The Coring Program in the Dead Sea

A coring program, a joint Center and GFZ project, was carried out in 1993 under the supervision of Prof. J. Negendank and Prof. Z. Ben-Avraham. A 3.5 Khz seismic site survey and extensive logistical effort preceded the coring program.
 As it was expected that hard salt layers would be encountered during the coring operations, a Selcore vibration corer was rented from Selantic Subsea Technology, Norway, in addition to a Kuhlenberg piston corer. Since deck space was limited on the only vessel available on the lake (and was therefore insufficient) a platform was constructed from pontoons on which the equipment could be mounted and which was towed to the coring locations by the boat. The coring positions were selected at locations where the sediments were undisturbed. Ten cores, up to 4.5 meters long, were recovered in the southern part of the lake in water depth up to 315 meters, and four at the mouth of River Jordan. While the cores were not as long  as hoped for, they are the longest yet recovered in the Dead Sea. This study yielded much information on the sedimentation regime in the Dead Sea and on paleoclimate variability in the region during the past 2000 years.
 A scientific technical report by Heim et al. describes the main results of the cores. C. Heim has completed his Ph.D. on the material from the cores. A paper on the results of the analysis was published by Heim et al., in Naturwissenschaften. The physical properties of the salt recovered in the cores and of salt samples from the southern basin of the Dead Sea were investigated at Stanford University by Tuntuncu et al. The results of this study have been used for the interpretation of 3.5 Khz seismic profiles collected in the Dead Sea. The comparison of the core stratigraphy and the seismic profiles has been investigated by Ben-Avraham et al. and was submitted to JGR.

 Photograph showing the lithology of Core 7 in the Dead Sea: USS = Upper Salt Sequence
                                                                        ULS = Upper Laminated Sequence
                                                                        MSS = Middle Salt Sequence
                                                                        LLS = Lower Laminated Sequence
 Length of entire core is 3.65m. Age at bottom of LLS is 2270 years.