
Current version: 1.0 (released July 2007)


Installation instructions - Linux

  1. Download the ZIP file above.
  2. Unzip it in a directory of your choice.
    For the purpose of these instructions, let's say it's at ~/QLib
    • In Linux, "~" signifies your home directory
    • If you do not work with a desktop that can unzip with a mouse click, you can do it in a terminal: unzip
    • I suggest you do not choose the Desktop as the final destination. If you do, remember the full path is ~/Desktop/QLib
  3. Every time you run matlab, issue the following command:
    addpath('~/QLib'); qlib;
    You will then see QLib's welcome message

Installation instructions - Windows

  1. Download the ZIP file above.
  2. Unzip it in a directory of your choice.
    For the purpose of these instructions, let's say it's at C:\QLib
    • I suggest you do not choose the Desktop as the final destination. If you do, remember the full path is C:\Documents and Settings\...\Desktop\QLib
    • A free winzip replacement is available here
  3. Every time you run matlab, issue the following command:
    addpath('C:\QLib'); qlib;
    You will then see QLib's welcome message