Ph.D. Students
Adam Nathaniel
Ran Snitkovsky
Notes on Rational Queueing, 2020.
Ricky Roet-Green
Information in queueing systems with strategic customers, 2013.
Gail Gilboa-Freedman
Strategic behavior in a queue and a model for network evolution,
Danny Segev
Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems in combinatorial
optimization, 2007.
Nili Guttmann-Beck
Approximation algorithms for three optimization problems on graphs,
E. Or
An analytic approach to clustering models with outliers, and a
capacitated vertex cover problem, 2005.
Asaf Levin
Synthesis of flow networks, 2003.
Shlomi Rubinstein
Approximation algorithms for special cases of the maximum
quadratic assignment problem, 2000.
Tali Eilam Tzoreff Disjoint paths in graphs,
with additional constraints, 1996.
M.Sc. Students
Shmuel Itzhaki
Sequential subgame perfect equilibrium with waiting and lateness cost.
Yuval Brief
A Strategic double-ended queuing model for shared transportation, 2024.
Jonathan Milo
On two models of choice between an observable queue and an
unobservable queue with heterogeneous servers, 2023.
Nir Yarom
Parking Strategy in an infinite line.
Nimrod Dvir (jointly supervised with Uri Yechiali)
Strategic behaviour in a tandem queue with alternating
server, 2019.
Adam Nathaniel
A cyclic queueing game, 2017.
Roei Engel
Customer equilibrium in a single-Server system
with virtual and system queues, 2016.
Renata Poznanski
Integrality in the multi-network equal-flow problem, 2016.
Alexandra Koshman
Optimal control of a queue with high-low delay announcements: the
significance of the queue, 2015.
Anna Sarid
A survey on dichotomous search    
and related problems, 2013.
Ohad Schneider
A local search algorithm for binary maximum 2-path partitioning, 2012.
Barak Yair Reif
A sequential competitive resource allocation game, 2012.
Itamar Elem
Minimal Gc-cuts in graphs (jointly supervised with
Monnot), 2011.
Jenny Erlichman
Equilibrium solutions in the observable M/M/1 queue with overtaking, 2009.
Yana Kleiner
Equilibrium and optimal arrival patterns to a server with opening
and closing times, 2007.
G. Goraly
Multi-color pebble motion on graphs, 2007.
Sharon Mendel
Scheduling arrivals to queues: a model with no-shows, 2006.
Ori Einstein
The solutions to all your problems, 2003.
Mati Shani
Single and parallel machine scheduling with
earliness and tardiness penalties, 2002.
Ari Veltman
Equilibrium strategies of service providers in a queueing system:
the case of complementary pricing,2000.
Sigal Levy
Optimising chemotherapy scheduling using search heuristics, 1999.
Asaf Levin
Graphs which are k-connected and graphs decomposable into k
disjoint spanning trees, 1998.
Shimon Shahar
Increasing graph connectivity by edge reversal and contraction, 1997.
Nili Guttmann
Min-sum and min-max tree cover problems, 1995.
Shlomi Rubinstein
Approximations for the maximum acyclic subgraph problem,1994.
Limor Klein
Restricted solutions for delivery problems,1994.
Dana Morad
Lexicographic local search for the p-center
Michal Benelli
Chain cover of partitions, 1991.
Reuven Ben-Tsvi
Optimization of traffic signal control, 1990.
Reuven Hotovely
Asymptotic analysis of dichotomous search with search and travel costs, 1989.
David Nir
Heuristics for a flow-shop model with parallel machines and setup
times, 1989.
Yael Wittenberg
Bus routing with flexible arrival times, 1987.
Shoshana Anily
Computing the k-best solution for binary search trees, 1982.
Michal Stern
Generalizations of a bisection theorem of minimum
spanning trees, 1981.
Liliana Lang
Scheduling equal-length tasks on identical processors subject to
treelike precedence constraints, 1981.
Shula Israelit
An assignment problem of workers to parallel machines, 1980.
Postdoctoral researchers
Yair Shaki
Uri Yovel
Liron Ravner
Souvik Ghosh
Jiesen Wang