A refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment

A seismic refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment was carried out in 1993 under the supervision of Prof. A. Ginzburg and Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham. During the experiment, which was done in collaboration with Prof. J. Makris of Hamburg University, several OBS were deployed in a north-south line in the northern basin of the Dead Sea and portable seismic land stations were placed north and south of the lake. The energy source were 20 kg explosive charges.
 A paper on the results of the refraction/wide-angle reflection experiment has been published by Ginzburg and Ben-Avraham. The main highlights of the experiments are the  probable detection of salt bodies in the north basin and the large difference in depth to basement between the north basin, where it is about 6 km, and the south basin, where it is about 12 km.

Location of the OBS, land stations and line of shots superimposed on a combined map of topographic relief (colored) and Bouguer anomaly map (white contours) of the Dead Sea region