
What I have in mind are the efforts conducted by mathematicians such as Harry Schutz Vandiver, Emma and Derrick Lehmer, Samuel Wagstaff, and others, to prove FLT for ever larger values of n by means of computational methods. A general proof of FLT, such as Wiles’s, may seem to retrospectively render useless and devoid of interest all these proofs base on calculational approaches, and to make appear as misguided any attempt to continue developing ideas and techniques along these lines. The fact that so many accounts of the history of FLT written after Wiles completely ignore this highly interesting (and in its one way, very successful) approach is only one manifestation of such a feeling. This reflects an erroneous conception, of course.


Calculating the Limits of Poetic License:
Fictional Narrative and the History of Mathematics

Leo Corry - Tel Aviv University