V. Chapters in Books


1.         "The Camera and the Aesthetics of Repetition: Strindberg's Use of Space and Scnography in Miss Julie, A Dream Play and The Ghost Sonata", Strindbergian Theatre, ed. G. Stockenstrom, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1988, 107-128.


2.         "A chair is a Chair is a CHAIR", The Prague School and its Legacy in Linguistics, Literature, Semiotics, Folklore and the Arts, ed. Y. Tobin, John Benjamins BV Publishing Company, Amsterdam and Philadelphia, 1988, 275-288.


3.         "The Cathartic Experience: The Role of the Spectator in the Theatre", Approaches of the Opera, ed A. Helbo, Didier Erudition, Bruxelles, 1986, 225-232.


4.         "The Representation of Death in Strindberg's Chamber Plays", Strindberg and Genre, ed. Michael Robinson, Norvik Press, Norwich, 1991, 119-136.


5.         "Jew and Non-Jew in the Hebrew Inter-War Theatre: From Marginality to Centrality", Theatralia Judaica: Studien zur Geschichte und Theorie der dramatischen Kunste, ed. Hans-Peter Bayerdoerffer, Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tuebingen, 1992, 264-280.


6.         "'Deus ex Machina' in the Avant-Garde Theatre", TheaterAvantgarde, ed. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Francke Verlag, Tuebingen, 1995, 324-368, (German).


7.         "Hebrew Theatre from 1889-1948", Theatre in Israel, ed. Linda Ben-Zvi, Michigan University Press, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1996, 51-84


8.         "Angels of History: Joshua Sobol's Theatrical Reconstruction of the Vilna Ghetto", Theatre in Israel, ed. Linda Ben-Zvi, Michigan University Press, Ann Arbor, 201-215.


8a.       also in Machanaim, 9, 1994, 304-311, (Hebrew).


8b.       also, expanded version in Babylon: Beitrage zur juedischen Gegenwart, Verlage neue Kritik, 15, 1995, 49-66, (German).


9.         "Art as Utopia in Sobol's Palestinait (Shooting Magda)", Theatre in Israel, ed. Linda Ben-Zvi, Michigan University Press, Ann Arbor, 215-224.


10.       "Slapping Women: Ibsen's Nora, Strindberg's Julie and Freud's Dora", Textual Bodies: Changing Boundaries of Literary Representation, ed Lori Lefkovitz, State University of New York Press, Albany, 1997, 221-243.


11.       "One Voice and Many Legs: Oedipus and the Riddle of the Sphinx", Untying the Knot: On Riddles and other Enigmatic Enigmatic Modes, eds. G. Hasan-Rokem and D. Shulman, Oxford University Press, New York - Oxford, 1996, 255-270.


12.       "Cultural Transformations of Evil and Pain: Some recent changes in the Israeli Perception of the Holocaust", Theatralia Judaica II: German-Israeli Theatrical Relations after World War II, ed. Hans-Peter Bayerdoerfer, Niemeyer Verlag, Tuebingen, 1996, 217-238.


13.       Sobol's play about Otto Weininger. The Israeli and the Viennese Contexts", Geschichte der oesterreichischen Literatur, eds. Donald G. Daviau & Herbert Arlt, Teil 2, Roerig Universitaet Verlag, St Ingbert, 1996, 518-527.


14.       "The Meanings of the Circle in Brecht's Theatre", Bertolt Brecht Centenary Essays, eds. Steve Giles and Rodney Livingstone, Nottingham UP, Nottingham, 1998, 109-120.


15.       "Performing History: The Representations of the French Revolution in the Post World War II Theatre", monograph for the second volume of Theater seit den 60er Jahren: Grenzgaenge der Neo-Avantgarde, eds. Erika Fischer-Lichte, Friedemann Kreuder & Isabel Pflug, Francke Verlag, Tuebingen, 1998, 316-374, (German).


16.       "On the Fantastic in Holocaust Performances", The Holocaust and Performance, ed. Claude Schumacher, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998, 40-52.


17.       "Strindberg and the Hebrew Language: The poet's alchemic dream of language", Strindberg: The Moscow Papers, ed., Michael Robinson, Strindbergssällskapet, Stockholm, 1998, 37-48.


17a.     also, in Hebrew, Dapim Le-Mechkar Ba-Sifrut, Haifa University Press, XI, 1997/98, 353-370.


18.       “What does Antigone Remember? A Dramaturgical and Folkloristic Analysis of King Oedipus, Festschrift for Benjamin Harshav, ed. Ziva Ben Porat, Porter Institute and Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuchad, Tel Aviv, 2001, 328-339 (together with Galit Hasan-Rokem).


18a.     also in English, Telling, Remembering, Interpreting, Guessing, edited by Maria Vasenkari, Pasi Engers and Anna-Leena Siikala, Soumen Kansantietouden Tutkijan Seurs, Joensuu, 2000, 226-235.


19.       “Dramaturgical Analysis”, Dramaturgy, ed Heta Reitala and Timo Heininen, Helsinki University Press, Helsinki, 2001, 105-130.


20.       “Secret Codes: Strindberg and the Dead Languages” August Strindberg and the Other: New Critical Approaches, edited by Poul Houe, Sven Hakon Rossel and Göran Stockenström, Rodopi, Amsterdam – New York, 2002, 43-55.




Accepted for Publication


21.       “Re-Telling Hamlet: Theatrical Machineries and Supernatural Creatures”, Theatre - Text, ed. Kela Kvam, University of Copenhagen Press.


22.       "The Survivor on the Stage", The Last Phase of Survivor Literature, ed. Mark Gelber.


23.       "Criteria for Canonization in Israeli Theatre: Re/evaluating the Identity of Hebrew Drama", Re/writing National Theatre Historiography, ed. Steve Wilmer, University of Iowa Press, Iowa City (together with Yael Zarhy-Levo).


24.       “Introduction”, The Labour of Life: An Anthology of Hanoch Levin’s Plays, Stanford University Press, Stanford.


24a.     an abbreviated version already published in Dialog, vol 47, 1-2, 2002, 108-120, (in Polish).


25.       “Deus ex Machina in the Modern Theatre” (a rewritten version of #6 above) in Reconsiderations of Theatre History, eds., Peter Holland and W.B. Worthen.


26.       “The Memories of an Exiled Soul: Adam Ben Kelev at the Gesher Theatre”, Festschrift for Hans-Peter Bayerdoerffer, Munich, Germany


27.       “Job’s Soul and Otto Weininger’s Torments: Jewish Men in the Theatre of Hanoch Levin and Yehoshua Sobol”, Festschrift for Erika Fischer-Lichte, Berlin, Germany.


28.       “Jewish Themes in the Theatre of Hanoch Levin and Yehoshua Sobol”, Jewish Theatre, Brill Academic Publishers of Leiden, Leiden.


29.       “Martin Buber’s Dialogue with Theatre”, Jews and the Energence of Modern German Theatre, eds. Jeanette Malkin and Freddie Rokem, Wisconsin University Press, Madison