B. Tsirelson

Noise as a Boolean algebra of sigma-fields. II. Classicality, blackness, spectrum

Recent works

Boris Tsirelson,
"Noise as a Boolean algebra of sigma-fields. II. Classicality, blackness, spectrum"
Available online (free of charge) from e-print archive (USA):
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A research eprint, 13 pages, bibl. 7 refs.

Similarly to noises, Boolean algebras of sigma-fields can be black. A noise may be treated as a homomorphism from a Boolean algebra of regular open sets to a Boolean algebra of sigma-fields. Spectral sets are useful also in this framework.

  1. Introduction.
  2. Classicality and blackness.
  3. Spectrum.
  4. Digression: planar spectral sets, etc.
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