Tel Aviv University

Tel Aviv University
Condensed Matter Theory Seminar

Academic Year  2003 - 2004

The seminar is held in Room 204 in the Shenkar Physics Building, every Monday at 16:00


May 17, 2004

"Turbulent Drag Reduction by Polymers: The Riddle and its Resolution"

Prof. Itamar Procaccia
Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute

     Drag reduction by polymers had been discovered in 1949, and led to a number of important technological application. Nevertheless the mechanism of the phenomenon remained under debate. I will show that the phenomenon has universal and non-universal aspects. The former has to do with the so-called "Maximal Drag Reduction Asymptote" which does not depend on the nature of the polymer. The latter involves the cross over back to the "Newtonian plug", and these are functions of the polymer concentration, its degree of polymerization and what not. I will propose a theory that derives the universal aspects and explains the non-universal ones. The lecture will not assume any prior knowledge either in polymer physics or in turbulence.  

Host: Dr. Ron Lifshitz, x5145
Fall 2003 Schedule Spring 2004 Schedule

For more information or for directions to 204 Shenkar please contact: Chava Balson  03-6408300

To suggest potential speakers or register feedback contact:  Ron Lifshitz  03-6405145

Sponsored by:   The Condensed Matter Physics Department, The School of Physics & Astronomy, Tel Aviv University.