Discussion of the Question 11/04


The question was:

Consider a very dilute gas of thin rodlike molecules. The kinetic energy of such a gas is significantly larger than kinetic energy of an ideal gas of point-like objects, because each rotational degree of freedom has (on the average) kinetic energy (1/2)kT. Nevertheless, the pressure of the gas is the same as of point-like molecules. Show from dynamical considerations that the rotational degrees of freedom do not contribute to the pressure.

(1/06) Y. Kantor: Some aspects of the problem have been solved by Ioannis G. Florakis, from University of Athens, Greece (e-mail iflorakis@yahoo.gr). His solution can be found in the following PDF file. He uses conservation laws to demonstrate that only the translational degrees of freedom contribute to momentum transfer to the walls, and, thus, to the pressure. He also provides an interesting discussion of what the rotational degrees of freedom to the angular momentum of the surrounding box. The discussion is not specific to the rods.

However, the collision between a wall an a rod can be descibed in detail. Notice that a rod approaching the wall can collide with it several times before moving away. We would like to see a detailed analysis of such collisions.

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