades".