Tidbits - Amit's Fluffware repository

If you already know TLA, the important information is listed here:

Repository Name: aronovitch@gmail.com--2005-tidbits
HTTP URL       : http://www.tau.ac.il/~kineret/amit/arch/2005-tidbits
Head Version   : tidbits--og--0.1
otherwise, read on...

This page contains basic instructions for setting up "TLA" to use the fluffware repository. But first, some basic explanations.

TLA is a program for operating the "GNU arch" revision-control system [todo: explain what's that]. I chose the "arch" repository system, beacuse it's distributed and serverless (does not require you to install special software on your server - many people have access to a web hosting service but no say on what software is installed on that server).

Currently the version is in initial state - there's no release available to load as a zipped archive - just development files. And if you want to get an updated version of these, you need a program such as TLA (p.s. there are some GUI tools you can use instead - e.g. look for a prog named ArchWay).


By Amit Aronovitch, aronovitch@gmail.com