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Bad Breath (halitosis) Research

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2nd. Edition

Table 2.

Pearson Correlation Coefficients Comparing Each Student's Scores with the Class Mean a.

Judge no. N Correlation coefficient
(r= )
1 20 0.26 >0.05
2 20 0.29 >0.05
3 20 0.40 <0.05
4 20 0.40 <0.05
5 20 0.41 <0.05
6 20 0.42 <0.05
7 20 0.49 <0.025
8 19 0.50 <0.025
9 20 0.57 <0.01
10 20 0.60 <0.01
11 20 0.61 <0.0025
12 20 0.63 <0.0025
13 19 0.65 <0.0025
14 20 0.65 <0.0025
15 19 0.66 <0.0025
16 20 0.66 <0.0025
17 20 0.71 <0.0005
18 20 0.73 <0.0005
19 20 0.76 <0.0005
20 20 0.77 <0.0005
21 20 0.81 <0.0005
MR b 21 0.72 <0.0005

a Undergraduate dental students (N=21) were asked to smell each other's whole mouth malodor and to rate each score in a blind fashion, on a semi-integer scale of 0-5, with two minute pauses between measurements (Rosenberg et al., 1991b).
Pearson linear regression analysis was carried out comparing each student's set of valuations with the mean class scores.

b Scores (N=21) were concomitantly carried out by an experienced judge of oral malodor (MR).