מעודכן ליום שני 3 ביולי 2006

0627.3422  היבטים קוגניטיביים של השלילה
פרופ' רחל גיוראסמינר
Seminar on Negation How explicit negation affects the representation in memory of negated concepts has been considered in recent empirical research into the discourse and cognitive functions of negation markers ('not' and 'no'). The consensus among contemporary psycholinguists is that a negation marker is an instruction from a speaker to a hearer to suppress the negated information. Accordingly, a negation marker reduces the levels of activation of the negated concepts to the extent that eventually they are no more accessible than unrelated controls and significantly less accessible than equivalent positive concepts. Folk wisdom, however, would have it otherwise. The belief here is that what is negated prevails, as the following exchange, taken from the Santa Barbara Spoken American Corpus, exemplifies: 1) P : … it was very clear. You know. ... She kept saying, ... prefacing everything with, .. you know, this is not a personal attack. .. This is not a personal vendetta, B: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Right Right. P: Which tells you, that it is. B: Yeah. P: That's immediately what it said. And that's what everybody perceived it. B: Yeah. (Du Bois, 2000, italics added). In the course we will look into research investigating the various functions of negation and its effects on comprehension.

דרישות קדם: ממשק לשוני-חוץ לשוני + שיטות מחקר (קורס זה ניתן במסגרת הב.א. הכללי ואינו נכלל במנין השעות לתואר)
מועדי הבחינות:
סמסטר א', מועד א': 19.2.06 ב- 9:00. יישלח בדוא"ל רק כקורס סמסטריאלי
סמסטר א', מועד ב': אין מועד ב'
סמסטר ב', מועד א': 22.6.06 ב- 9:00. יישלח בדוא"ל.
סמסטר ב', מועד ב': אין מועד ב'