Shlomo Izre'el

Shlomo Izre'el's photo

Born 1949 in Tel Aviv. Married to Ruth. Has three children: Limor, Oren and Akkad, and three grandchildren: Dar, Yahav and Tav.


Academic and professional experience: Areas of current research interest:

Israeli Hebrew; Linguistic variation; Corpus Linguistics; The language of the Akkadian mythological texts; Akkadian metrics; the background and origins of Hebrew.

Publications (click here)

Courses taught:

Mailing address:
Prof. Shlomo Izre'el
Webb Building #516
Tel Aviv University
POB 39040
IL-61390 Tel-Aviv
Tel: +972-3-640 5016
Fax: +972-3-640 7367

Home address:
Simtat Neve-Tsedek 7
IL-65154 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972-3-517 5341

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