Ruth Markus - Active Participation in Academic Meetings:


1993        Series of meetings “ Futurism as Interdisciplinary Art”, The Multi-disciplinary

Program in the Arts, Tel-Aviv University: The Futurist Stage.

1994        Motar Conference “Architecture in the Arts”, Tel-Aviv University, 16-17.1.94: Sculpture as Architecture: Giacometti’s ‘The Palace at 4 a.m.’ 1932-33.

1995        Motar Conference “Women in the Arts”, Tel-Aviv University, 11-12.3.96: The Praying Mantis and the Castrating Woman in Surrealist Art.

1997          Motar Conference “Word and Image, Tel-Aviv University, 11-13.3.97: From Word to Image – Theory and Practice of the Futuristic Manifestos.

1997       Conference “The Theatre and Alfred Jarry”, Tel-Aviv University, March, 1997: The Futurist Performance.

1998       Annual Conference of the Forum for Feminist and Gender Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 26-28.4.98: Sex and Gender in Giacometti’s Couples.

1999       International Conference “The Metamorphosis of Marginal Images”, Tel-Aviv University, 20-21.1.99: What Does the Mask Cover in Alberto Giacometti’s ‘The Invisible Object’ (1934-35).

1999   International Conference “Revolution and Institutionalzation in the Theatre” 27-28.6.99, The Goethe Institute and Tel-Aviv University: Futurist Performances: From Revolutionary Theory to Institutionalized Practice.

2000   Motar Conference “Vision and Reality”, 28-29.2.00, Tel Aviv University: Vision as Reality in Gauguin’s Paintings.   

2000       Annual Conference of the Forum for Feminist and Gender Studies, Tel-Aviv University, 14-15.3.00: Three Models on Trance-Gender in Modern Art.

2000    FIRT: Annual Conference “Theatre: Sound Space, Visual Space”, Lyon, 18-23.9.00: Light and Dynamism in Futurist Art and Scenography.