START OF LOG FILE =================================================================== Separate analysis with a gamma distribution to each gene =================================================================== The log-likelihood of tree 1 is -1823.82 Best alpha of tree 1 is 0.517586 The number of positions in dataset 1 is 313 Tree number 1 in Newick format (s1:0.242066,(s2:0.058266,s3:0.056683):0.034462,(s4:0.134114,s5:0.209642):0.002390); The log-likelihood of tree 2 is -2541.431530 Best alpha of tree 2 is 0.894689 The number of positions in dataset 2 is 313 Tree number 2 in Newick format (s1:0.415584,(s2:0.169221,s3:0.170850):0.064436,(s4:0.188381,s5:0.615717):0.058512); Sum of log-likelihoods over all trees -4365.253376